chapter 18 the movie date

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To see Aspen (information on Aspen. Aspen is Jacks ex.  She's 19. She's a bit crazy. Jk. She's hella crazy that's why Jack left her.) "Tf you doing here Aspen?" Jonah said blocking her way into the house. "Hello to you too Marais now where's Jack Avery." Aspen said pushing her way into the house. Jack told Paige everything about Aspen. "Hey Aspen im Paige and I'm sleeping with your ex." Paige said with a bitch smile. Aspen hit Paige "Did this plastic ass birch just hit me." Paige said looking at the boys and Lexii. "Hit the bitch best friend!" Lexii yelled as Paige hit Aspen in the nose. "Ouu its on you child!" Aspen said hitting Paige. They were fighting for awhile then Jonah saw some girl named Alexa run in the house jumping in for Aspen. "That's pussy shit Aspen has someone jumping in for her." Lexii said putting her hair in a bun. "Hell nah." You said pulling Alexa off of Paige and you let out all of your anger while hitting Alexa repeatedly. The boys were watching then three boys came in the house pulling Lexii's hair to get her off of Alexa. Jonah Corbyn and Daniel got one boy. Zach and Jack were on the couch recording the whole thing. "Where TF IS JACK AVERY!" a voice Jack knew who it was. "Right here bitch!" Jack yelled getting up from the couch and giving Zach his phone. Jack tied his hair back as he did that the boy came into the house running and punching Jack so hard he fell to the floor. "Jack get up!" Zach yelled. Jack got up from the floor hitting Steven in the mouth and Jack was on top of Steven hitting him repeatedly. Steven hit Jack in the mouth and Jack started bleeding. Zach heard sirens from down the street. "Shit guys one of the neighbors called the cops!" Zach yelled stopping the videos and pulling Lexii off of Alexa and Paige off of Aspen and Jonah off of Mark and Daniel off of Jace and Corbyn off of Tommy. Jonah Pulled Jack off of Steven. Jack was still hitting and ended up hitting Jonah in the face and Mona kicked Steven and Slapping Jack. "We gotta act cool Zack said that he heard sirens!" Jonah yelled getting napkins for everyone to clean up their blood from wherever they were bleeding from. "Lexii came upstairs with me." Jonah said getting her attention. They walked into his room "shit lexii your bleeding from your mouth and nose." Jonah said wiping the blood from her mouth and nose with his shirt. "Your bleeding from your knuckles. What did you punch?" Lexii said taking out bits of glass from his knuckles. "I punched the mirror by the door." Jonah said flinching by the pain. "I'm sorry baby but I have to wipe off the blood." Lexii said wetting the towel. Everyone was downstairs cleaning up Aspen Alexa Mark Steven Jace and Tommy had left before the cops showed up. *Knock Knock* Jonah came running down the stairs slipping and falling making a glass break. "Shit Jack or someone can you come pick up the glass!" Jonah yelled as he answered the door. "Hello officer." Jonah said leaning on the door. "Hello Mr. Marais where is everyone?" the male cop asked. "mind if we come in sir." The female cop asked just as Lexii came walking  downstairs. "Im sorry ma'am do you have a warrant?" Lexii asked getting under Jonahs arm. "No I do not." The female cop said. "Well then I'm sorry and we can't help you." Jonah said closing the door. "Wait you didn't answer our question?" The male officer said stopping the door with his foot. "And what is the question sir?" Lexii said getting in front of Jonah. "we got a complaint from your Neighbors across the street. They said there was fighting going on?" The male officer said looking at Zach picking up the glass. "They must've over heard us yelling. Me and my buddy Corbyn were playing a game and we lost. We started wrestling." Jonah said slightly kicking Zach to tell Corbyn what he said. "Ok wrong house then Mr. Marais have a goodnight." The offiers said getting off the front porch. "That was close." Jonah said shutting the door and locking it. "Well do y'all want to see the video." Zach said throwing the glass in the trash can. "Show us tomorrow during breakfast I'm going to sleep." Jonah said as everyone responded "yeah me too." "Lexii want me to drive you home?" Corbyn asked as Jonah stayed on the stairs. "No thanks bean I'm going to stay the night." Lexii said hugging Corbyn goodnight. Once Jonah and Lexii got upstairs "night everyone!" Lexii yelled as everyone responded "night!"

