-Ex Boyfriend-

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I groaned, shifting around on the bed. "Baby...What's wrong?" "Nothing..." I answered quietly, laying back into him. I looked around the room. "You sure you're okay?" "Yeah...I just feel weird." "Sick?" "No...I dunno." I turned around and put my face in his neck. "Zayn?" "Hmm?" "I lied..." "About what?" He said, more sternly now. "I have loved somebody before." "Who?" "My ex...He uh...We were just like you and me. I loved him. He loved me..." "What happened?" "He left me for my cousin..." "Oh I'm sorry..." "My cousin was a bitch." He bit his lip and I knew he was trying not to laugh. "Zayn! It's not funny!" "I'm sorry baby...By the way are you okay with me calling you that?" "Yeah...I'm getting better with it." "Oh okay...Is he the reason you were feeling weird?" "No I just felt weird lying to you." "Oh...I love you Blue." I just smiled. "I feel so bad about not saying it back." "It's okay baby...Who said I love you first? In your last relationship?" "I did. And after I told him he said he loved me too..." "Oh." He turned on his side, facing away from me. "Zayn? What's wrong?" "Nothing." He snapped. "Baby...Talk to me. What is it?" "What was his name?" "Who's name?" "Your ex. What was his name?" I gulped and took a breath.


He stood up and walked to the door. "Zayn...Babe please. Come back." He stopped walking but didn't face me. "Danielle is your cousin isn't she?" "Yes." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I knew you would think it was weird or you'd get mad." "Yeah. I'm very mad. You're living with your ex!!" "He's my best friend, Z." "But you two loved each other and you still live together." "Baby, we don't have any feelings for each other." "That's doesn't matter Kelsey! You see him everyday and you both loved each other and I...I'm hopelessly in love with you and I'm not going to be able to compete with him if you loved him. Enough to tell him first." "You don't have to worry about that. I swear. Go ask him." He turned around to face me. Tears were falling from his eyes. I've never seen him so...vulnerable. "Babe...Come here." I said sadly, opening my arms to him. He shuffled over, wrapping his arms around me and crying. "I don't have any feelings for him anymore okay? I only have feelings for you." "I'm just so worried you'll leave me for him...And after the kiss the other day..." "Zayn...Nothing's going to happen." "Why'd you stay with him? Even though he left you?" "We were still best friends. Besides, I didn't have many choices." He nodded. "C'mon let's go see him okay?" I slipped my hand into his and pulled him next door to Liam's room. I knocked on the door. It opened a few seconds later to show Liam shirtless, sweatpants on and his hand running over the top of his head. "Hey-Zayn? What's up mate?" "Do you have feelings for her?" "No. We're just friends." "What about when you were dating?" Liam's eyes went wide. "You told him?" "I felt bad." "Do you love her anymore?" Zayn asked sternly. "No. I swear. I used to, yeah, but no. Now we're just friends." "Babe, go to Harry's. Tell him that I made you." "Zayn what're you talking abou-" "Just do it baby. Please." "Okay..." I leaned up and kissed him quickly before rushing down the stairs.

-Zayn's POV-

"Why'd you make her leave?" "Do you love her?" I growled, stepping closer to him. "No! I told you!" "Liar!!!" I yelled, punching the wall. "I swear! Yes, I did love her. I loved her more than anything, but we're not like that! Yes I still love her, but not like that! She's like my sister!" "Then why'd you kiss her the other day?" "It just happened Zayn." "Sure it did." I snarled, stepping closer to him. "You're such a bad liar." I growl, my fist landing on the side of his face. His fist connected to my stomach. "If I did love her, why would you care?! She wouldn't come back to me anyway!" "Don't be sure! I told her I loved her and she didn't say it back." "So? She probably wasn't ready you dumbass!" I swung another punch at his jaw, sure to leave a purple bruise. I kept punching like he was a punching bag. She's going to leave me for him. He deserves this.

My fist was stopped and he twisted my arm around, shoving me to the ground and kicking me in the face. "You're such an asshole. No wonder she doesn't love you!"

I heard a gasp and looked up to see Kelsey standing in the doorway. "You're supposed to be at Harry's." "I was until I told him what happened. He knew you two would fight...Liam, how dare you?!" She didn't see all of the fight apparently. "When did you come in?" "When you shoved him to the ground. That was a real dick move, saying that to him...Come on Zayn. I'll go clean you up." "I'm fine." I snapped. She doesn't love me. She doesn't need to act like she cares. "Please Z. Come on." She grabbed my hand and helped me up and guided me to the bathroom. "You're not an asshole." "Yes I am." I mumble back, hopping up on the bathroom sink.

She brought a wet washcloth up to my cheek, wiping away some blood. As she pulled it away, our eyes locked for a second before she grabbed an icy/hot. "You're my asshole hole though. And no I may not love you yet but that doesn't mean I won't in the future." I shrugged. She stood on her tiptoes and connected our lips for a brief second before tending to my cuts again. "I made the first move." "What?" "I hit him first." "Why?" She asked, no emotion really. I couldn't tell of she was mad at me or not. "He lied to me." "What about?" "Loving you." "He doesn't love me." "Yes he does! I can tell!" "No Zayn. We're just friends baby. He doesn't love me okay?" I nodded slightly but got off the counter. "Zayn?" "What?" She turned me toward her and put her lips on mine. "You thought I'd get mad didn't you?" I nodded. She shook her head and kissed me again. "He deserved it for what he just said and did to you." I just smiled and mumbled, 'I love you.'

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