chapter 7 dinner

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You pull on his hair while he sucks on your sweat spot. You let a little moan in his ear. While he's going down to your neck you dig your nails into his back after he bites you lightly. He groans he pulls down his pants while still kissing on your neck he pulls up your skirt and pulls out a condom from his pant pocket. He slips it on you look at his bluge and bite your lip. While he goes down he pulls down your underwear with his teeth you pull on his hair. He looks up at you while his tongue enters you. You try to keep the moan in but it failed. He replaced his tongue with his index finger you moan a little. Before he sticks a second finger in you he whispered in your ear "I want to be in your when you cum" you nodded when you nodded you put two fingers in you. He went fast at every moan he went faster. You felt a knot in your stomach. "Jonah *moan* I'm going to" you said before he removed his fingers. "Are you ready" Jonah asked with concern in his voice. "Y-y-yes" you said. With out a warning he pushes into you. Slowly at first. You let out a tear. "J-J-Jonah i-it hurts." He stops and said "its ok soon the pain will turn into pleasure" he said while kissing your lips and wiping the tears away with his thumb. After awhile the pain was pleasure. "F-f-faster" you moaned. He did as told you felt the knot again "Jonah I'm going to cum" you said. "Me too babygirl on 3 ok" "3...2...1" you both said.  you came on him and you felt the condom fill up with a warm liquid. Both of y'all were breathing heavily. "you were" you said before cutting cut off by Jonah saying "AMAZING." He kisses your lips and said "we should get back we've been gone for about 20 minutes" he flushed the condom down the toilet. Y'all walk out of the restroom and back to the table. You see everyone staring at y'all. "What took so long" Corbyn asked. "I was waiting for Lexii to get out of the restroom" "mmmhhh" they all said. "Dinner was great thank you" Paige and you said before leaving. Jonah air kissed you. As soon as you got into the Paige turns to you. "What happened y'all took 20 minutes." "Well something happened in the restroom." "Like what. Wait did you and Jonah." Paige said with a smile. "Yup" "OMG boo did he take your V CARD" "Yeah shit I didn't tell him I was still a virgin." The drive home was filled with laughter. Once y'all got inside you sat Page down on the couch and told her that Jonah and the boys bullied you and that they jumped you going to second hour. She just looked at you with sadness. "why didn't you tell me" paige said crying. "I didnt know how to put it I'm sorry" you said while hugging her. it was already 10:50 pm. Jonah told the boys that him ans lexii did it. He knew she was still a virgin he just didn't say anything.

Monday before break

You woke up feeling happy. Probably because just this week and then it's a week of NO SCHOOL. You and Paige get ready and go to Dunkin Donuts and get some donuts for you two and the boys. And they bought y'all coffee. (Jonah was probably happy because he has coffee 😂) When y'all arrived at school you Paige and the boys walk into the building and you hear calling you a "slut,whore,skank, and other nasty things" you're wondering why everyone is calling you that. You walk to the cafeteria to see some random boy show you the video of why everyone was calling you those things. Someone was outside the restroom when me and Jonah had sex. You just run out of the building crying. With the donuts still in your hand Paige turns around to give you you're coffee and she runs after you with halls coffee in her hands. You're in her car crying she gets in and drives you and her home. Yall don't go to school for a couple of days. Paige calls her parents to inform them. "Hey mom Lexii got a stomach bug and she's home is it fine that I stay with her" "yes honey just got by the school and pick up yalls work so yall dont fail" "yes moma love you bye" "bye". You're in your room eating the donuts and drinking your coffee while watching The Kissing Booth. Paige walks in saying "I'm going to go get our school work do you want to come?" "Yeah I have to do I can get mine too."  You said getting your shoes.

You leave the house wearing that and Paige leave the house wearing

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You leave the house wearing that and Paige leave the house wearing

You leave the house wearing that and Paige leave the house wearing

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When  get to school first hour has already began. When you walk into the office you see....

Who does Lexii see

(Completed) Bullied by Jonah Marais // Why Dont We Where stories live. Discover now