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"I used what last power I had to heal Melissa." Castiel said. "She should wake up soon."

"Thank you." Dean said. He walked towards the bed that Jessica laid on.

Jessica's eyes shot open. She tried to sit up but found she couldn't. Her arms and legs were shackled to the bed.

"Dean-" Jessica looked at the man with anger in her eyes.

"It's just until you calm down." Dean replied.

Jessica sighed. She stared up at the ceiling and squinted. A small fan spun above her.

"Where exactly are we, Dean?" Jessica asked.

"We're at Bobby's." Dean sat down next to Jessica's bed.

Jessica huffed. "Let me out of these, Dean."

"Not yet." Dean sighed.

"Fine." Jessica's eyes glowed a pale blue. Then, she cried out in pain. Her eyes returned to their normal color.

"Take it easy, Jess." The sound of metal scraping against concrete could be heard.

"Dean?" Jessica looked at him and gasped when he turned around.

Dean's eyes were pitch black. A hellish grin was placed on his lips.

"Just relax." Deans hand brought down the blade and before it touched Jessica's skin, the girl woke up screaming.

"Jess!" Dean grabbed her shoulders. "Jess you're okay!"

"Get away from me!" Jessica shoved Dean away from her. "Stay back!"

"Jess, it's me." Dean smiled.

"I said stay back!" Her eyes glowed a pale blue.

"Melissa." Castiel appeared in front of Dean. "He's not a demon."

Jessica looked up at Castiel and then quickly looked at the ground. His eyes were glowing red and his skin was burned off.

"We're close to him." Jessica said. "Aren't we?"

"Yes." Castiel replied.

"This was a mistake." Jessica seethed. "I should be dead. Not here!"

"Listen to me!" Dean yelled. Jessica flinched. "Listen." Dean calmed himself down. "I kept you alive because I needed you."


"I can't function without you, Jess." Dean shook his head. "I can't. Hell," Dean chuckled. "You're my first 'long term relationship'."

Jessica's eyes began to water. "No." Her lips quivered in anger. "I'm nothing to you. Admit it. You never needed me."

"That's not true!" Dean growled. Castiel placed his hand on Dean's chest to keep him from walking forward.

"That's not Jessica speaking. It's Melissa."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Of course it makes sense, Dean." Melissa smiled. "I'm Lucifer's Queen. And there's nothing you can do to stop it." The girl gasped suddenly.

"You should've kept me at Bobby's." Jessica shivered in fear. "I shouldn't be here!"

"Look," Dean grabbed the girls chin. "We're going to go after Sam. If you get worse, we'll leave you somewhere safe. If not, we'll take you with and help you fight your urge."

"How is that supposed to make me feel any better?!" Jessica exclaimed.

Dean pulled Jessica towards him and kissed her. He placed his hand behind her neck and pulled her even closer.

Jessica sighed and ran her hands through his hair. she smiled against his lips.

"Ehem." Castiel cleared his throat. Dean and Jessica pulled away from each other.

"I'll go." Jessica looked into Dean's eyes. "I'm starting to feel a bit better anyways."

Dean chuckled.

"That's my girl."


"So," Jessica played with her buttons on her jacket. "Sammy really said yes to Lucifer?"

"Yeah." Dean sighed. "We just need to find him and get him to send Lucifer into the cage."

"But, Lucifer's controlling him."

"I know he can take ahold of the wheel." Dean got out his phone. "All we gotta do is shake him awake."

"Who ya calling?" Jessica asked.

"Chuck." Dean held the phone up to his ear.

"Huh." Jessica knitted her brows together.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Nothing." Jessica shook her head. "The name just sounds a bit familiar. That's all."

Dean nodded his head and began to talk to chuck.

"The battle's where?" Dean gawked. "That's right outside of Lawrence." He sighed. "Alright, thanks Chuck." Dean put his phone away.

"Guess were we're going?"

"Lawrence cemetery?" Jessica asked.

"How'd you know it was a cemetery?"

Jessica shrugged her shoulders.

"Lucky guess."

"Yeah, Lucky." Dean chuckled.


"You two going somewhere?" Bobby asked as him and Castiel walked down the alley way.

"We're going to save Sam." Dean said.


"He's my brother!" Deans voice cracked.

"But he's too far gone." Bobby replied.

"There will be a fight. And Micheal will kill your brother." Castiel stepped forward.

"Then he's not dying alone." Dean looked at the two and then got into his car. Jessica sat in the seat next to him.

"Ready?" Dean asked.

"Lets get Sammy back." Jessica nodded her head.

Dean faced forward and put his car into drive. The two headed down the road and onto the highway.

Now, it wasn't a "highway to Hell". It was more a highway to the end. The end of everything. Or, the end of nothing. They could win. But, you know how the Winchester's are. Something bad always happens.

And something was bound to happen. It would either be Sam/Lucifer burning the whole world. Or Jessica Wilson giving into her urges and killing the whole universe.

Hey, one of these were going to happen someday. It was all over in bibles and prophecy's. And you can't change fait.

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