chapter 14 the movie

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Corbyn walked downstairs to see Daniel,Zach,Lexii and Jonah on the couch watching NERVE. Corbyn saw from the stairs and ran and jumped on the couch sitting in between Lexii and Jonah. There was a big long blanket on all 5 us. Jonah went to the kitchen to get some snacks and drinks for everyone.

⚠ dirty ⚠⚠⚠⚠
Corbyn played naughty boy since Lexii was wearing a skirt Corbyn slipped his left hand down her thigh Lexii crossed her legs stopping Corbyn's hand from going higher. He moved her legs back to where they were before and his hands went towards her spot. She wasn't wearing underwear. "Where her and Jonah gonna do it IN THE HOUSE!" Corbyn's thoughts screamed. He pulled Lexii upstairs to his room and locked the door. "Corbyn I need to go back downstairs." Lexii said pushing Corbyn out of her way. Corbyn didn't move her pushed her up against the wall. "Corbyn stop Jonah" Lexii said before getting kissed by Corbyn. He wasn't going to let her leave the room until she kissed back or pleasured him after or before he pleasured her. Corbyn took Lexii and put her on his bed kissing his way down to her legs. She held back a little moan. "Corbyn stop I don't want Jonah hearing" Lexii said biting her lip holding it a moan. "Moan babygirl" Corbyn said and his face disappeared into her skirt. She pulled on his beautiful blonde hair holding in a moan. She moaned softly into his pillow. He was eating her out how could she not moan. Corbyn pulled out a rubber and slipped it on and pushed into Lexii's small body. "Corbyn please I can't hold" she said as he hit her G spot making her scratch his back and pull on his hair. She moaned into his ear making him go faster hitting her spot over and over again. She felt a knot in her stomach "Corbyn I'm going to" she said getting kissed. "Me too go for it" Corbyn said in the kiss. She came on his length and a little on the bed and she felt the condom fill up with a warm liquid. Corbyn licked her clean and wiped his bed sheet with his shirt. ⚠end of dirty⚠
Corbyn looked in the hallway to make sure no one was looking so Lexii can run to the bathroom. She ran to the bathroom and stayed in there for 2-3 minutes then came out and went back to the couch. "hey daddy can we go I'm getting sleepy." Lexii said in front of Corbyn to Jonah. "Sure sexy lemme tell Jack we're leaving" Jonah said standing up and kissing your head. "hey Avery me and Lexii are heading back to her place" Jonah yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Ohhh k" Jack said before a moan took over him. "Bye boys" Jonah and Lexii said leaving the house "BYEE" they said back. ⚠dirty again ⚠ Once we got home Jonah carried Lexii to her room taking off his jacket and undoing his shirt. Lexii took off her shirt and shoes. She was left in her bra and skirt while Jonah kicked off his shoes and was now left in his pants. "I told you that you were doing to get punished" Jonah said pulling out handcuffs from the bottom of the dresser. "Are you going to punish me hard baby" Lexii said in a sexy voice. "Hmm I am I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week" Jonah said handcuffing Lexii to the ends of the bed. Jonah got hard when I called him daddy at the boys house and he was harder now if that's possible. He slipped on a condom. With no waring Jonah went hard into Lexii's small body. She was moaning "faster d-daddy" Lexii moaning. He did as told and he hit her G stop now she was moaning even louder then ever. "Fuck Lexii your so tight" Jonah said throwing his head back going faster into her body "your so big *gasp* I feel you baby I feel you!" Lexii moaned out so loud the neighbors probably heard. Jonah kept going faster "Jonah I'm close" Lexii pulling on the sheets. Jonah pulled out Lexii looked at him and whimpered he was hovering over her and started to kiss her. Lexii felt vibrations by her clit. She looked down to see a vibrater in Jonah's hand " baby you don't need this " Lexii as Jonah pushed it into her she was moaning stop but her eyes said keep going. Lexii yelled "I'm close" she whimpered as he took it out of her. She knew what he was doing. He was teasing her. "Stop teasing daddy" Lexii said throwing her head back as she felt Jonah's tounge making circles around her clit. His tounge went in and he was eating her out. She held back a huge moan but Jonah stopped.  "let the moan out or I stop" he said before going back down. Lexii moaned louder then the last time Jonah uncuffed her. He got out a new condom and went in. She was pulling on his hair while wrapping her legs around his waist for more. His face was buried into her neck kissing it Lexii cummed on his length and the condom filled up. "Your were" Jonah said "amazing" Lexii said sitting on his stomach kissing him.⚠end of dirty⚠ There was a knock on the door Lexii tired walking to her door of her room but fell. Jonah saw her on the floor he laughed and went to go put her on his back to go see who was at the door. Lexii looked into the peep hole to see her ex Stiles at the door. "Wtf does he want" you said in Jonah's ear. "Who?" Jonah said looking in the peep hole. "My ex Stiles" Lexii said tapping on Jonah to let her stand. "Nope your staying on my back unless you wanna come to my front. Your choice" Jonah said "I'll stay on your back so I can play with your hair." Lexii said kissing his neck. "Open the door Franzier!" Stiles yelled baging on the door. Jonah opened the door to see Stiles in shock. (Information on Stiles he's 5'7 and he's 19 years old he finished school already Lexii broke up with him because she saw him cheating on her.) Stiles just looked up at Jonah. "Shit your tall and where's Lexii's hoe ass" Stiles said pushing past Jonah to get into the house. "Yup I'm 6'1 and Lexii's right here" Jonah said grabbing your hand to get you off his back. Stiles just looks at Lexii and....

Holy shitness what soes he doo
I got Stiles from teen wolf if you didnt know

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