"Okay, you're not real." Dean said as he began to slowly back up.
"Tell me." Marry asked.
Dean opened his mouth and struggled with his words.
"I gotta go." The three began to move quickly towards the door.
"How about I tell you about my nightmare Dean?" Marry had a smile on her lips now. "The night I burned."
Jessica watched as blood began to ooze its way down from the woman's stomach.
"Let's get out of here." Deans voice shook with fear.
"Don't you walk away from me!" Marry barked. The three froze in place.
"I never loved you." Marry said calmly. "You were my burden. I was shackled to you." There was a few seconds of silence. "Look where it got me." Marry blinked and her eyes became yellow.
"Dean." Jessica whispered as she grabbed the man's arm.
Suddenly the room glowed green. Brick walls appeared at every window and door. There was no way out.
Marry blinked again and her yellow eyes were gone.
"The worst was the smell." Marry walked towards Dean. "The pain well, what can you say about your skin bubbling off?"
Jessica gulped. She realized now that this woman had gone through the same thing that Rachel had. It was as if Jessica could hear her friends scream again. Echoing through her ears. Haunting her day and night.
"The smell was so," Marry chuckled. "You know for a second I thought I left a pot roast burning in the oven. But, it was my meat. And then finally, I was dead."
This couldn't be heaven. Jessica knew heaven to be all "sunshine and rainbows". This, this was anything but heaven.
"The one silver lining is that at least I was away from you." Marry was still looking at Dean.
"Everybody leaves you Dean. You noticed?" Marry tilted her head to the side. "Mommy, daddy, even Sam. Ever ask yourself why?"
Dean was quiet.
"Maybe it's not them. Maybe it's you." Marry giggled and smiled.
"Easy now kitten." Zachariah walked into the room.
"You did this." Sam growled.
"And I'm just getting started." Zachariah snapped his fingers.
Jessica began to cry out in pain as a loud, sharp noise pierced her ears. She covered her ears to try to stop the noise but nothing worked. Jessica then began to feel something wet and warm on the palms of her hands. Her ears were bleeding.
Dean shouted something and so did Sam. But Jessica didn't hear any of it. Everything was muffled except for the noise that seemed to get louder and louder by the second.
Sam jerked forward only to be dragged back by an angel. So was Dean.
Next thing Jessica saw was Zachariah kissing Marry's neck.
Zachariah stepped towards Dean. Words were said, then punches were thrown. At Dean.
Jessica stood up and fought through the pain. Well, she tried.
"Leave him. Alone you-you bastard." Jessica gasped as the noise got even louder. A cry escaped her lips.
Suddenly a man appeared behind Zachariah. The two talked. Then, Zachariah became spooked and left. His henchmen followed.
The room spun and suddenly changed into a beautiful garden.
"Jess." Dean grabbed the girl and helped her stand. "Jessica, you alright?"
"What?" Jessica shouted. She couldn't hear what Dean was saying.
"Here." The man snapped his fingers. Jessica's eyes grew and she smiled.
"Oh thank god." She sighed. "I can hear again."
A conversation had already started with the man. The two brothers knew who this man was. It was Joshua.
At first, he was sweet and kind. Now, his voice had gotten a bit rough and deep.
"He's finished." Joshua said. "Magic amulet or not. You won't find him."
"God?" Jessica said. "Why? He can stop all of this."
Joshua turned towards Jessica and smiled.
"Oh sweet Melissa, he could stop it. But he won't."
"Why not?" Dean asked.
"Why does he allow evil out in the first place?" Joshua replied. "You could drive yourselves nuts just by asking questions like that."
"So he's just gonna sit back and watch the whole world burn?"
"I know how important this was to you Dean." Joshua was looking at him now. "I'm sorry."
"Forget it." Dean shook his head. "Just another dead beat dad with a bunch of excuses right? Nah, I'm used to that. I'll muddle through."
"Except you don't know if you can this time." Joshua sighed. "You can't kill the devil. And you're losing faith. In yourself, your brother. And now this, god was your last hope. I just," Joshua paused. "I wish I could tell you something different."
"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Sam asked.
"You think that I would lie?" Joshua tilted his head at Sam.
"It's just, you're not exactly the first angel we've met."
"I'm rooting for you three." Joshua smiled again. "I wish I could do more to help you, I do. But, I just trim the hedges."
"So what now?" Dean asked.
"You go home again. I'm afraid this time won't be like the last. This time, God wants you to remember." Joshua held up his hand and the whole garden was covered in a bright white light.
Jessica shielded her eyes. Once it was gone, she removed her hand and froze. She hadn't left. Why hadn't she left?!
"Melissa." Joshua walked towards the girl. "I suggest you stay away from those boys until everything settles down."
"Why?" Jessica asked.
"If you get anywhere near Lucifer, he could use you and we'd all be in danger. The whole universe would be in danger."
"You just want me to leave them?" Jessica scoffed. "That's not going to happen."
"Melissa, if you don't stay away from them, and Lucifer finds you, there will be no more us. No earth, no sun, no nothing."
"Yeah, I got that the first time." Jessica crossed her arms over her chest.
"Melissa, there will also be no you." Joshua huffed.
"I'm not sure I follow."
"Once Lucifer changes you, you will no longer be in control of your body. You can't even fight for it back. Something pushes you out. Then, you are killed and pushed towards the Empty."
"The Empty." Jessica whispered.
"It's where angels and demons go if and when they are killed. They sleep for eternity. Never to be woken up again."
"That's where I'll end up?" Jessica asked.
"If you stay away from those Winchester's, you'll be fine."
Jessica sighed.
"You have a choice to make, Melissa." Joshua held up his hand. "Choose wisely."
The bright light appeared again. And this time, Jessica went back home.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanfictionJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...