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"Look," Dean said. "We're not leviathans. You know what Borax does to them?" Dean held a bottle of Borax. "Sam, Jess."

The two hunters held out their hands as Dean poured the cleaning solution onto them. Then he poured it onto his hand next. "See? Your turn."

Charlie held out her hand and let the solution slide across her skin.

"Good." Dean took the bottle back.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Charlie asked.


"So you're saying you guys are monster hunters?" Charlie had walked back into her living room after she had gone to the bathroom to gather all of this information she had received. "So, there are other monsters?"

Dean went to speak but Charlie cut him off.

"Stop. Never mind. Just Shh." The woman began to pace the room.

"Okay, I get how you tracked the drive. Straight GPS. But it's still at the office. So how did you find me?"

Sam pushed his computer forward and showed a video clip of Charlie hacking into Frank's drive.

"Aw! Son of a gun jacked my webcam?!"

"Welcome to Frank." Dean smiled.

"It's creepy, but I'll give it to him." Charlie then looked back at the hunters. "So you're telling me everything he had on his drive is true."

"That and more." Jessica said.

"Wait." Sam spoke up. "How long did it take you to crack into Frank's drive?"

"A day or so." Charlie replied.

"Is there anything you can't hack into?" Sam asked.

"Not yet."

"How about Dick Roman's email?"

"Why would I..." Charlie paused. "He's one of them."

"No, he's their leader." Jessica stated.

"So what's the end game—steak our resources, make us some slaves?"

Dean shook his head. "Planet-wide value meal. We're the meat."

Charlie scoffed. "You can't be... serious." She realized they were being serious. "Okay. Alright. Let's do this." Charlie walked to her kitchen table and sat down in front of her computer. "What am I looking for?"

"For starters, anything about archeological dig sites." Dean said.

Charlie looked up from her lap top. "Like Indiana Jones stuff?"

"All we know is that dick has been digging all over the world," Dean cleared his throat. "And we need to know what he's looking for."

"You know." Charlie typed away on her keyboard. "I was having a really good week. I met someone, downloaded a new Robyn Album. Everything was coming up me. Oh crap." The woman groaned.

"Look," Sam started. "We get it sucks."

"No. Not that. This." Charlie pointed at her screen. "Dick's email isn't on the company server. It's on a private one, in his office."

"Meaning?" Dean asked.

"You can't get it unless you have his phone or you're at his desk."

"So you're saying that if we're inside Dick's office, then we can hack into his email?"

Charlie smirked. "You can't. Only someone like...." Her smirk slowly fell off her lips. She raised her hands up a bit as her eyes widened in realization. "But I sure as hell ain't doing it. I am doing my job and... what are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live anyway?"

Jessica sighed sadly. "I think you know, Charlie."

Charlie blinked. "So I erase the drive first, protect me and you guys. Then I go back to my old life, right?"

"It's not that easy." Dean said. "You're on Dick's radar, which means you don't have an old life anymore."

"I'm gonna die." Charlie whispered. "I should've taken that job at Google."

"Look, Charlie," Sam started. "It's okay if you can't do it. I mean, you didn't volunteer for this."

"Totally." Charlie agreed with Sam. "Exactly. But now I volunteer."

Jessica tilted her head to the side.

"What?" Sam was shocked.

"I got to go back in anyways to wipe Frank's drive." Charlie stated. "Might as well break into Dicks office, too."

"Are you sure?" Jessica asked.

"No. But these things are gonna eat everyone I know. What kind of douche bag stands by for that?"

Dean smiled at the girl.

"However, I have never broken into anything in real life before, so... plan?"

"Got a Bluetooth?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." Charlie replied.

Everyone walked over towards the kitchen table and sat down.

"Security system—" Jessica smiled at her friend. "Can you get into that?"

Charlie nodded her head. "I can reroute any surveillance cameras we need."

"Alright, let's start with that."

"Do you have a key card to get into the building?" Sam asked.

"Uh, yeah." Charlie began to type away on her computer. "I can't duplicate it, but I can make a fake backing."

"Perfect." Sam nodded his head.

The group slowly got their plan put together. All they had to do was go over a few things with Charlie before she set off to do something she had never dreamed of doing.

Break into a leviathans office and hack into his emails. Nothing could go wrong right?

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