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Act My Age- One Direction

"Daddy?" "Yes baby?" "Why are you staring at me and mummy like that?"
"Because I love you both so much."
"Really? I love you too daddy." I smile, kissing him softly. "I love you honey." "I love you too." I hum, nuzzling my face into his neck. "Daddy!" Ashton whined, crawling into Zayn's lap.
"Yes Ash?"
"You didn't kiss me!"
"Sorry, sorry..." He says, pecking his lips quickly.
"Thanks Daddy."
"Welcome sweetie." He sets him in the floor, allowing him to play with his Barbie, which he had gotten as his sixth birthday present.
"Do you think he just likes Barbies more or do you think he's gay?" I whisper, cuddling into Zayn's side.
"I don't know...C'mere buddy."
He gets up and crawls onto the couch beside us.
"Do you think any boys in your preschool class are cute?"
I smile a little.
"What about any girls?"
"No. Not really. They're good friends though."
"Baby, we love you okay? We love you more than anything and we always will, no matter what."
"Okay. I love you too." Zayn puts him between us, all three of us cuddling to keep warm.
I lean over and kiss Zayn on the lips.
"You're such a good father."
"You're a good mother."
I look down and see Ash is asleep.
"I'll take him upstairs and then we can relax on the couch." He nods.
I carefully pick him up and walk him upstairs to his room, laying him on his bed. I kiss his forehead and look around his room one last time.
I walk back downstairs and sit in Zayn's lap, kissing him gently.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Zayn kisses me again, rougher this time.
"Ash is still upstairs babe."
He groans a little, holding me closer.
"I don't want him to go to school tomorrow."
"I know baby." I whisper, my finger tracing his jaw.
"Ash are you ready?"
"Yeah!" He calls, running down the stairs.
He was wearing his new dress and shoes.
"Awh you're adorable!"
He smiles.
"Zayn! Cmon honey!"
He walks into the room and stops when he sees Ashton.
"Do you like it daddy?"
"It's adorable!!" He smiles and runs up to Zayn, clutching onto his leg.
"Alright buddy. Let's go."
Zayn carries him outside without another word, me following close behind.
"I'm scared of school." He mumbles after we start down the road.
"Why? It's fun sweetie!"
Lies. Total lies.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. You'll get recess, snacks, and nap time. It'll be fun."
"But you won't be there."
"Awh sweetie we'll be there to pick you up, okay? Today will fly by."
He nods and unbuckles his seat belt. I get out of the car and help him out, letting him hold my hand.
"You okay?" Zayn asks, joining us.
He nods.
"I was talking to you sweetheart." He says, looking over at me.
"Oh...No. My baby's growing up."
"It'll be okay. Promise." I nod, kissing his cheek.
Ashton holds Zayn's hand as well now, standing between us as we walk up to the school.
Parents stared at us and our baby boy.
"That poor child...Terrible mother." I hear as we pass a couple.
"Man have you lost your mind? I can't believe you let your wife dress your son like that."
Zayn turns to face the man.
"I think he looks adorable."
We make it to the front office without another word from anybody. I sign him in and bend down so I can talk to him.
"You be good for your teachers okay?" He nods.
"Alright good boy. If anybody is mean to you, tell the teacher, it's okay to get help." He nods again.
"A-And...And I love you sweetie."
"I love you too momma." He says, attacking me in a hug. I smile and hug him tightly, crying a little.
Zayn take him from me, tickling him a little, making Ash giggle.
"I love you bud."
"I love you too Daddy."
He sets him down and let's him run off with the others now. I turn around and bury myself into his arms, crying.
"I miss him."
"Me too sweetheart. Me too."
"Zayn?" Shit. I know that voice.
"Grace? Hey." I pull away and greet her with a smile.
"What're you guys doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing." He says, trying to change the subject.
"Oh, I dropped my son off."
"You had a baby? What's his name?"
"James Anthony." I nod.
"Which one is he?" She points to one in a cute hat and converse.
"He's so cute! I bet the girls will love him."
"Thanks. I think he likes boys though. It's adorable really."
"Hey honey I signed him i-Kelsey?"
I wave a little, not looking at him directly. I hold a grudge.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Grace asks again.
I glance at Zayn and he nods.
"Dropped off Ashton."
"Yeah...Our son."
"Oh so you had another?"
"What? Liam said-"
"We were fighting over what I told you about. Remember?" She nods.
"I told him to tell you that and that I didn't want to see him again." He says bluntly, holding me closer.
Liam goes to wrap an arm around her but she backs away.
"I'll see you guys."
"Bye." I wave even though I feel terrible for her.
"That was awkward."
"Tell me about it."
Little did we know our son would later marry theirs.

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