chapter 16 the office and lunch

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"Mr. Marais you fought Jake correct?" The principal said as we all followed him into his tiny office. "Yes sir that's correct." Jonah said as he walked right in the office and sat on one of the three seats. "Ok Mr. Marais you fought Jake for what reason?" The principal said signing for the rest of us to go in his office. Lexii sat on Jonah's leg and Jack took the seat next to Jonah and Paige sat on Jack lap. Zach took the next seat and Daniel and Corbyn stood by the door. "The reason was" Jonah said before Lexii cut him off. "He had called me a slut and a whore." Lexii said making a fake tear. "Aww baby don't cry." Jonah said rubbing his hand in her hair. "I didn't know I'm sorry Mrs. Franzier I'll make him apologize asap." The principal said. "Sorry Mr. Martinez the bell for second hour has rang." Corbyn said "yes I'll make y'all passes for being late. And Mr. Marais that's a good thing you did you stuck up for Lexii. We'll have Jake removed from this school" Mr. Martinez said handing everyone a pass. "Welp I didn't get expelled nor suspended." Jonah said putting his arm around Lexii. "Your lucky I stopped you from saying that you fought him because of the video" Lexii said holding Jonah's hand that was over her shoulder. "Yup thanks babe I don't know what would've happened if u said because of the video." Jonah said walking to Chemistry. "He wouldve wanted to see the video and wanted to know when the video was posted and to see who has it" Corbyn said in a nerdy voice. "Of course you'd know that bean" Paige said opening the door to their class. "Why are all 7 of you late. Mr. Smith said stopping the whole class. Everyone looked up from their work to look at all of y'all. "Lexii and Jonah probably fucked in the restroom." A boy voice said everyone started laughing. Jonah was the only one who saw who said it some kid named Mitch. Lexii takes your pass from your hand and gives it to Mr. Smith. Y'all go and take your seat in the back of the class. Jonah goes and walks to where Mitch is sitting. "Hey bitch I mean Mitch sit with me and my boys today at lunch." Jonah said walking away "yeah I'll be there Marais" Mitch said a little happy. "Pst Corbyn Zach Jack Dani. Come here We We have to talk about lunch today." Jonah said as the boys all sat around him. "So Mitch said that me and Lexii fucked in the restroom and he's really on my last nerve." Jonah said making a fist. "You want to jump him or are you gonna fight him one on one behind the gym." Daniel said "Cause you can't get suspended you know what you mom said." Jack said getting interrupted by Paige sitting on his lap and Lexii doing the same to Jonah. "Said what and why wouldn't you include me and my boo" Paige said messing with Jack's hair. "Babe I'm going to fight Mitch going to lunch but behind the gym so I don't get suspended I'll make it a quick fight and we could all go get lunch." Jonah said rubbing Lexii's thigh. "I'm going to be there I'll drive your car to the back and Jack Zach will y'all come with me to drive the other to cars." Lexii said playing with Jonah's hair making it a hot messy. "Sure Jonah don't start until you see your car ok" Corbyn said. "Paige you don't mind keeping watch right like when me and Mitch are fighting. And yell the color pink when there's someone coming." "Got ya covered there's going to be a food fight in lunch so we'll be good for about an hour" Paige said looking at the time. "Go tell Mitch to meet you behind the gym if he asks why say that's where you car is and you need money for lunch. ask him to go with you. And you'll see everyone there waiting ok" Lexii said. "Dam babe have you had this planned out or what?" Jonah said kissing her cheek. "Let's just say I know what to do ok" Lexii said causing everyone to laugh. The bell to go to lunch rang and you saw Mitch by his locker. "Hey Mitch wanna come with me to go get money from my car so I can get lunch?" Jonah said texting Lexii. "Yeah I'll go where's your car parked at!" Mitch said walking with Jonah. "Oh its parked behind the gym." Jonah said. "Ok that's fine" Mitch said as they stopped so Jonah can 'tie his shoe' he texted Lexii saying "all we need to do is go out the doors you there?" Jonah texted her. "Ok yes we're all here." Lexii replied. They kept walking until they got outside. "Lemme get the money." Jonah walked to his car taking off his jacket. "hey Mitch you disrespected my girlfriend in front of my face earlier today in second hour." Jonah said walking towards Mitch. "Look Jonah i didn't mean to. Can we go back inside its freezing out here" Mitch said "I have to do something and I need your help?" Jonah said as he heard Mitch's foot steps get closer to him. Jonah turned around and punched Mitch to the floor. Everyone came out of their hiding spots recording. "This is for disrespecting Lexii." Jonah said in between punches. Mitch got up and fought back. "Well I wouldn't have said it if Lexii wasn't such a hoe!" Mitch said hitting Jonah one good time in the mouth. "she's not a hoe call her a hoe again I swear I'll put your ass in the hospital." Jonah said hitting Mitch knocking him to the ground. Mitch spits blood out of his mouth and onto the floor. "she's a HOE and you know it Marais!" Mitch said hitting Jonah again. Jonah fell to the ground. "BABE COME ON GET UP. GET UP!" Lexii screamed Jonah got up and threw Mitch onto a wall. "what did i say Mitch you call her a hoe your going to be laying in a hospital bed." Jonah said hitting Mitch in the face. "PINK PINK PINK!" Paige screamed out Jonathan let go of Mitch and ran to his car. Everyone else did the same but to different cars. Lexii called Paige and Daniel " hey guys where do you wanna go eat?" Lexii said pitting them on speaker because she was driving. "Umm  y'all wanna go to the mall instead and skip the rest of the day" Corbyn said taking the phone from Daniel because he was driving. "yeah sounds good" Jonah said before hanging up the phone.


