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Believer- American Authors

Save You Tonight- One Direction


"Aren't you leaving tomorrow?" "Yeah. I am. Why?" "I just...I didn't want you to leave yet." I smiled small. "I can stay longer. I just originally planned on leaving tomorrow." "Really?" I nodded. "I'm off until Monday." He smiled. "Stay with us?" I nodded and shrugged. "Thank you!!" He exclaimed, picking me up. "Wow. Zayn Malik thanking someone? Shock." Harry said, walking up from his trip to the bathroom. "She's staying with us until we leave." Harry smiled wide too, dimples poking out. "Really?!" I nodded. He hugged me as well. Zayn pulled me away and wrapped an arm around me so my back was against his chest. "Possessive?" "I'm not possessive. I just...need to talk to her." He mumbled, pulling me away. "Whatcha need to talk about?" "Why'd you forgive me?" "I don't hold grudges." I said, shrugging. "Besides, you're a...good person when you want to be." "So in other words I'm an asshole 99% of the time and you thought it'd make me less of one." "Well...yeah. Pretty much." He nodded. "Well...At least you tried. The boys haven't tried to help, they just dealt with me." "They're your best friends. They care ya know." "Don't seem to." "They do though. I haven't got to talk to the other boys personally but Liam cares about everybody he meets. You guys are best friends, so I know he cares. Remember last night?" He nodded slightly. "They were freaked out because they didn't know where you were." He scratched the back of his neck. "I guess so." "Even if you are a Dumbass, your friends care about you Zayn." He smiled small and pulled me against him. I smirked and hugged him back. He's loosening up a little bit. "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Wanna go down to the lake?" "Sure Dumbass. I just have to go change." "I'll come too." He said winking. "Hell no. Go change." "Fine." He huffed before walking away. Did he actually think I'd let him watch me undress?! I shook away the thought and stepped into my tent and found my bikini before slipping it on.

"Boys you wanna go to the lake with me?" "You wearin' a bikini?!" "Yes Nialler." "Then hell yeah I'm coming." I laughed, blushing and watched the four boys scramble about, trying to find their trunks and changing as they did. Zayn was the first to finish. He had a mischievous smile on his face, causing me to step away from him. "What's wrong?" "N-Nothing." "Hmm." He hummed, stepping closer to me and snaking an arm around my waist. Louis came out next. He looked at us, confused. I gave him a look as if to say, 'I didn't want this to happen.' "Kelsey, can you come here for a second and help me find my sunglasses?" "Yeah sure Lou." I said, relieved. Zayn's grip tightened on me but I still followed Lou to his tent. "Thank you." "You're welcome...Are you scared of him?" "Sometimes...Why?" "I am." I nodded hesitantly. "Come on guys! We're waiting!" Harry called, making me know there was a wide smile on his face.

As the boys jumped into the cool lake, I began to take off my shorts and t-shirt. I felt eyes on me. Ten eyes to be exact. All of the boys (who made it extremely obvious), and a young guy that stood about 30 feet away. I was kinda nervous. That guy gave me the creeps. Then again, I have trust issues. "Hey, get your eyes off my friend!" Niall snapped, getting out of the water. The guy walked closer, smirking. "It's not my fault your friend has a nice ass." "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that." It was Zayn and he was right behind me, practically growling at the man. "What're you gonna do? Hit me?"

