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The Impala entered the cemetery. Dean had his music blasting.

"We're gonna be alright." Dean parked the Impala and looked at Jessica. "It'll be alright."

Jessica slightly nodded her head. She was still scared.

Dean and Jessica opened their doors and got out.

"Excuse me boys." Dean shut his door. So did Jessica. "Are we interrupting something?"

Both Sam and Adam looked at the two.

"Melissa?" Sam breathed. But it wasn't him talking. It was Lucifer. "Is that really you?"

Jessica ignored him. Though, it was hard not to reply.

"We need to talk." Dean walked forward. Jessica stayed by her door.

"Dean." Sam sighed. "Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid."

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Sam."

"You're no longer the vessel Dean". Adam spoke flatly. "You got no right to be here."

"Adam, if you're in there somewhere I am so sorry."

"Adam isn't home right now."

"Well then you're next on my list buttercup." Dean looked at Sam. "But right now I need five minutes with him."

"You little maggot." Adam seethed. He began to walk towards Dean. "You are no longer apart of this story!"

"Hey, ass-butt!" Castiel shouted. He threw a flaming bottle towards Adam and watched as it shattered.

Adam yelled in agony as the flames ate him away.

"Ass-butt?" Dean gasped in shock. He wasn't expecting that to happen.

"He'll be back. And upset." Castiel said. "But you've got your five minutes."

"Castiel," Sam glared at the angel. "Did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?"

Castiel gave a nervous chuckle and stepped back. "Uh... no."

"No one dicks with Micheal but me." Sam snapped his fingers and watched as Castiel's body exploded.

"Sammy, can you here me?" Dean gulped down his fear.

Jessica had moved next to him.

"You know," Sam started. "I tried to be nice." He began to walk towards Dean. His eyes would constantly dart to Jessica and then back at Dean. "For Sammy's sake. But you, are such a pain," Sam grabbed Dean's jacket tightly in his fists. "In my ass." Sam then threw Dean against the hood of the Impala. The front windshield cracked.

"Dean!" Jessica stood in front of him. She was going to protect him at all cost.

Sam began to walk towards the two. He stopped once his shoulder got shot.

Sam turned around and looked at Bobby. He fired off another shot to the boys heart. It did nothing.

Sam brought up his hand and twisted it. Bobby's neck snapped and he fell to the ground.

"NO!" Dean yelled.

"Yes." Sam shoved Jessica out of the way and pulled Dean off of the car. Then, he connected his fist with the man's face.

Blood spilled out of Dean's mouth and onto his hand.

"Sammy." Dean stood up straight. "Are you in there?"

"Oh he's in here alright." Sam did a left hook and smiled as Dean spat out blood.

Dean groaned.

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