chapter 9 Break

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"Well Paige i-i-i really like Lexii I just dont know how to tell her. I told that I love her. She said that she loves me too. Does she really mean it. Ugh Paige help." Jonah said pouting. "Well I can try to see if she likes you. But you really do like or love her which ever one then why did you hit her you dick." Paige said the last part with anger. "Yes please and I love her and I don't know what came over me. I think it was just that she was ignoring me and I just couldn't." Jonah said with tears running down his cheeks. "Jonah I'm sorry but she needs time. If she has to she explain why she was ignoring you." Paige said in a caring voice. "D-do you know why she was ignoring me" Jonah said sniffling. "No she didn't tell me and I didn't know she was ignoring you." Page moved over a seat to hug Jonah. Lexii came back and Jonah kissed her pink soft lips. He was begging for entrance you let him. From just a kiss to a small make out session. He puts you on his lap and you pull away "later were on a plane" Lexii said biting her lip. She sits back down on her seat. Her legs are on the seat and her head is rested on Jonah's chest. The plane landed in Bora Bora. Lexii had jet lag bad. Jonah carried her off the plane and into the airport. He had their suitcases in one hand and Lexii was on his back sleeping. He had to wake her up so she can go threw security. She went threw it and jumped on Jonah's back again he had one hand under her thighs and his free hand holding their suitcases.

      The hotel 4:30 am

Paige's mom calls and Uber and they drive to the hotel right by the beach. There was only two rooms available the parents got one room and Lexii Paige and Jonh got the other room. In the hotel room the kids got there were two rooms. There was a room by the kitchen and the master bed. Jonah didn't know what room she wanted so he put her in the master room. She was sound asleep. Jonah was gonna get the other bed but Paige got it before him. Jonah took off his shirt and later down next to Lexii. He pulled her close to him she woke up a little a buried her face in his chest and the blanket. Everyone went to sleep. Jonah woke up before Lexii and Paige. Jonah was a good cook. Paige and Lexii both woke up to a shirt less Jonah and pancakes. Lexii came out of the room where her and Jonah fell asleep in. She was in one of his shirts she was in

She threw a shirt from his back on and peeped out to see that he was shirt less

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She threw a shirt from his back on and peeped out to see that he was shirt less. "Mmmhhh that looks and smells good" Lexii said hugging the tall boy from behind. "What are you wearing." Jonah asked "one of your shirts and mmm black and pink underwear" she giggled.


Before Jonah had anything to say Lexii jumped into his arms and smashed her lips on his lips. He walked into thier room not breaking the kiss he closed the door with his foot and locked it. He broke the kiss for air. He was already shirt less so there was no need to break the kiss again. He took off the shirt Lexii was wearing and tossed it to the floor. All she had on was her black and pink underwear. Jonah pulled down his pants and now he was only left in his boxers. He broke the kiss to get a golden packet out from his pants. Lexii just lied there observing his beautiful body. "Like what you see" Jonah said opening the packet with his teeth. "Mmmhh yes daddy." Jonah looked at her hungrily. He got turned on as he went to kiss my lips he moved towards my sweat spot. He was sucking on it which made me a moaning mess. "*moan* Jonah *moan*" he stopped and looked at you. All you did was kiss him. He went down your neck leaving you some dark hickeys.

he hovering over your small body you flipped over now you were on top of him you were grinding on his dick

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he hovering over your small body you flipped over now you were on top of him you were grinding on his dick. You gave him some hickeys the one you left in him were bad

 You gave him some hickeys the one you left in him were bad

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He flipped over now he was hovering over you again. He outs on the condom and teases your clit with his tip. "Mmhhh stop *moan* teasing." He looked at you for entrance you gave in. He pushed into you hard and fast. You were pulling on his hair , scratching his back. He puts your leg over his shoulder and he hits your G spot and your screamed out his name. You kept moaning his name and he went harder and faster. He kept hitting your spot and you felt the knot in your stomach. "J-jonah *moan* i-im close" he groans "me too baby" he moans "Fuck Lexii your so tight" you close your walls on him as he went faster. "Jonah I'm going to *moan* CUM" he hits your spot making you cum all over his length you felt the condom fill up with a warm liquid. *knock knock* Jonah runs to dispose of the condom. "coming" lexii yelled while getting the shirt from the floor. "Yeah i know you were coming" Piage laughed as she walked in your room to sit on the bed. "So what woke you up" " oh the usual Jonah *moan*" Paige said in a high voice. "Well its not my fault" Lexii got cut off by Jonah saying "shes gonna be moaning my name every night so I suggest some ear plugs" Jonah said laughing. You just blushed at his words. Jonah kissed you while bumping into Pagie. "can't y'all wait till we get back to be doing this" Paige said pointing to the wet spot on the bed. "JONAH" Lexii yelled and Jonah ran into the room "what happened" Paid anf Lexii poining to the spot on the bed. "Lemme clean up the one who made the mess" he said picking you up and walked to the restroom. "I'm going to the beach" Paige yelled. "Ok see you in a bit love you" Lexii yelled from the restroom before a moan took over.

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