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Voodoo Doll- 5 Seconds of Summer

Change My Mind- One Direction


-Zayn's POV-

"What was that last night Malik?" "Yeah. Somebody got a crush?" Harry teased, making a heart with his fingers. "No! Me and Blue are just friends!" "Who's Blue?" "I call her Blue..." I mumbled sheepishly. "Why?" "Because she has pretty blue eyes..." "You like her!!" They laughed. "Just admit it Zayn! You think she's fit!" "That doesn't mean I like her!" "It kind of does." "No it doesn't!" I yelled. "Calm down!" "Yeah why are your nerves so high mate?" "That idiot tried to rape her!" "So? You took care of him right?" "Well, yeah but-" "But nothing! I don't get what the big deal is. He's gone and she's safe across the road from us." "But I-" "Go see her." "No." "Mate just go pay her a visit and say you wanted to make sure she was alright after last night." "Yeah, besides you yelled at her last night. Quite the hero. Kill her rapist then yell at her. Real classy." "SHUT UP HARRY!" "Yeah, she ran off crying." "Why didn't you tell me?" I growled, my fist clenching. "Didn't think it mattered." "You didn't think it mattered? She probably hates me!" "God go talk to her already." Niall mumbled, pushing me towards her campsite. Once I walked over, I noticed she was up, attempting to open a container of worms. "Going fishing?" She nodded, still trying to open it. "Here I'll get it." She looked up at me, hesitantly handing it to me. "I'm sorry for yelling at you last night...I was just freaked out..." She nodded. "Please say something. You hate me don't you?" "No I don't hate you...You told me to not talk to strangers." "Oh...yeah I told you that didn't I?...How about I don't count as I stranger then and we go fishing together? Is that okay?" "I uh...Yeah sure." I smiled. "I'll go get my pole and we can go down in Harry's golf cart." "Why does he have a golf cart here?" She asked laughing. "He's lazy." She giggled and nodded. "Alright then."

When I came back over, she was sitting at the picnic table, waiting. "Come on Kels!"

-Kelsey's POV-

As soon as he said "Kels" I started to miss Liam. "Will you not call me that? Please?" "Yeah. Sure. Do you not like it or?" "It's just, Liam's the only one that calls me that so..." "Sounds like you like Mr.Liam." I shook my head. "No no no. Strictly friends." "So does he like you?" He asked, climbing into the golf cart across the road. I got my things and hurried after him. "No! I told you, we're just friends." I argued, getting in behind him. "Mhmm...I know a Liam. He's a goofball but he's my best mate so...He's a real loveable guy but whoo...He's a bit mad. Come to think of it, he talks about a girl named Kelsey..." "Oh my god!!" I pulled out my phone and called him. "Hey Kels!" "Hey Li! Do you know a Zayn?" "Yeah! One of my best mates!" I looked at Zayn with a smile. "Oh my god it's him isn't it?!" I nodded and handed him the phone. "Hey man!...I'm at the campsite across from your girlfriend...Yeah whatever. I don't see why not though. She's fit!" I bit my lip. "Yeah yeah I won't hurt her. God I'm not an animal...Anyway, we're going to fish so bye!" He hung up and handed it to me. "What're the chances?" "I know right!...Oh and thanks for what you said to him..." "About you being fit? You are! No need to thank me!" I blushed bright red and looked down at my lap. "Well, you are too so we're even." He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, hugging me. "Wanna play 20 questions?" He asked, parking the cart and grabbing our supplies. "Sure." "Single or taken?" "Single. Same question to you." "Single. Do you want to be single?" He asked putting the worm on the hook and casting it out in water. "No. You?" "Same. Favorite color?" "Purple. Yours?" "Blue or red. Depending." I smirked and nodded. "Any pets?" "I have a puppy named Thor and Liam has one named Loki." He started laughing. "Nice." "Do you have any?" "Dog named Hatchi. He's a fluffy little thing." I smiled. "Best friend?" "Seriously? Liam. Who's yours?" "You." "You barely know me." "So? You're nicer than any of my other friends." "I'm surprised you even consider us friends." "Hey if we both call the other fit, we're friends." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm tired." "You just woke up." "No, I just got out of my tent. I couldn't sleep last night." "Why not?" "Scared..." I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear me. "Scared? Of the bears?" He asked, laughing. "No...That guy." "It's okay babe. I took care of him. He won't hurt you again." "First of all, don't call me babe. Secondly, there are probably more like him here." "It's alright. If anything happens, you can come over and spend the night okay? I don't understand why you're camping alone anyway. That's real dangerous Blue." "I wouldn't've been alone if Liam would've been able to come." "But you're alone now. You know, I could bring your tent over to where we're staying. Make you safe." I stared out at my bobber. "I don't know..." "Why not?" "It'd be weird..." "No it wouldn't! We've all warmed up to you!" "But I'd be the only girl..." "So? Harry's close enough to being one." I laughed again. "Maybe. Not tonight though...How long are you guys staying?" "Another week." "Seriously? I'm just staying for two more nights." "Oh...Oh you know how you 'owe' me?" "Oh no," I grumbled. "Yeah." He smirked. "Kiss me in front of the guys?" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see because of my sunglasses. "Why?" "They won't leave me alone about not having a girl." "Aren't they single?" "Yeah they're dicks. See why you're my best friend?" I laughed. "Alright sure. Whenever we get back." "Alright thanks Blue." "Not a problem...Wait what kind of kiss?" I asked nervously. "Er...Whatever you're comfortable with." "Okay." I said with a smile. He's so thoughtful! "I have an idea." "What?" "How about I flirt with you and shit too?" "Ooh, I like it. And you curse?" "Occasionally." "Really? Well it's hot. You should do it more." He said winking. I blushed. "It's too hot out here." He groaned, tugging his shirt over his head. I tried not looking but it was hard. I noticed all of the tattoos that covered his chest and side. As he sat back down, I pointed to a word written in Arabic. "What's it say?" "Oh it's my grandpa's name, Walter." I nodded. "I like it." "Really? Nobody's ever told me they like any of my tattoos...They're usually judging me...Thanks." "No problem. My ex had some. I like them." He smiled small. "What about this one?" I asked, tracing my finger over another tattoo written on Arabic. "It says 'Be True To Who You Are.'" I smiled. "I like that one too." He smiled. "Thanks Blue." "Welcome Dumbass." "I don't think we're going to get anything." He said with a frown. "Oh well. I've had fun." "Me too." He said with a smile. "I like the lip ring too by the way. More bad boyish." I said with a small smile. He blushed. "Thanks...Can I get your phone number? That way we can text while I'm bored with the boys?" I laughed and nodded. "Yeah sure. Give me your phone." He handed his to me as I handed him mine. I put my name as 'The Sexy Girl Across The Street.' I smirked and handed it back to him. Once I had my phone, I sent him a quick text. He looked confused but soon started laughing. "I love the name." "Well thank you Greek God." I said with a smirk, referring to the name he put in. "Let's to back to the campsites." "Zayn, we've only been here an hour." "Fine." "What's your favorite food?" "Chocolate chip cookies. Yours?" "Any form of chocolate." He smiled. "Then I guess we'll have to be cliché and make s'mores then won't we?" I nodded, biting my lip. He smirked. "I've got a feeling we're gonna be great friends Blue." "Me too Brown." I said winking.

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