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Drunk- Ed Sheeran

Everything Has Changed- Taylor Swift feat. Ed Sheeran


I exited my tent to see Zayn standing there with a backpack on, a large smile on his face. "Ready babe?" I nodded and laced our fingers together before following him into the woods. "Where are we going?" "Somewhere almost as beautiful as you." I bit my lip and kissed his cheek. "You're so cute right now. But we both know that won't last for long and you'll go back to your bad boy stage." "How about I be a bad boy around the guys and nice romantic guy around you?" "Sounds like the perfect boyfriend to me." I laid my head over on his shoulder. As we continued to walk, we came up to a large clearing, a stream going through the middle. "This is beautiful Zayn!" "I always come here when I'm pissed off." I smiled small. "Babe?" "Hmm?" He hummed, turning around to face me. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I know you're not used to the whole being nice thing but thank you for trying for me." I pulled away and laid in the middle of the clearing, him joining me soon after. "Do you have any siblings?" I asked, looking up at him. "Yeah...A little sister." "What's her name?" "Waliyha. And then an older sister, Doniya." I nodded and laced our fingers, trying to ease the tension of my next question. "What was her name?" He gulped. "Safaa. She was nine when she died..." "I'm sorry babe..." "It's okay. I just...I don't know. Do you have any siblings?" "No. My older cousin Tyler might as well be my brother though. Same with Liam." He nodded. "Have you really done drugs before?" "Yeah...Before Liam picked me up...Have you really killed somebody? Other than that rapist guy?" "Yeah...I don't know how many but..." I cuddled up closer to him. "For a bad boy you're a good cuddler." He smirked and kissed me lightly. He was about to pull away but I pulled him back.

"Oh really Miss Matthews?" I nodded and crashed our lips together again. "Good kisser too." He smiled against my lips, holding me on too of him securely. "I never would've thought I'd be happy like I was before..." He mumbled, staring up at me. I smiled and buried my face into his neck, it burning a bright red. "Want a beer babe?" "Yeah sure."


It was an hour later and we were both drunk off our asses. I was running around in the stream and Zayn was chasing me. "Baby! Get back here!" I fell to the ground. Being drunk and emotional due to Mother Nature, I started to cry. "What's wrong babe?" "Please...Don't call me 'baby.'" I said between sobs, hiccuping at the end. I shouldn't be crying this much but I couldn't help it. "Why?" "He called me that." "Oh...I'm sorry sweetheart." I didn't say anything but flung my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Let's go back yeah?" I nodded. "Did you have fun on our date babe?" I nodded. "I loved it." "Good." He leaned down and pressed our lips together quickly. Too quickly. "I love youuu!!" He slurred. I laughed loudly and kissed him again. I came to my senses and pulled away. "I can't kiss you. He'll get jealous." "Who?" "My boyfriend, Zayn!" "My name's Zayn!" "That's my boyfriend's name! He's soo sweet. You'd like him. He's killed some people but he has a good heart, promise. He's my favorite person ever!" He smiled. "I have a girlfriend! Her name's Kelsey!" "That's my name!!" We both laughed really loud. "I like you other Zayn. You're hotter than my boyfriend!" I hummed grabbing his hand. "I like you too. My girlfriend's verryyyy beautiful but not as beautiful as you." I smiled and kissed the mystery man in front of me.

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