chapter 34 gender reveal

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Still Jonah's POV
And came out of under the bed. *BAM DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING NOW DID YA* Corbyn pulled out and covered himself. Lexii went under the covers. "How could you do that. Why Lexii why. Your my girlfriend. Corbyn your my fucking best friend. How long has this been going on?!" I yelled while tears were coming down my face. "That time we went to go watch the movie at the boys house." Lexii said feeling ashamed of herself. My heart fell into a million pieces. Hearing her say that I fell to the ground crying. Lexii and Corbyn came towards me and I looked at Corbyn in disgust. I wiped my tears and went to my car. I looked at the time and it was 11:30 pm. I put the radio on and A Little Too Much by Shawn Mendes came on. Pulling out of the driveway I started to cry again. "I'm done. I'm done with everything." I said changing the song. What the hell. All of Shawn's music is playing. I just turned off the radio and drove home. When I got home it was 12:30am. The boys are sleeping thank you. I will went up to my room touched the bed and fell asleep. *Tomorrow is the gender reveal*
Lexiis POV
I messed up with Jonah last night. When he left I got dressed and went home. Corbyn was sleep on the bed. Aw fuck today's the gender reveal. Well I have to see Jonah today. I'm not gonna let this time he cought me and Corbyn having 'fun' mess up our relationship. I'm gonna fix it and that's a promise. I went over to the boys house and it's 9:45 am Jonah should be awake. My heart was beating fast and my hands were shaking. ' what if he doesn't want to be in the baby's life. Or mine?' I thought to myself as I walked into the house. Jonah wasn't in the living room so I went to the kitchen and there he was. He had headphones on, he was sitting on a chair eating a bowl of cereal and listening to music. He didn't see me he was humming a song. The song was Three Empty Words by Shawn Mendes. I feel really bad for doing him like that. Jonah was singing a part of the song. "Cause we can't fix what's broken. And I know it's gonna hurt. But darling I'll go first. Cause I won't keep on saying those Three Empty Words." When he said 'I won't keep on saying those Three Empty Words.' I sat on the ground and started crying. I could tell that while he was singing the last part he was going to cry. I put my head on my knees still listening to him sing. I stopped crying after awhile and I was messing with the ring he gave me. *chapter 11 if you don't remember the rings* Jonah stopped singing because he saw me on the floor. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. He sat me in his lap. "Jonah." I said my voice a bit cracky. "Yes Lexii." He said clearing his throat to make it sound not as cracky. "I'm sorry. I have something to tell you about the first time me and Corbyn did it." I said and Jonah stopped messing with his ring. "What is it. I don't want to know how 'big' he is or how good he made you feel. Ok." Jonah said sounding a bit mad. *Sorry that it was sad after this part it's going to be happy and cute. I promise.* "He said he won't stop until he felt something." I said putting my hand on top of my stomach feeling the baby kick. "What do you mean until he felt something." Jonah said clenching his jaw. "He told me the first time he wasn't going to stop until I let out a moan and not a fake on a real one." I said and I felt Jonah moving around.
Jonah's POV
' should I forgive Lexii. I mean she did have to let out a real moan for Corbyn to stop.' I thought but got interrupted by feeling my baby's kick. "I can't wait to see what we're having Lexii." I said kissing her head. I could tell that she was in shock when I kissed her head. "I want a little Jonah running around." I said thinking about all the father and son thing is we could do. "Yeah me too. It would be cute and nice to have a baby Jonah running around." Lexii said turning to face me. "Lexii I'm sorry that I left last night with out saying anything to you." I said grabbing her hand. "No Jonah I'm sorry for having 'fun' with Corbyn and not telling you." Lexii said and Corbyn came into the living room. "Jonah can we-." I cut Corbyn off by putting Lexii on the square next to the couch n to was sitting on and went up to Corbyn. "It's ok bud I forgive you. I'll find you a girlfriend. Maky." I said and Corbyn stood there in shock. "Yeah. Ok thanks Jonah." Corbyn said and walking up to his room.
Time Skip To The Gender Reveal Party
Melissa's POV
It's about a half and hour till everyone gets here. I'm currently at the park setting up everything. Dave is putting the bases on the floor. The theme for the Gender Reveal is a baseball theme. Lexii would be pitching the ball and Jonah would hit the ball obviously with a baseball bat. In the ball that Lexii is going to be throwing at Jonah is going to have the powder of the baby's gender. Can't wait to see their reactions to the powder. I consider Lexii as my second daughter. So I'm proud to be a grandma. If the baby's a girl she's going to be short. If the baby's a boy he's going to be very tall. I want a girl and Dave is and a Boy. *I might add in a link and the time. If I can add it but it's to the video of the gender reveal if not I'll put a picture of Jonah hitting the ball and the powder comes out of it and you'll see the color and probably the dad's legs.* Ok it's time everyone is showing up. Lexii and Jonah are getting ready. Myta just showed up with her family and her husband. What a cute family. Zach and the boys showed up. Lexii and Jonah showed up wearing

AWEE THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! I said walking over to them

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AWEE THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! I said walking over to them. "Hey guys ready to find out if it's a Little Lexii or a Little Jonah." I said and they got happy."Yes but we're waiting for Jonah's parents to show up." Just as Lexii said that Jonah went running to his parents. "Mom and Dad. This is Lexii's the guardian. Melissa." Jonah said as his mom held her hand out. "Hi I'm Melissa." I said "Hi I'm Carrie and this is my husband Timothy." Carrie said and I shook their hands. "OK EVERYONE IF I CAN HAVE YOU ALL SIT OR STAND BY THE BLEACHERS. SO WE CAN GET STARTED." I said over all the noise. Everyone moved to the bleachers. I handed Lexii the ball and the glove. And Dave handed Jonah the bat. We placed them where they needed to be placed. Lexii threw the ball to Jonah and he hit the ball and BLUE POWER CAME OUT.

How it looked

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How it looked.
Lexii's POV
When I threw the ball to Jonah I was scared not going to lie. When I saw Blue Powder came out I jumped up and down. I ran to Jonah who had the biggest and happiest smile on his face. "WE'RE HAVING A BOY!" We both yelled and hugged each other. Everyone was clapping and cheering.
Ahh I'm so happy for them. And it's fake 😢 but still happy. This is the best chapter I've written in a long time.

Words 1365 enjoy it took bout 2 weeks

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