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Dean and Jessica were now chained up against a pillar. They both watched as Magnus walked over toward the blade and picked it up.

"Oh, you're a real sorry piece of work, you know that?" Dean growled. "Holed up in here, doing nothing. You bitch about the men of letters" He scoffed. "You're way worse."

Magnus now stood in front of Dean with an evil grin plastered on his face. "Should we fire it up? What do you say?"

"Go to hell."

"Oh, come on, Dean. This is the object of your quest. Tell me Henry Winchester's grandson isn't curious to see if it works."

Dean glared at the man.

"Give me your hand." Magnus ordered.

Dean didn't move.

"I said, give me your hand." Magnus forcefully grabbed Dean's hand and opened it. He then shoved the first blade into the man's hand and stepped back.

Dean groaned in pain as the mark began to work its magic.

Jessica watched as her husband's hand began to shake. Then, he dropped the weapon.

"Good." Magnus chuckled lightly as he bent down to pick up the blade. "Next time, it'll be easier. You'll get used to the feelings. Even welcome them. You'll come to understand Dean—nothing can stop us. Anything, anyone we want to own or destroy is ours."

"Well, how about this, Magnus? How about I take a knee? Then what are you gonna do? Huh? You gonna kill me? 'Cause without this thing on my arm, that blade's nothing but a hunk of bone with teeth."

"Hmm." Magnus looked over at Jessica and slowly made his way towards her. He looked down at her right sleeve and pulled out her angel blade. He then turned his attention to Dean with a sickening smile on his face.

"You know, I've never seen what happens when you take an angels grace." Magnus turned his head toward Jessica. "Shall we find out?"

"Magnus, don't you dare touch her!" Dean barked.

Magnus ignored him. He quickly slashed Jessica's throat open and the woman gasped.

Magnus grabbed ahold of a jar and placed it underneath the cut. He watched it as it filled with a red glowing substance.

Once all of her grace was in the glass jar, he closed the lid and chanted a spell to heal the woman's wound.

As Magnus walked over to Dean with the grace in his hand, Jessica slumped against the pillar.

Dean, now filled with rage, looked at Magnus with death in his eyes.

"Did you know," Magnus started. "Once you pull the grace from an angel, they become human?" He placed the glass jar down onto a table. "The spells I'd be able to do with it. It's fascinating!"

Jessica groaned. "You're insane."

Magnus kept the smile on his lips. "Now, I'm not asking for your cooperation, Dean. I'm just taking it."

Magnus placed his hand onto the Winchester's forehead and began to chant.

"Mentem tuam ac voluntatem adsumo."

Once the crazy man was done with his work, he pulled his hand away from Deans head.

"Interesting effect, huh? All thought, all will just... drained out of you. I do this enough, you'll be ready for whatever I have in mind."

Jessica rested her head against the pillar. For once in her life, she finally felt defeated.


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