-Last Chance-

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I Need a Doctor- Dr.Dre feat. Eminem


Zayn wouldn't tell me in Australia. He told me he didn't want us to be mad on the plane so, here we are. The boys sitting around his empty living room, all talking amongst themselves. "Can we talk now?" "Yeah. Let's go in the kitchen." I nod and go in the room, hopping on the counter.

"Well, just know I love you okay?-" "Are you breaking up with me??" He didn't say anything, just scratched the back of his neck. "Oh my god..." "Baby, please calm down. Don't get mad." "Don't get mad?! We're breaking up!!" The boys walked into the room. "Hey! Don't you fucking break up with him. You're the best thing to happen to him in forever!" There were tears falling as I turned to face them. They all looked taken aback that I was crying. "He's breaking up with me!" "Oh..." "Why are you breaking up with her?!" "She's the best thing to ever happen to you! Said so yourself!" "She made you better!" "I felt guilty..." He mumbled. Shit. "About what?" "I can't...I can't say." "Zayn Malik you better fucking tell me right now or you'll never see me again." "I...I was drunk and-" "You cheated on me!!" I broke down crying, walking away. "Kelsey! Get back here babe!" "No Zayn! I'm tired of your shit! Leave me alone! That was your last chance!!" "Babe I-" "I said fuck off Zayn!!" "Fine. I will!" "Good!! I never loved you anyway!! I just felt bad for you!!" I yelled in his face. As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it. His eyes were wet and he was shaking. I ran out the door before I knew what I was doing and jumped in my car. I sped off down the road, my eyes blurry with tears. It didn't help that it was raining. As I pressed the pedal harder, exceeding 50 mph, I ran off the road, completely intentional. All of my bones ached and I couldn't move. I tried to reach for my phone but I couldn't. "Zayn...Liam..."

-Zayn's POV-

"Mate she just said that to make you mad. You should see how her eyes light up when she talks about you. She does love you." "She said it was because she felt sorry for me." "Then how come when she's around us, she always talks about you two or you or your relationship?" I shrugged. "She loves you. You just made her upset so she did it back." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "She loves you man. I'm her best friend. I would know if something was up." "Should I go talk to her?" "I doubt she'd want to..She's probably still pissed. Give her a little time." "How long?" "A day. Or two." "A day or two?!" "Sorry man." "I can do that. She needs to know what happened! I didn't want it to happen! She forced herself on me!" He rolled his eyes. "Do whatcha want. I'm going to play Fifa." I sighed and grabbed my car keys, driving to her's and Liam's house. I still don't like them living together but I trust her. As I pulled in, her car was gone. I called Liam.

"Hey mate."

"She's not here."

"Not at the house?"


"Call her."

"You and I both know she won't answer me. You call her."

"Fine. I'll hang up and call you back."

I hung up without another word. Where the hell is she?!

I sat nervously, running my hands up and down my thighs. My phone rang.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know...She's not answering."

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"I don't know Zayn!! I haven't heard from her and she never goes anywhere else!"

"What if she's hurt?"

"I'm sure she's fine. You worry too much."

"I love her!"

He sighed. "I don't know Zayn. If we don't hear back from her soon we'll go to the police okay?"

"Okay fine."


"Did you find her?" "No." I mumbled defeatedly, flopping on the couch. "She'll turn up." "She already turned up on the news." Niall said quietly. "What'd you say?" "Niall!" "Sorry." "What'd you say Horan?!" "She...She's in the hospital Zayn." "Why didn't you fucking tell me?!" "She's not even awake Zayn. Besides, they're only letting family and since I'm living with her..."

"Oh...Why aren't you there now?" "They made me go home." "She'll be okay." I ignored him. "What's wrong with her?" "I don't know. They called me as soon as she was admitted but it was after visiting hours so...All they said was she was unconscious." "Shit...FUCK!! This can't be happening!!" "Zayn calm down. She'll be okay." "She's my girlfriend and I can freak out if I want to!!" "Well, she's not your girlfriend anymore..." Louis mumbled. "Shut up!!" It fell silent.

"It's my fault. If I wouldn't've cheated on her..." "I would say don't blame yourself but, yeah this is your fault." "Hey mate what did she say to your proposal?" "No. Not yet." I mumble, looking at the ground. "Proposal?!" Liam growled, grabbing me by the collar. "She's like my sister! You know that! Why didn't you tell me?" "I knew if I asked for permission you'd say no!" "Damn right I wouldn't! You've been dating for only a few months!" "So? That doesn't mean I don't love her and don't want to spend the rest of my life with her!" We were both quiet and he let go of my collar. He shoved me away from him and runs his hand through his hair. "I'm going to the hospital." "Zayn she's not even awake." "I don't give a fuck Liam!! What if she wakes up in the middle of the night? Huh? What then? She'll he bored out of her mind and wondering where her friends are. Even if she does hate me at least I'll be there for her." I spat, walking toward the door. I heard the boys shuffle around and knew they were following me.

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