chapter 4 the mall

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To see Jonah and his friends. Luckily they didn't see you or you hoped they didn't see you. You and Paige walk in to Victoria Secret to buy your undergarments. Next y'all walk into Melrose to get school clothes. Y'all next walk to Foot Locker. You're looking at all the shoes while Paige is on her phone texting her mom saying what y'all already have bought and how much you have left. After you leave Foot Locker you see Jonah he's on his phone. "Lexii im hungry" Paige said pointing at the food court. "Me too lets go eat" Lexii said walking towards the food court hand in hand with Paige. (The way friends would hold hands) "I want SubWay" Paige said walking towards Subway. "I want some Chick-Fil-A" Lexii said. Lexii is sitting at a table on her phone looking at Instagram stories. Paige oders what she wants. "Ok that will be 8.59" the cashier said getting Paige's food. Paige pays "sorry can I have a sugar cookie" Paige pulled out 2 dollars out of her purse. "I don't make pretty girls pay" get paid with a wink making Paige blush. "My names Anthony by the way" he laughed. "I'm Paige i should get going Anthony don't want to keep you from you from your job" Paige said waving bye. Lexii was looking at Paige seeing her flirt with the cashier. "Ouu girl I saw you" Lexii said bumping her shoulder lightly. You and Paige are walking towards Chick-Fil-A and see Jonah. You tell yourself "why does he have to be here why couldn't he be at school". Paige sits at the table you were sitting at your order what you need to order "ok sweetie that'll be 5.88" said the lady at the cash register. You hand her $10 keep the change. After you and Paige eat y'all drive to IKEA jamming out to Youth by Shawn Mendes ft. Khalid. You and Paige both sing "YOU CANT TAKE MY YOUTH AWAY SOUL OF MINE WILL NEVER BRAKE" Paige has the windows down the car next to y'all waiting for the light to turn green looked at y'all like y'all were crazy. Y'all pulled up to IKEA.

Thats how her bedroom turns out

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Thats how her bedroom turns out

It gets dropped off and set up by IKEA workers. When you and Paige get home y'all are tired y'all plop on the couch and Paige puts on Netflix while you got some snacks and drinks. "Boo wanna watch expelled" Paige yelled from the living room. "Ugh yes is that even a question" you said walking to the living room. By half of the movie you and Paige fall asleep.

next day Friday

You wake up at 7:45 am cause of your alarm. You wake up and put on

You walk to Paige's room to see her getting ready

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You walk to Paige's room to see her getting ready. You wait in the living room and you see this on your phone screen
(Jonahmarias wants to send you a message)
(Corbynbesson wants to send you a message)
(Seaveydaniel wants to send you a message)
(imzachherron wants to send you a message)
(Jackaverymusic wants to send you a message)
You go to Instagram and open Jonahs it says....

Ahh CLIFFHANGER again sorry what do you think its going to say ???!!!!!

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