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Maps- Maroon 5

My Fault- Imagine Dragons


"Has he answered you yet?" Liam asked, pouring us both some coffee. "No. I hope he does soon though." "Yeah I do too." I slid my mug into the dish washer and threw my coat on. "Bye Liam." "Bye Kels! Love you!" "Love you too." I grabbed my purse off the counter and left for the daycare.

"Hey Marcy!" "Hey Kelsey. We only have three today." "Alright. Who are they?" I asked, hanging my coat up on the rack. "Abby, Lily and a new girl." "Thank goodness it's all girls." I sighed. "Yeah I know. The new girl is quiet. You might wanna work on that." I nodded with a smile and walked into the room with the toys scattered across the room. Alone at a table sat a little girl with short black hair. She looked to be coloring. "Hi Miss Kelsey!" "Hi girls! I missed you!" "We missed you too!" They exclaimed, running up to hug me. As I pulled away, I watched the new girl. She looked familiar. I walked over and sat across from her. "Hi sweetie, what's your name?" She looked up and gave a weak smile and mumbled 'Waliyha.' No. Surely not. It can't be. "Is your brother Zayn?" She nodded with a smile. "You know him?" "Yeah...Pretty well." She looked down and started coloring again. "He was sad when he came home last week. He still is. He didn't play with me like he usually does." I felt like crying. I did that. I caused that. "He stayed in his room all week." She shrugged. "Is he picking you up today?" She nodded. "Yeah. He usually does." I nodded. "I'll go her you a snack, alright? Do you like apples?" "Can you cut it up, please?" She asked shyly. "Of course sweetheart."

As I finished up her snack, Marcy walked over. "She talking?" "Yeah...Turns out she's my boyfriend's little sister...Well, ex-boyfriend." "Oh. Wow." "Yeah...She looks just like him too." "Is he picking her up?" "Yeah." "Is he hot?" "Yeah...Very." She winked. "Hey don't get any ideas. We're just having a rough patch." "Alright fine." I went back into the room and handed the apples to Waliyha. "Do you like my bubba?" "Yes, he's a good friend of mine sweetie." "Oh. He likes you." I smiled a little. "Do you know why he was sad?" "Yes." "Why then?" "Me." "Why?" "Long story babe. How about we go play?" "Can we just color together?" I nodded . "How old are you Waliyha?" "Four. How old are you?" "Twenty." The bell dinged indicating somebody had entered the building. "Can you get that?" "Yeah sure!" I looked down at the little Malik. "I'll be right back Waliyha." "Okay Miss Kelsey." I smiled a little and walked into the waiting area. I looked up to meet gazes with a set of beautiful brown eyes.

I froze.

"Kelsey? Is it really you or am I imagining it again?" Again? "Yeah...It's me Zayn...I've missed you." "Yeah...Er do you know where my sister is?" Ouch. "Yeah we've been coloring." He nodded and followed me to the back room. "Waliyha? Your brother is here." She smiled and hopped up. She ran straight to me, engulfing me in a hug. "I had fun Kelsey! Thank you." "I did too sweetie." She looked up at Zayn. "She said you two are friends." "Is that all she said about me babe?" She nodded. He looked up at me for a second, glaring at me. "Then I guess we're just friends." "How do you expect me to explain what happened between us, or what we are to a four year old?" I hissed, signing Waliyha out for him. "Sign here." I pointed and he did quickly, then stood there awkwardly. "Do you believe what I said that day?" I asked quietly. "Somewhat." "What don't you believe?" "That it didn't mean anything." "It didn't Zayn. We're just friends! He's like my brother." "Does he feel the same way?" "Yes!" "Has he ever said you were like a sister to him?" "No but-" "He could still have feelings for you." "Well I didn't mean anything by the kiss so why can't you forgive me?!" I exclaimed, getting louder and getting in his face.

"Who said I didn't?" He said, his nose brushing mine. "Let's go Waliyha." He lifted her in her arms and walked out the door without another word.

What. The. Hell.

"Kelsey? What happened?" Marcy asked as I entered the room. "That was my boyfriend...I think. Ex boyfriend maybe...I don't know. It's complicated. I asked him why he didn't forgive me and he said 'who said I didn't.' I'm so lost." "Do you love him?" "No, no, no. I've just known him for a few weeks. We've been dating for three." She nodded. "Boys are weird." "Tell me about it. What time is it?" She glanced at her watch. "Time for your lunch break." "Alright. I'll as you at one." She smiled. "Bye Kelsey!" "Bye Marcy!"


I walked into the house to see Liam on the sofa, eating a sandwich. "Li, you'll never believe who one of the kids were today." "Who?" He asked, looking up at me with a smile. "Guess!" "Er...Your long lost cousin Alberta." I gave him a look. "I don't know babe. Tell me." I sighed and sat in his lap, cuddling close to him for warmth. "Waliyha." "Who?" He scrunched his nose in confusion. "Zayn's little sister." "Zayn doesn't have any sisters." "Yeah he does. Thre-two. Waliyha and Donyia. Donyia is older." "How come he never told me?" "Rough subject." "O-kay. So did he show up?" "Yeah...He picked her up a few minutes ago." "Oh, wow. How'd that go?" "Good actually. We argued a little. He pretty much said he forgave/believed some things like it being spontaneous and stuff but he doesn't believe it didn't mean anything." "What?" "Yeah...I told him it didn't and you were like my brother but he thinks you might've meant something by it, which you obviously didn't. So I asked him why he couldn't forgive me if he knew I didn't mean anything by it and he said he never said that...So yeah." "Wow. Well er...wow." "Yeah...I don't know what to do. Waliyha's coming back tomorrow and she said he always picks her up. What am I gonna do Li?" "Just face him. It's not like he'd hurt you." "I know but...I'm afraid he'll be pissed." "He already said he forgave you." "But-" "But nothing babe. Go get him!" I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I miss him." "Which is why you need to do it." "Fine...I will tomorrow." He smiled. "Good." "Li?" "Hmm?" "Do you think we'll ever be together again?" "I know you will babe."

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