chapter 22 school

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Someone pulled me into a closet. It was Corbyn he started to kiss me and started to take off his shirt then took off mine during the kiss. "Corbyn we're in school and what if Jonahs looking for us." I said as Corbyn undid his pants and took off mine. He picked me up and pushed me against the wall. He put on the condom and he pushed into me he covered my mouth so I wouldnt moan as loud. "Shit Lexii I want you so bad." Corbyn said whispering in my ear. "Corbyn you're so good but I have Jonah." I said in his ear while moaning a little so he could go faster and harder but not hard enough to hurt me and to make me be able to walk. "Shh we can keep it a secret." Corbyn said throwing his head back in pleasure. "Baby I'm close." I said pulling on his hair and wrapping my legs around his waist for more. "Hold it a little longer I'm close too." Corbyn said hitting my spot. "Corbyn I need to let the biggest moan out. Your hitting my spot." I said biting my lip and throwing my head back in pleasure. "I'm going close babygirl." Corbyn said as he put his head on the crook of my neck while breathing heavy. I felt Corbyn twice in me as I cummed on his length. "Fuck Lexii your so tight. I love you." Corbyn said kissing me and getting his pants back up. "Well I'm not gonna be so tight once I have this baby." I said putting my clothes back on and giving Corbyn a kiss and walking out of the closet.
⚠️end of dirty ⚠️
I walk to my locker and get my books out for second hour. Second hour starts and I go to the back and fall asleep in Jonahs lap.
Jonahs POV
Melissa called me today and said there Lexii has her first doctors appointment and asked if I wanted to go. I said yes with out thinking I told Jack Zach and Daniel but couldn't find Corbyn or Lexii. Second hour comes and Lexii looks dead she comes into class sits on my lap and falls asleep. She was asleep the whole hour I carried her out of the class and woke her up to go to third hour. I didn't like leaving Lexii for third hour. No I'm not a clingy boyfriend but I'm super protective of what's mine. I walk to third hour to see Corbyn with the glasses Lexii had on in his pocket. "Hey bean what you doing with Lexii's glasses?" I said walking to him and getting the glasses. "Oh she dropped them going to second hour and I couldn't find her so I just held onto them. Here give them to her when you see her." Corbyn said giving me the glasses and walking away.
Lexii's POV
I really needed those glasses right now. I can't see clearly in reading. "Ms. Ray may i go to the bathroom please." I ask getting my stuff together. "Yes you have 5 minutes." Ms. Ray said giving me the pass. I walked out of class and called Jonah.
Back to Jonah
Lexii was calling me and i asker to use the restroom. "Hello." I said closing the door. "Hey babe I can't find my glasses and I nees them i can't see the boad clearly." Lexii said "Oh i have them Corbyn gave them to me and said to give them to you because you dropped them going to second hour." I said getting the glasses out of my pocket. "Yeah I didn't know he had them. Can you bring them to me I have 3 minutes left until my 5 minutes are up to use the restroom." Lexii said as I was walking to the restroom by her class. "Ok I'm going." I said hanging up walking to the restroom. Lexii came out grabbed her glasses gave me a kiss and we walked to her class. "Hey babe?" I said snd Lexii looked up at me with concern. "Yess?" Lexii said sounding scared on what I'm about to ask. "I think Corbyn likes you and I'm not ok with it. Like yes i know its fine for boys to like you but they can't have you. But most of the time if Corbyn likes someone he ends up smashing dating or if they're in a relationship he'll fuck it up." I said as Lexii looked at me. "Oh baby its ok. You know I only want you and only you. Me and Corbyn are just friends." Lexii said hugging me and whispering on my chest "I have your baby remember that and we love you." She said then kissing my chest then me. She walked into class and I waved bye then walked to my class. Not even 5 minutes later Lexii calls me crying.....

Ouu shit why is she crying. Sorry it took so long for this chapter I started high today and I like it kinda. Got lost a couple of times. But who cares. Enjoy this story. *its only 875 words* byee I'll undate whenever I have time. 

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