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Sam and Jessica were shocked to see Ellen. Jessica practically tackled the woman with a hug.

"I missed you so much." Jessica let a few tears slide down her cheeks.

Ellen pulled Jessica away from her and smiled. "I missed you too." She took her thumb and wiped away Jessica's tears.

"Ellen." Bobby has poured some holy water into a shot glass. He slid the glass towards her. Ellen grabbed it.

"Bobby, is this really necessary?" Ellen asked.

"Just a belt of holy water. Shouldn't hurt."

Ellen lifted the glass to her lips and downed the water. "Whiskey now, if you don't mind."

"What happened?" Dean asked. "How'd you get out?"

"I wasn't supposed too. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." Ellen scoffed. "But we ran out of pretzels, of all things. It was just dumb luck." She took the shot glass from Bobby and downed the whiskey. "Anyway, that's when Ash called, panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky high, and everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone for more than fifteen minutes."

"Sorry, Ellen." Sam said.

"A lot of good people died in there." Ellen said. "And I got to live." Ellen scoffed again. "Lucky me."

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby asked.

"A hidden safe," Ellen said. "We keep in the basement."

"Demons get what was in it?" Bobby asked.

"No." Ellen replied. She pulled out a map from her jacket.

"Wyoming?" Dean asked. "What does that mean?"

Bobby had walked to the back part of the house and grabbed a book. He came back into the living room with it opened. "I don't believe it." Bobby said.

"What? You got something?" Sam asked.

"A lot more than that." Bobby placed the book down on the table in front of him. He pointed at the "X's" on the map. "Each of these is an abandoned frontier church. All mid 19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt."

"Samuel Colt?" Jessica stepped forward. "The demon killing, gun making Samuel Colt?"

"Yes." Bobby replied. "And there's more." He pulled out a sharpie and uncapped it. He began to draw lines form each of the "X's" until they connected with each other. "He built private railway lines connecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." Bobby stood up straight. The railways connected to make a star shape.

"Tell me that's not what I think it is." Dean asked.

"It's a devil's trap." Sam said. "A hundred square mile devil's trap."

"That's brilliant." Dean said. "Iron lines, demons can't cross."

"I've never heard of anything that massive." Ellen said.

"No one has." Bobby replied.

"And after all these years, none of the lines are broken? It still works?" Ellen asked.

"Definitely." Sam said. Jessica looked at him.

"How do you know?"

"All those omens Bobby found." Sam replied. "The demons, they must be circling and they can't get in."

Bobby scoffed. "Yeah well... they're trying."

"Why? What's inside?" Ellen asked.

"That's what I've been looking for." Dean said. "And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle."

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