"Babe did I win the fight?" Jonah said grabbing Lexii's thigh. "Yes baby you did and not now I'm driving." Lexii said driving to the mall. "Lemme give you a reward for being the best girlfriend and wife I have." Jonah said making his hand more down Lexii's skirt. He pulled down Lexii's underwear up to her knees his thumb was making circles around her clit. "Stop teasing or im pulling over" Lexii said joking. When she said that Jonah pushed his middle finger in her making Lexii arch her back a little. He pushed in and put fast as he put his index finger in the was a moaning mess in the car. Jonah added another finger Lexii was moaning at the pleasure. "I'm pulling over I fell the knot." Lexii said pulling over putting the car in park putting the hazard lights on as she pulled off her underwear and lied the seat back. Jonah's three fingers were still in her. Lexii laid back pulling on Jonah's hair. "I'm close!" Lexii said. "Go on 3. 1...2...3" Lexii came on his fingers as he pulled his fingers out to clean them up Lexii pushed Jonah to his seat. She was on top of him grinding on his dick she undid his bleat. He pulled out a condom. "Well do you always have a condom on you." Lexii said as she kissed his neck making him moan a little. He slipped it on he lied the seat back as well. Jonah was know laying down and Lexii was bouncing. She went up and down slowly. Jonah pulled off her shirt and unclipped your bra. He was playing with your boobs as you kept going. You went faster as Jonah kept trying to grip on something holding in a moan. Lexii was now jumping up and down throwing her head back as Jonah did the same. "Fuck Daddy your big" Lexii moaned as she kept going faster. *gasp* "right there Lexii right there" Jonah said as he held her waist making her go faster. "Lexii I'm" Jonah said as Lexii felt his dick twitch inside her. "Well that was awesome." Lexii said getting her panties from the floor by the drivers seat. "Yup this isn't over yet" Jonah said getting his clothes on. ⚠end of dirty⚠

Time skip to the mall

"What took y'all so long?" Paige said sitting on Jacks lap. "Oh nothing" Jonah said winking to Jack. "Oh GROSS" Jack said. "Let's get food. I want Subway Lexii want Subway." Paige said grabbing Lexii's hand. Lexii and Paige order. Piage sees Anthony at the cash register. "Oh hey Paige and" Anthony said holding and. "Im Lexii Paige's best friend." Lexii said holding her hand out to shake hands with Anthony. "How much will it be?" Paige said getting her money out. "I don't make pretty girls pay I told you that last time." Anthony said handing Paige a sugar cookie. "Thank you Anthony." Paige said getting her food. "So Anthony do you have a girlfriend?" Lexii asked. "No I don't actually does Paige have a boyfriend?" Anthony said. "JoJo some guy flirting with Lexii!" Daniel said making Jonah get up from his seat walking over to them. "Ok well here's Paige's number call her anytime." Lexii said writing Paige's number down and giving it to him. Jonah walked towards them.

ouu what is Jonah walking into 😂 haha nothing

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