-Some Fun-

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Cold as You- Taylor Swift


"Hey guys!" I said with a smile, hopping out of the golf cart. I went over to Zayn and whispered in his ear. "Let the act begin." I wrapped my arms around him, earning weird glances from the boys. Then, to make it better, I leaned up and kissed Zayn right on the lips.

-Zayn's POV-

As she leaned up, I had no idea what she was doing. Then, I remembered I had asked her to kiss me; I told her however she was comfortable. So, she's comfortable with kissing me kissing me...Then how many guys has she kissed?! Why am I even worrying? I'm not her boyfriend...Liam might as well be though...As she pulled away, biting her lip, my cheeks heated up. "I'll see you later babe." She said, kissing my cheek and walking off. "Get some Malik!" "Yeah, you finally get the girl!" "I'm surprised she hasn't dumped your sorry ass yet." I glared at Niall. "Sorry." "So are you two together?" I nodded proudly. I hope they buy this.

-Kelsey's POV-

Oh my god. I just kissed Zayn! Oh my god...That's the best decision I've ever made! He's such a good kisser! I don't like him or anything but damn. I looked down at my phone when it buzzed and saw a text from Zayn. It read: 'Hey babe Xx ;)'

Seconds later, I got another one. 'Shit sorry Blue. That was Louis. They think we're dating.' I smirked and sent him a text.

'It's okay Zaynie ;)'

Then I sent another immediately after.

'Delete this message and show them the other one. ;)'

'Will do Blue :)'

I wonder if he enjoyed the kiss. I sure did. Even if I wasn't attracted to him, I couldn't deny what an amazing kisser he was. I wonder how many girls he's kissed...Why do I care? I'm not his girlfriend. I sighed and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around me. Why does it have to be so fucking cold in the fall?! I got up and walked over to their campsite, hoping one of them could lend me a sweatshirt. "Why are you dating Kelsey?" I stopped and stared at Zayn and Niall. "We're not even dating mate. It's an act." "Why?" "I told her that you guys gave me a hard time about being single and now look." "Why are you doing this? I don't understand." "To get in her pants. She doesn't mean anything to me. I just wanna have some fun." Niall and I locked eyes. Zayn turned around. "Blue, I-" "Get the fuck away from me." I spat, going back to my tent. He ran after me. "Kelsey I can explain." "I'm sure you can." I said, sarcasm dripping off my words. "I can!" "Bullshit." "Fuck you!" He exclaimed. "Isn't that what you wanted to do in the first place?" He just stood there. I rolled my eyes and got in my tent, putting another blanket around me before crying my eyes out. How could he?! I thought we were friends! "Blue, please. I'm sorry." "I don't give a fuck. Leave." "If you'd just let me explain..." He was getting impatient now. "Leave Zayn! You're a real dick you know?" "I know." I texted Niall.

'What should I do?? He won't leave me alone. He just keeps apologizing.'

'Zayn? Zayn Malik? Apologizing? Wow. Alright. We'll come get him.'

'Thanks Ni.'

"Blue..." "Leave Dumbass." "You don't completely hate me." "Yeah I do." "You called me Dumbass." "Because you are one." "It's your nickname for me though." I didn't answer. He was right. No I didn't completely hate him. I wanted to, but I didn't. I couldn't. "C'mon Zayn. You've hurt her enough." "Leave me alone!!" He yelled, making me whimper. "Then leave her alone." "She's crying!" "Because you hurt her. Now go!" "But I-" "GO." Harry said sternly. I heard Zayn grumble but walk away. "Kelsey? You wanna talk about it babe?" I sniffed and opened up the door. Harry crawled inside. "So what happened?" "Well...We were fake dating. It was all an act so you guys would stop giving him a hard time...We had fun I guess. He actually wasn't too horrible to hang out with. But I overheard him telling Niall he just did it to get into my pants." "I'm so sorry Kelsey. He's a douche. Always has been. All you did was try to be a good friend, and he fucked up. Bad. I'm sorry about him." "It's okay...He just...I don't know. He reminds me of my past." "What happened then?" "I don't wanna talk about it..." "That's okay." He said with a reassuring smile. "C'mere Kelsey." He mumbled as I began crying again. He pulled me into his lap, holding me tightly. "You'll be okay. If he talks to you or bothers you again you just text me alright?" I nodded into his chest. "Thank you Hazza." "What'd you call me?" "Hazza...Is that okay?" "Yeah, it's cute. I like it." I smiled. "Do you think Zayn will ever stop being an asshole? Towards anyone?" "No. In all honesty, I can't see it ever happening." I nodded curtly. "Hey look up here." I hesitantly lifted my head. He wiped away my tears and stared at me for a second. "Can I...Can I kiss you?" I was shocked but found myself nodding. He softly pushed our lips together. I didn't feel anything but kissed him anyway, my hands going up to his hair. "Blue I'm so sor-What the fuck?!" I pulled away and jumped off Harry's lap. Niall and Louis ran up. "Zayn!" "Get back over here!" "Why the fuck were you two kissing?!" "Why does it matter?" I snapped, looking at my lap. "You're my girlfriend!" "No. No I'm not." "Harry and Niall already know I'm not. So, Lou, we're not dating! Never have been! It was all an act!" Zayn glared at me, nostrils flared, eyes narrowed and fists clenched. He pulled Harry up by his shirt and punched him in the jaw. "Zayn!! Stop!!" His eyes shot to me. "Come here." I gulped but stepped forward. "Zayn, leave her out of this." Louis warned, a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah mate, she didn't do nothin'." Niall mumbled, looking at me nervously. "A-Are you going to h-hit me or not?" I challenged, shaking. He shook his head with a laugh. "I may be an asshole but I wouldn't hit you." "Then what do you want?" "You're not going to kiss him ever again, look at him, touch him, or even breathe the same air as him." "I will if it means he won't hurt you again. Will you Dumbass?" He smirked, biting his lip ring. "No Blue. I won't. Now come on." I turned around kissed Harry again, just to make Zayn mad. Harry smiled into the kiss until I was pulled away. "What did I just say?!" I reached up and slapped him across the face. I started to walk down the road. My phone started ringing. It was Liam. "You're best friend's a dick." "Shit what'd he do?" I explained everything. The fake dating, the kisses we shared, the conversation between him and Niall, and me kissing Harry.

"Shit Kels..." "I know but now he's pissed off...and I slapped him." "You slapped him?!" "Yeah?" What's the big deal? "And you're still alive and breathing? You're okay?" "Yeah...Why?" "Last time somebody slapped him, they were beat to death." "Oh...wow." "Where is he?" "I don't know. When I left he was still at my campsite. I'm walking down the road now." "Kels, it's not safe. It's dark out." "I know. I'm going back soon. I just wanted to get away from him." "Well, be safe." "I will! Love you!" "Love you too babe." I hung up with a small smile. "Who was that?" I jumped. Zayn was right behind me, breathing down my neck. "How long have you been there?" "Ever since you called me a dick. Now who was that?" He growled, stepping closer. "L-Liam. Why?" "Why'd you say you love him?" "Because I do?" "He's got a girlfriend." "It's not that kind of love you idiot! It's like brother and sister! You know that!" He rolled his eyes. "Come on. We're going back. It's not safe." "Since when do you care if I get hurt?" His laugh caused goosebumps to raise on my skin. "I always have."

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