Next Morning

"Hey babe I need to go home and get ready for school." Lexii said shaking Jonahs sleeping body. "Lay here with me for 5 minutes. Please." Jonah said pulling you back down to lay with him. You felt safe in his arms you felt like nothing can hurt you when you're in his arms. "Ok Jonah it's been 15 minutes." Lexii said turning around to see him smiling at her. "What are you smiling at?" Lexii said getting out of the blankets. "You're beautiful self." Jonah said getting up and going to his closet. "Here wear this and after school we can go to your house because we got a date." Jonah said putting clothes on the bed for you. "What is it and I need some socks." You yelled from the restroom. You were brushing your teeth and Jonah walked in starting the shower. "Let's shower and I'll give you socks afterwards." Jonah said taking off his shorts he didnt have to take off his shirt because he wasn't wearing one. He got in the shower and you walked out getting a towel and jumped in the shower with Jonah. He was facing towards the water when you got in. You kissed his shoulder while the warm water hit yalls body Jonah does his hair and is just waiting for you to do yours.
⚠kinda dirty⚠
While you're rinsing your hair Jonah goes on his knees and licks your thighs. You open your eyes to see the top of his head. You feel his tongue licking you as you turn off the water your back is facing the water and you move your hands to turn off the water. Jonah picks up your tiny wet body and moves you to the sink. He sits you on the sink as he goes down to finish is business he's kissing every inch of your body leaving love marks. He starts kissing your inner thighs as you pull on his hair. He starts eating you out as you moan and try to hold onto whatever was there you knocked down a cup. It broke and Daniel walked into Jonahs room "is everything ok in there?" Daniel asked getting closer to the bathroom door. "He walks in to see Jonah on his knees and you naked sitting on the sink. "Hey Dani?" Zach asked walking into Jonahs room seeing the samething. Jonah gets out from your legs and grabs a shirt right by him covering his spot. "Get out Zach you shouldn't be looking at what just happened and Dani well idk what time say your older but still why didn't you get out." Jonah said pushing them out of the bathroom and out if his room.
⚠end of dirty⚠
You walk out in a towel getting the clothes Jonah left out for you.

"Jonah do you want me looking like a boy today?" you said putting on the pants and getting the shirt

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"Jonah do you want me looking like a boy today?" you said putting on the pants and getting the shirt. "Yes cause if you dressed like a girl all the boy will want you and I've been wanting you since 5th grade." Jonah said biting lip. Jonah gets dressed into

"Like my ear rings love?" Jonah said walking towards you as you were checking yourself out in the mirror

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"Like my ear rings love?" Jonah said walking towards you as you were checking yourself out in the mirror. "Yes they make you look 100x sexy even tho your sexy with and with out." You walk oit of the room downstairs to see everyone staring at you. "Damm look at Jonah." Zach said laughing. "Even though I'm wearing boy clothes doesn't mean I'm not a girl and I'll still kick your ass Zachary." Lexii said walking to the fridge to get a water bottle. "Ouuuu she told you Zach." Jonah said walking downstairs to get his keys. "Haha shut up Jonah" Zach said getting mad. "I'll leave your ass here." Jonah said as Lexii went up to Zach and hugged him. "I'm sorry Zach you know I was playing right." You whisper is his ear. 'Only if I liked her and she was my girlfriend I'd flip her on the couch and kiss here' Zach thought to himself. "Yeah I know now let's get going we're having good breakfast today!" Zach said running outside of the house and to Jonahs car.

Time skip to school.

All of y'all walk into the building to see everyone whispering and look at Jonah. "If you bitches have a problem with my boyfriend we can slove it right here right now." Lexii said taking off the hat and the bracelets and handing them to Jonah. Paige puts her hair up giving Jack her bag. "I have a problem with you and your shitty boyfriend and what are you gonna do about it." A familiar voice said.

Ouuu shits im sorry I'm swearing to much in here but that's the way I am personally. Who said it.....

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