Oh god he shouldn't've said that. Zayn was on top of him in seconds. The boys tried to pull him off but it was no use. He wouldn't budge. "Zayn! Please stop!!" "Don't you ever look at her, or say anything like that again or I'll kill your ass next time." He threatened, pulling the man off the ground and pushing him into the lake. He turned to look at me. "You okay?" I nodded shakily. The boys all jumped back into the lake, losing interest. "You coming?" I nodded and followed him to the edge. "Jump in with me on the count of 3. 1...2...," He linked our hands. "3!!" We ran and jumped in, our hands still locked. It made me uneasy but everything about him did. As I came out of the water, he stood close, smiling at me. He brushed some hair out of my face, then swam towards the boys. I went up behind Harry and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Hey Blu-" "I'm the only one that can call her that." He rolled his eyes. "Hey Kelsey." "Hey Hazza." I pressed a kiss to his cheek, resting my head on his shoulder. An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into them. Kisses were left down my cheek, to my jaw and then to my collarbone. "Stop!" I whined, kicking. "You stop." He mumbled into my skin. "No you stop!" "You have to stop first." "Make me." "Alright. You might moan a little." "Zayn!!" He smiled and immediately attached his lips to mine. I pulled away with a gasp. "Stop kissing me!" "You didn't make me." "Oh my god. Hazza??" I whined. He just smirked. "Lou bear?" He shook his head. "Nialler?" He just sat there with a smile. "What about me?" I turned around in shock. It couldn't be...There he was. "Liam!!" I exclaimed, getting out of Zayn's grasp and almost tackling Liam where he stood on the bank. "I missed you!" "I missed you too." "Why'd you come here? I'm glad you did but why?" "Was worried. You didn't tell me you were staying longer. I was afraid babe." "Sorry." I mumbled into his shoulder. "It's okay. Let's go swimming yeah? I stole a pair of trunks from Niall." I smiled and nodded, pulling him toward the lake where the others were. "So you and Zayn?" He whispered in my ear. "No! No not at all. He annoys me to no end. When you showed up I tried to get the guys to make him stop kissing me." "He's marking his territory for sure. Typical." "What do you-" "Liam!!" The boys exclaimed, hugging him. "Are those mine?" Niall mumbled into the group hug. "Yes." Zayn pulled me to the side. "What now?" "Do you hate me?" "No...Why?" "You act like it." "Just because I don't want you kissing me doesn't mean I hate you." "You don't care if Harry kisses you." "That's different." "How? Because you like him?" He growled, getting closer. "No I just mean-" "Mean what? You want to fuck him?" "Li!!" Liam rushed over. "Zayn, stop." He said sternly, pulling him away from me. "I just want to know what Harry has that I don't." "It's not that he's better than you! For one, he isn't forcing me to kiss him like some people. Secondly, he's nice! He's not an asshole and is a pretty good friend! And just so you know, I don't feel anything when me and Harry kiss." He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst. "C'mere Kelsey." Liam mumbled, guiding me away from him. "I like him ya know...He's just a douche." "Yeah I know..." "Guys let's play Never Have I Ever!!" "I'll start!!" Liam exclaimed. Niall handed each of us a beer. "Never have I ever...done drugs." I took a swig of my beer and looked at who else did. Everybody. Except Liam of course. "Really Kels? I didn't know." Li said curiously. "Yeah...Before you came along. When the...stuff happened." I mumbled. He nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist. He's the only one that knows anything about my past.

"Never have I ever had sex." I said with a smile. I just knew all of them had to drink. All but Zayn. "Shocker." He just shrugged. "Never have I ever killed someone." Nobody took one but Zayn. I glanced at him, uneasy again. "Never have I ever fallen in love." Liam and Zayn take a swig. "Really Malik?" "Who?" "This isn't truth or dare. Go on." Louis rolled his eyes. "Never have I ever, crushed on a guy." "Well shit." I mumbled, taking another gulp. "Never have I ever been to a frat house party." Me and Niall both took a drink. God I'm getting dizzy. I forgot I get drunk easily. "Ni pass me another. I'm out." I mumbled. He threw me one and I opened it quickly. "Never have I ever...been homeless." I gulped and watched as they all took a drink. An arm tightened around me and a kiss was placed on my head. I thought it was Liam but when I looked up, I was met with piercings and a chest full of tattoos. He gave a sad smiled. "Time out for a sec." I looked over at Liam. "Who's watching Loki and Thor." He started laughing, something he did a lot when drunk. "Danielle babe." "Who's Thor and Loki?" "Our dogs." "You two live together?!" "Yeah..." "How come we never knew?" "Never asked." He shrugged. They all stared at us, still in disbelief. "I want answers." Zayn growled beside me. I swallowed hard. "Yeah why do you live together?" "I..." I couldn't find my voice. Liam pulled me into his chest. "You okay?" I nodded. "It doesn't matter guys." "If they want to know, you can tell them. I don't want to though." He sighed and began. He told them everything. He told them that my parents were murdered and I was raped when I was sixteen. How he took me under his wing even though he was only eighteen. How he's the only person to ever know.

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