chapter 12 Starbucks

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He pushes Lexiis name. It was ringing for awhile but went to voicemail. "Hey you've reached Lexii I'll call you back later." Her voicemail said. Jonah called again but still no answer. "Just what I needed rain!" Jonah yelled as he walked into Starbucks soaked. A girl that workes at Starbucks went up to Jonah. "Hey babes are you ok do you need a ride home." She asked. "No I'm not ok I lost one of my best friends and yes I need a ride home." Jonah said shaking. The girl hands Jonah her sweater he turns it away. "No thank you my girlfriend would get mad if she saw me in another girls jacket." Jonah said as he called Lexii again she answered. "Hey babe where were you I've called you 5 times." Jonathan said looking at the girl getting her stuff. "Sorry baby I was showing. Where are you? Are you ok? Do you need help!" Lexii said getting her car keys. " its ok I'm at Starbucks I'm fine probably going to get a cold. I'm fine a girl is going to take me to your house." Jonah said sitting at a table. "OH NO IM ON MY WAY TELL HER THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS GOING TO PICK YOU UP!" Lexii said yelling. "Ok gosh Lexii Franzier what are you doing to me." Jonah said biting his lip even though she couldn't see. "Idk Jonah Marais what are you doing to me." Lexii said locking the door. Jonah puts his phone down to were the girl couldn't see that Jonah was on call. "Hey um my girlfriend is gonna pick me up so I don't need you to take me." Jonah said loud enough so that Lexii could hear. "Oh ok do you mind if I sit" the girl asked pointing at the seat next to Jonah. Before Jonah could say anything she was already sitting next to him. She rubs his leg to find his bluge "hey I have a GIRLFRIEND AND SHE WONT LIKE WHAT YOURE DOING!" Jonah yelled into his phone. "OH HELL NAH BABY PUT ME ON SPEAKER!" *puts on speaker* "Listen bitch you better move your hand from my daddy's bluge alright if yy don't we finna have problems!" Lexii said as you heard the anger in her beautiful kind voice. "Ok no worries honey he doesn't want you." The girl said unzipping Jonah's pants. Lexii gets to Starbucks to see her unzipping his pants. Lexii runs over to where Jonah and some blonde bitch were sitting. "GET UP I TOLD YOU OF YOU DIDNT MOVE WE FINNA HAVE PROBLEMS RIGHT!" Lexii yelled loud enough so the people in the back can hear her. "Look honey this sexy boy can't be yours" she said looking at you in disgust. With out any hesitation Lexii punched the girl and she was on the floor. Lexii was now on top of the blonde girl hitting her repeatedly. The blonde girl got a couple of hits on Lexii. The girl pulled Lexii's hair now Lexii's back was on the floor. She had one good hit on her then Lexii punched her in the nose she was bleeding her blonde hair now had blood at the tips. "Oh looks like I fixed that nappy hair of yours" Lexii said getting her last hit on her. Jonah pulled Lexii off of Im guessing the girls name was April. Jonah recorded the whole fight once he got Lexii he ran to her car. "What was that about Lexii!" Jonah said mad. "What I had to protect what's mines I was gonna let no blonde bitch take you from me I'm not that stupid!" Lexii yelled back. Jonah shutted her up by kissing her bloody lips. Once he pulled up to Paige's house Paige ran outside the house and went to the car. "What the hell happened to you babes" Paige said grabbing Lexii's face. "I got into my first fight today at Starbucks." Lexii said happily. "Babe show Paige the fight" Lexii said pulling on Jonah's shirt. While Paige is watching the fight Lexii goes and cleans up. "Dam babes you won that fight!" Paige said clapping her hands. *ding dong ding dong* y'all hear from up stairs in Lexii's room. Jonah walks downstairs to see who is was. He looked threw the peep hole to see........

Who does Jonah see or what does he see

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