Chapter Forty One: Lies

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Ring. Ring.

I woke up on the couch in Hyungwon's arms. After a rather passionate make out session, we laid together watching dramas until we both fell asleep. I sat up, Hyungwon's arm falling from off of me. I rubbed my eyes, looking around for the source of the noise.

I followed the ringing to a duffel bag on the kitchen table. I opened the bag to find it was Hyungwon's. His phone was inside and an unknown number was calling him.

'Probably just an ad.' I thought, silencing it.

I was going to go back to napping when I saw something catch the light at the bottom of the bag. I reached in and pulled out the timepiece!

"What?" I muttered, turning the detailed watch in my hand.

It was in his bag all along? No way Hyungwon was that stupid. How could he forget his watch was in his bag?

'Was he tricking me?'

With the time piece in hand, I stormed over to the couch. I picked up a pillow and threw it at Hyungwon. He startled awake, sitting up.

"What? What's going on?" He groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"This." I said, shoving the timepiece in his face.

Hyungwon's eyes widened, glancing between the watch and I.

"Wow, you found it!" He cheered in a fake voice.

"Stop lying, okay?" I said, throwing the watch into his lap, "Why were you hiding it from me?"

Hyungwon let out a sigh, playing with the watch in his lap. "I didn't want you to go..." He replied softly, looking up at me. "This timepiece can change a lot of things, but it can't seem to lengthen the time we spend together. I just... wanted you to stay here a little more."

I smiled to myself, somewhat touched that Hyungwon was willing to trick me into spending time with him.

"But..." I muttered, the smiling disappearing, "I have to go back to my life, Hyungwon. That doesn't mean we won't speak to each other again."

Hyungwon stared down at the watch in his lap, he didn't look convinced. "We'll go tomorrow." He muttered.

"I'm going to go get food." Hyungwon said at around dinner time.

I nodded, looking away from the TV for a moment. I had set aside all of my stuff for the next day. I was actually a bit excited to get back to my life, but I had a lot of big decisions to make. I came into this planning on fixing things with Jimin, I would confess to him before Hyuna had a chance to backstab me. But I wasn't sure that that was what I wanted anymore. In a matter of weeks, I seemed to have truly found myself. And it was thanks to these guys.

Hyungwon was gone picking up food and I had the place all to myself. I got up and walked around, thinking about the times I spent with the boys. I stopped in the kitchen, looking around. I recalled the time the boys made me pancakes in here. They showed how cute they were that day, and the pancakes ended up tasting good too.

I smiled, walking into the bedrooms. I pushed open Jooheon and Changkyun's shared bedroom. It was empty, but I could only imagine the fun they had together here. I could already seem to hear the rap music they played and cyphers that they practiced.

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