chpater 29 school

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Today was the first day back everyone esle has been in school Me the boys and Paige havent been in school. We have been in Dallas this whole week. Let's hope since we were gone people could have grown up. As always me and Paige were at the boys house. I woke up at 7 because I felt it coming up. I ran to the restroom almost falling and closed the door. I was throwing up and I woke up Jonah. "Babe are you ok?" He said walking into the restroom closing the door behind him. "Yeah I guess the baby didn't like what I ate late night and it came after me right now." I said getting up and flushing the toilet. "Do you need anything before we go to school or get ready to leave." He said sounding so scared it was so cute. "Yeah can you bring me a cup of water and a moltrin. And my phone to call Melissa to ask her if this is normal." I said getting up from the side of the bathtub walking to the sink to brush my teeth. Jonah walked out and walked back in with my phone. I called Melissa and asked her if it was normal she said yes and not to worry about it. Jonah walked back in with the cup of water and a moltrin. "Thanks babe go get ready I'll be out right now." I said kissing his cheek he walked out and got ready. When I got out of the restroom I walked to go wake everyone up and went back to Jonahs room and got ready in one of his shirts and stretchy pants. I didn't know being 7 months pregnant would make me wear baggy clothes but I don't mind I always wear baggy clothes. Surprisingly Paige and the boys were downstairs waiting for me. *they have 3 more months of school then they finish year 11* When I got downstairs I grabbed my bag and went to the car and everyone got in their car. Zach rode with Jonah and me. Ugh don't I hate high school. No one grew up we all walked back in the front doors and there goes the whispering. "HEY IF ANY HAS A FUCKING PROBLEM PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU TO STEP THE FUCK UP AND BOX ME. ILL TAKE ON A NIGGA TOO." Paige yelled and a girl stepped up with her boyfriend. "I have a problem with you. You fought Aspen right." The girl said looking at me with a evil ass look. "Yeah I whooped that non existing ass of hers. Why who the hell are are you?" Paige said giving that girl an ugly look and putting her hair up. "I'm her.....


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