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Protecting Me- Aly&Aj


I looked up from my cup of cocoa to see a man with a large knife down the road. It looked like the same man that tried to kidnap me. He turned and locked eyes with me, a smirk growing on his face. I quickly ran across the road, hoping one of the boys was up. Luckily, one of them sat close to the fire, beanie on and a blanket around them. Tears streamed down my face as I ran in front of them. It was Louis. "I-Is Zayn awake?" He's the only one that makes me feel better. Even if I am pissed off. "Kelsey what's wrong?" "I...I need Zayn." "He's asleep, but hold on okay?" "No, don't wake him up." "You're crying and asking for him, I think he'll want to know what's going on. He won't care." "Okay...Just hurry. Please." He nodded and stepped inside one of the tents. I heard some whispers but couldn't tell what they were saying. The tent door opened abruptly and Zayn pulled me into his chest. "Blue what's wrong?" "I saw him..." "Who?" "The guy that tried to take me...He had a knife and he saw me and..." "Kelsey, it wasn't him. It couldn't've been." He said, pulling away from me. "Why not?" I sniffled, looking up at him. "He's...dead." My hand went to my mouth. "You killed him?!" "He hurt you!" "That doesn't mean you have to kill him!" "He could've been the same gu-" He stopped mid-sentence, realizing he shouldn't've said something. "What?" "I can't tell you." "Zayn you can trust me." "I know I can but I've just never told anybody." He said sadly. "Zayn, it'll help..." He sighed and pulled me away from Louis. "My little sister was...abducted here...They never found her...I blamed myself and I guess I thought that if I came back, I could find who did it..." "Oh...I'm so sorry Zayn. I-I didn't know." "It's okay...Nobody knows. Not even the boys." I frowned and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. "Are you still scared babe?" I nodded into his chest. "It's okay. No asshole is going to hurt you with me here okay?" I nodded. "Thank you Zayn." "You wanna sit by the fire for a bit?" I nodded and walked with him to the large log beside the fire. I was freezing. "I'm sorry for yelling at you...And Harry." "I'm sorry for hitting you." "I deserved it. I'll explain if you let me." I gulped. "Go ahead." "I lied to Niall." "You lied to your best friend? Makes sense." I said sarcastically. "Blue...I just, I couldn't let him find out okay?" "Find out what?" "I uh...nothing." "Tell me or I won't forgive you." I warned. He didn't say anything. "First, why didn't you get mad when I slapped you? Liam said you beat the last person that slapped you to death." "I..." He mumbled something incoherently. "What?" "I...You're my best friend. I couldn't hurt you. Besides, you're a girl." I nodded. "Why'd you lie to Niall?" "They all thought I liked you so I did that so they know I don't." I nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"It broke you didn't it?" "What?" "Losing your sister..." "Oh, er yeah." "That's why you're the way you are today. Cold and violent." He didn't say anything put instead pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "You forgive me?" "Yeah I guess." He smiled. "Thanks Blue." "Welcome Dumbass." We sat in silence for a while.

"I don't wanna go back over there..." "Then stay over here with us." "There's no room." "Then I'll go over there." "Zayn it's fine you don't have to if you don't want to." "If it'll make you feel safe I will. Will it?" "Yeah...If I'm with you I feel safe." "Then come on." I pouted. "Not yet." He smirked. "Alright. So what do you want to do Blue?" I shrugged. "Just sit here." "Alright." He smiled small. A loud noise sounded to our right. Instinctively, his arm wrapped around my waist. "Stay here." He mumbled, standing up. He walked towards the sound and I heard him start laughing. I wrapped a blanket around me and walked over to where he stood, confused. "What is it?" "I told you to stay there." He growled. "You never listen to me." "Yes I do! God I heard you laugh so I came to see what you were laughing at. Sorry." He was silent for a minute. "Rabbit." "What?" "It was a rabbit." He said turning around, a bunny in his arms. "Awh! It's so cute!" "It's not domesticated though." I pouted. "Well damn." He smiled, laughing some. "You can go ahead and pet him. I've got him secured so he can't hurt you." "How would he hurt me anyway?" I asked laughing. "Scratches. Bites. He might have rabies." "I doubt that." I said, petting the rabbit's ears. He smirked, staring at me. "What?" "Nothing..." "Well it's something." "Something that doesn't matter." He snapped. I nodded and walked away. "Shit...Sorry Kelsey. I didn't mean to snap. I just...I thought you looked beautiful okay? I didn't want to tell you." My heart softened. "Why didn't you want to tell me?" "I...I didn't want you to get the wrong idea." I nodded, some-what disappointed. "Oh...well thanks." He nodded. "Wanna go ahead and go to sleep?" "Yeah, yeah. Let's go."

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling of the tent. "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just can't sleep." "Alright." His fingers laced in mine and he tugged on my hand. I looked over at him. "You can always talk to me." He said with a reassuring smile. "I know. Like you can always talk to me." He smiled small. "What the hell..." "What?" "Your arm." I looked down and there was blood dripping down my arm. "Shit come on." He led me down the short road to the bathhouse. "Let's go into the guys bathroom." "Zayn-" "Just follow me and keep your eyes shut." "I'm not five." "I don't want you to see them. Besides they'd ogle over you and you don't need to see that." I sighed and shut my eyes as he led me inside. I heard whistles and scoffed, scooting closer to Zayn. He began cleaning up my cut carefully. "How'd it happen?" "I don't know...I wouldn't have known if you hadn't pointed it out." "Well, it's a sharp, deep cut. So I'm guessing a knife." "How?" "Did that man ever get close to you?" "I...I don't think so. I mean, I ran straight to your site." "Well, he might've ran after you and got you...Thank you for coming over though. You need to remember that okay?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you for caring. You and Liam are the only ones who ever have." He stiffened but soon hugged back. "What about your parents babe?" "Orphan. Have been for as long as I can remember." Kind of a lie. Not entirely true, not a complete lie either. "Oh...I'm sorry." He mumbled into my hair, hugging me back. "It's okay...Let's go." As soon as we were out of the bathroom, I started running to my campsite. "Come on!!" I yelled back at him. He started laughing and caught up to me. "We need to wrap that up." "Okay dad." He glared at me. "I'm trying to help you." He growled, annoyed. "I was just kidding Z." He smiled a little and grabbed the first aid kit beside the tent. He got a bandage out and wrapped it around my arm tightly. "Is it too tight?" "No. It's fine." He nodded and opened his mouth to say something but closed it back. "Zayn?!" Niall's voice boomed. "What?!" "Where were you? We were freaking out." "She didn't want to be alone tonight so I'm sleeping over here." "We checked over here but you weren't here." "We went down to the bathroom. She had a cut on her arm." "From what?" "A knife." "Did you do it?!" "No!! Of course not!" "You better not have or I'll tell Liam." "Don't you tell him anything happened to her or I'll kill you all." He threatened angrily. "Zayn..." I mumbled quietly. He turned to look at me. "Even if they do I'll tell him what happened okay?" He just glared at the boys. "Let's go." He pulled me toward the tent. I waved at Harry who gave a weak smile.

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