-The Arrival-

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End Up Here- 5 Seconds of Summer
Voodoo Doll- 5 Seconds of Summer

"I'm kinda upset he didn't stay...At least to see the baby."
Zayn shifted nervously.
"What did you do?"
"I kinda told him to tell Grace that the baby died and I never wanted to see his face again."
"Zayn!" I gasp, trying to not wake Ashton.
"What? He fucking lied to us this whole time."
"So? He just loves me. Not a big deal. He'll stop sooner or later."
"No he won't. If he's loved you for five years there's no stopping it."
I roll my eyes.
"I guess but why does it even matter? We're married and you know I'm not gonna leave you for him. He can't win me over so why does it matter?"
"I just don't want him to steal you from me."
"He won't baby." I assure him, kissing his cheek.
"Zayn you have to let him come back. He's my best friend."
"I'm sorry. Really. But I can't. He betrayed me. Betrayed you! Betrayed us. He cannot be trusted and that's that."
"But Zayn-"
"No Blue. We can't let him back. You know it'll be bad for our relationship. You know it."
"But baby he's my best friend! So is she!"
"I don't care. I'm sorry Kelsey."
"At least tell her the baby's alive."
"That'll give her a reason to come around."
"No Blue."
"Okay. I give up."
"Thank you. I'm only doing what's best for Ashton and our relationship."
"I know baby. I know."
I kiss his lips and have him sit on the bed beside me.
"Can I at least see him one more time? And Grace? I swear it'll be the last time."
"Please Zayn. Just for ten minutes. You can be there too if you want so you know nothing happens and you're there if something does. Please sweetie."
"Fine...Okay. Just don't bring Ashton. Leave him at your mum's."
I nod.
"Thank you baby."
"Mhmm." He mumbles, placing with Ashton's fingers.
"He's beautiful..."
"Yeah...You're a good husband. You know that right?"
"You think?"
He smiles and kisses me.
"I'm gonna go check you out, okay?"
I look down at Ash, playing with his fingers.
My phone rings from the side table and I put it to my ear blindly.
"Hey Kels. I heard you were having a baby. How'd it go?"
"Oh hey Michael. Yeah it went great. It's a little boy."
"Awh! Oh my gosh that's adorable. What's his name?"
"Ashton Bleu."
"Oh my god that's not after fucking Ashton is it?"
"No! No of course not."
"Oh okay good. His head is big enough already."
I laugh.
"You should totally come see him sometime."
"I want to. I'll talk the boys into it."
"Good. I'll call you later Mikey, Zayn just went to go check me out."
"Alright. Bye!"
Zayn enters the room and smiles at me.
"Hey baby. Anything exciting happen while I was gone?"
He asks sarcastically.
"Actually Michael called and asked about the baby."
"Awh that was nice."
I nod and hand him Ash as I stand up.
"Where'd you put my clothes?"
"Over in the chair sweetheart."
I nod and walk over, grabbing the clothes and slipping my gown off. Once I change I turn back around to face Zayn.
He's bright red.
"I haven't saw you naked in forever."
"Shut up dumbass."
"Never in your wildest dreams blue."
I smile and kiss his cheek.
"Can we go see him today?"
He sighs.
"I guess. We can go now if you want."
I nod.
"Thank you baby."
"Mhmm. Let's go drop him off first."
"Thanks again mom. We'll be back in like thirty minutes."
"Alright bye sweetie."
She kisses my cheek and turns to Zayn.
"I'll see you later handsome."
"Don't steal my husband from me mom."
She just smiles at me.
"Bye momma."
"Bye sweetie."
I get back in the car.
"Okay so Grace thinks Ashton is dead but Liam knows the truth?"
I slip my hand into his, staring out the window.
We both begin to sing along to the radio, filling the silence.
We pull into the driveway and luckily they're both home.
"Stay behind me."
"Okay, okay."
I knock on the door and step back, waiting.
The door opens and Liam's eyes light up and he smiles wide.
"Kelsey! What are you doi-Oh Zayn."
I smile up at Liam and hug him, hearing Zayn groan as I do.
"Be good."
I snap at him. "So why are you here?"
"To see you one last time...He told me by the way."
He groans, leading us in the house.
"Grace! Company!"
She skips down the stairs, stopping when she sees me. She immediately runs to me and hugs me.
"I'm so sorry about Ashton." She starts crying into my shoulder.
"Thank you."
I fake cry as well, hugging her tightly.
I pull away, and turn to face Liam.
"Can I talk to you alone?"
"Y-Yeah. Sure."
Zayn glares at me and I glare back, pulling Liam into the kitchen.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared."
"I was. I was afraid you wouldn't wanna be friends anymore."
"Why wouldn't I? You were my best friend. You still are." I mumble, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"You're a good actor. Pretending you didn't like me and shit."
I say smiling.
He blushes.
"So this is the last time we'll ever see each other?"
I nod.
He sighs and kisses my forehead.
"I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you too."
He pulls away from the hug and connects our lips.
I push him off, backing against the counter.
"I'm sorry. I just...I needed one last time."
He runs into the kitchen, glaring at Liam and standing in front of me.
"I'm ready to go."
He slips his hand into mine, pulling me out the door and past Grace. I wave at her pathetically.
When we get outside, he pushes me against the car.
"What did that son of a bitch do to you?"
"Kissed me."
He starts toward the door but I pull him back.
"He's not worth it. Come on."
He sighs, getting the driver's side and slamming the door shut.
"It'll be okay Dumbass."
"As long as you stay with me Blue."

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