chapter 1 first day of school

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Today is the first day of high school lexii said in her head while getting ready. " I will have to face Jonah and his friends " she said quietly . She walks downstairs to see her cousin , Thomas , passed out on the couch. Lexii goes to the pantry and gets out the bread and peanut better and makes a peanut butter sandwich. She eats her sandwich walking to the front door ready to leave. Lexii looks at her phone 7:50 am school doesn't start till 8:20 am. She said to her self " it takes me 15 minutes to walk to school ". As she walks to school she puts her headphones in and starts listening to music. She's down the street from the school and she takes out one ear bud and she could hear the car engine and the laughter. She take a deep breath and walks on school campus. She's walking by herself because she knows no one there. She walks in the school looking for the office to get her schedule. She bumps into a girl. Lexii immediately says " sorry ". " why are you saying sorry it was on accident " paige said laughing. " hi im paige mills what are you looking for "? " hi I'm Lexii Franzier and I'm looking for the office ". Paige leads you towards the office and waits outside for you. You get your schedule and paige asks if she can see it. "looks like we have mostly all our classes together" paige said while you looked at her. Both of y'all walk to first class. Paige walks in and sits in the back of the class waiting for you. You're stopped by seeing Jonah Marais. You walk back into the hallway and Paige runs after you. " what's wrong " she said with a sad face. " nothing " you say with a fake smile. Paige knows your lying she says " ok let's go in and sit down so the teacher doesn't suspect anything " you nod your head and walk behind Paige. Jonah stares at you while you walk to the back with Paige. First class ends and you make your way to your locker. You see Jonah and the boys follow you. So you take the long way to your locker and they're still following you. You finally get to your locker. You trying opening it but its jammed while your struggling to open it Jonah and the boys are now in front of you. Jonah starts to pull your hair and you tell him to leave but he doesn't. " look Jonah she's getting mad " said a boy with red rosy cheeks. A boy with bright blue eyes starts pulling at your shirt "where did she even get this at" the boy with blue eyes said with a disgusted face. A boy with a tooth gap kicked your foot and next thing you know you're on the floor. A noodle haired boy sticks out his hand to help you up and you grab it and he let's go of you and you fall back on the floor. Jonah and the boys walk away laughing. You stay on the floor for a bit longer. Paige sees you on the floor. She runs up to you " awh boo what happened to you " she said examining you. "some guys were running and bumped me" all you said and Paige helped you up and both of y'all walked to second class. Ms.Wilson your English teacher asked why y'all were late. Paige answers "we're new here and we got lost it won't happen again".
( time skip to after school cause ya girl tired )

As you told Paige you were leaving she said "ok see later boo" she then saw the way you were walking and she ran to catch up with you. Paige and you were laughing and talking all the way till you got to your house. Paige said "You live down the street from me come over whenever you want". "Ok love ya boo see you later" you said walking inside seeing Thomas awake with a mad look on his face.

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