Chapter 25 Dallas

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Lexii's POV
"I'll get it." I said getting off the chair walking towards the door. I open the door to see Thomas. What the living shit is he doing here. "Lexii your coming home now." Thomas said grabbing my hair. "JONAH!" I cried out as he ran out of the kitchen. "What are you doing here Thomas." Jonah said pushing Thomas away from me. "I'm here for Lexii pretty boy now let me be. Let me take my cousin home." Thomas said putting on the fakest smile ever. "Sorry Thomas shes not going anywhere this is her home now. She didn't want to BE WITH YOU. ALL YOU DID WAS BEAT HER!" Jonah yelled and all the boys and Paige ran down the stairs. Daniel and Corbyn pushed Thomas out of the house. "Are you ok love." Paige asked pulling me into a tight hug. "Yes I'm fine. Ugh now he knows I'm alive and knows where I live." I said as tears formed into eyes. "Its ok Lexii." All the boys said hugging me and Paige. "Lexii do you want to come with us to go see Zach's family down in Dallas?" Corbyn said taking a bite of my taco. "Hey that's my taco. did you say Dallas." I asked walking over to Corbyn hitting him playfully. "Yeah I'm from there." Zach said getting a bowl of cereal. "No really. So am I." I said remembering all the memories I had with my parents. "So do you want to come. Maybe you could show me the part of Dallas your from." Zach said like a child meeting a new friend. "Yes I'll go with y'all. Babes do you wanna join us?" I asked walking to Paige. She looked at Jack and he smiled "Yes of course I wanna see where my baby grew up." The boys cheered and we up to go pack. Me and Paige went home to pack too. Once we got home I saw a note on the table
Hey girls me and david had to leave for work. Y'all are at school and mainly at the boys house we're leaving 500$ still. We'll be back in 2 weeks. See y'all soon oh PS. We'll be back the week before you go to your next appointment Lexii. ~Mellisa *end of note*
"Well let's get packing so we can go." Paige said walking up to the room. We took about an hour and a half to get everything we needed. I had asked Jonah to pack me one of his shirts and hoodies. Because I don't want anyone to know that im pregnant while we're in Dallas. ( when I finish high school I'm moving to Dallas so that's why Lexii is from there )
He said yes of course he picked the two that I love wearing. Me and Paige got our suitcases in our trunk and drove to the boys house. We pulled up and they had called an uber to take us to the airport.
Time Skip to Dallas
Zach's POV
Feels good to be back home. I had already called mom to tell her that we landed. She sounded so happy I told her not to tell Reese or Ryan.
Myta's POV
I knew Zach was coming home. I was so excited to see my baby I missed him so much. He called me telling me that they landed and telling me where they're going to be at. He said not to tell Reese or Ryan. He wanted to surprise them. "Reese Ryan." I called them from the bottom of the stairs. They came running down. "Let's go." they were confused but got into the car. We started driving and I put the radio on the boys New song 8letters came on. Reese and Ryan started singing along.
Back To Zach
"Don't we miss the Cold in Texas don't we Lexii." I turned to see her in Jonahs arms trying to keep warm. "Y-yeah." She said as she put her face in Jonahs chest. "MOM!" I yelled walking into the airport. "ZACH!" she yelled back. She came running towards me. "Zach I missed you so much. I love you honey. How are you. Are you hungry?" She said before looking at Lexii. "Omg are you Alexa's daughter Lexii?" She said walking to Lexii. "yeah how did you know." Lexii said with a confused look on her face. "Honey I'm Myta Zach's mom and I was best friends with your mom." She said as Lexii had tears in her eyes. "Omg MYTA ITS YOU " Lexii said crying.
Myta's POV
I saw a beautiful girl that looked exactly like Alexa. I asked her and she said yes. I used to babysit her when she was younger. I can't believe how big and beautiful she has gotten. I also felt her tummy. "Honey are you pregnant?" I asked her touching her stomach she blushed looking down at her stomach. "Yes ma'am I am." She said looking up. "Aww honey who's is it?" I asked her she turned around to look at Jonah. "Jonah your the dad of the baby that's inside of Zach childhood best friend." I said as Zach looked at me with the 'mom' look. "Yes I'm the dad Myta. Now where's Reese and Ryan?" Jonah said sounding even more polite then ever. "Over there." I said pointing at Resse as she saw Zach and shaking Ryan's arm to show him. They both saw Zach and started running towards him. "ZACHY!" