Chapter 26 Dallas/ Movies

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Jonahs POV
I woke up before Lexii i wakes out of the guest room and went to the Kitchen to see Myta,Josh,Reese and Ryan. "Good Morning." Myta whispered handing me a cup of coffee. "Thank you. Good Morning to you too." I said looking at the stairs to see sleepy Zach. "Morning Zachy." Reese and I said as Zach rubbed his eyes hitting the foot of the couch with his toe. "OUCH!" Zach yelled causing Lexii to walk out of the room rubbing her eyes. "Shush up Zach its too early for the yelling." She said in a sleep voice. "Morning Lovely." I said walking over to her with a cup of Orange Juice. "Morning Handsome. Thank you for the Juice." She said getting the cup and hugging me. "How did you sleep honey?" Myta asked getting plates for everyone. "I slept well thank you Myta." God Lexii is the best thing that has happened to me. "Jonah?" Lexii said taking out of my thoughts. "Yes." I say turning a bit red. "Come help me get ready. I want to show y'all where I grew up." She said taking my hand and walking to the room. Dirty
She closed and locked the door.Lexii's POV
Jonah was in deep thought and I saw his shorts get a bit big. Seeing his shorts get big put me in heat. So i asked him to help me get ready but I was gonna help him. I walked us to the room and I locked the door. I pushed him on the bed kissing him roughly. "Lexii." Kina said between the kiss. "Yes." I said putting my hands in his tangly hair. "We can't everyone's home." He said flipping us over now he was on top. "No I told Zach and he told everyone go to to the mall and get clothes for tonight, so we have the hiuse to our selfs so let's have fun before we don't have the time." After I said time I had no shorts on. Jonah had no shirt on and just looking at him had me in bad heat. I took off my shirt and he took off his shorts. He was left in boxers and I was left in underwear. He started kissing every inch of my body his lips were kissing the right spots. He made his way down to my core and left me with no air. He slipped one hand in my underwear and the other was by my head holding the bedsheets. "Who made you this wet." Jonah asked with a smirk. "Only you can." I said putting my head back. He removed his hand and went in. He went deep making me dig my nails in his back. "I love you Lexii." Jonah said out of breath falling next to me. "I love you too Jonah." I said out of breath. End of dirty
Jonah got up and put clothes on and u did the same. I put on this

Jonah got ready in a black shirt with white ripped pants and Tims

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Jonah got ready in a black shirt with white ripped pants and Tims. Once we got out the room everyone walked in the house with bags of clothes shoes. Reese had shoes clothes and toys. "Hey honey." Myta said walking over to me looking at my outfit. "Hey Myta." I said hugging her. "I lobe your outfit. It's so. What's the word." Myta said thinking. "Odd?" I said as her face lit up. "yes odd. You dont see no one wearing this and looking beautiful in it." Myta said handing me and Jonah a bag. "I bought you and Jonah some clothes with some help of the boys and Paige." Myta said walking up the stairs. The boys and Paige stayed downstairs waiting for me and Jonah to open the bags. What were in the bags had me in tears. I even saw Jonah get tears in his eyes.

"That one is for y'all when y'all go out

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"That one is for y'all when y'all go out." Paige said as the boys clapped and hugged each other.

"This one is for when the baby is born and y'all go out together

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"This one is for when the baby is born and y'all go out together." Zach said walking over to Jonah and I hugging us and everyone joined. "Thank you guys. I love you all." I said as Jonah went to the table to get a tissue to wipe his tears. "Aww is Mr. Marais crying." Everyone even me said walking towards him. "Yes how can I not. I got the girl I used to bully pregnant. she having my baby guys. I still can't believe that your with me Lexii and your carrying a mini us in your belly." Jonah said starting to cry again. "Aww babe stop it." I said with a cracky voice. "Let's go to the movies." Reese said running down the stairs with her pink dress on and braids. "Yeah guys let's go to the movies after the movies I'll show y'all where I grew up and where my house is." I said wrapping my arms around Jonah. "Let's do it." Jonah said Wrapping his arms around me. Everyone got ready in what they bought and me and Jonah got ready in the outfit the boys and Paige picked out for us. We walked out of the room and everyone was recording us. "We welcome Mr. And Mrs. Marais into the living room." We walked into the living room and Myta came down the stairs with her purse.
Time Skip after the movies
"That movie was the best!" Zach said walking out of the movie theater and walking fast to the restroom. "Did he really hold in his pee till after the movie." I asked looking at Myta. "Yup. That's how you know he enjoyed the movie." She laughed as he came out. "Lexii are you still going to show us your house and where you grew up at." Zach said wiping his hand on his shirt. "Yes. Myta can I drive to my old house." I asked as Jonah put his arm around me. "Of course here are the keys." She said handing me the keys. We drove to the house and I got out of the car walking and sitting on the door step.

I jumped up as I heard someone open the door

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I jumped up as I heard someone open the door. Who opened the door left me in shock.

Aww guys my story has 1.42k reads. I came on here to read a story and I saw it. At first I didnt believe it was my story until I clicked it and saw my thoughts on here. I can't thank y'all enough for 1.42k reads. Thank you so much. School is tomorrow so updates will be on the weekends. I'll start the story on the bus ride home and finish it by Thursday and it'll be published on Friday. More chapters to come. Stay tuned

(Completed) Bullied by Jonah Marais // Why Dont We Where stories live. Discover now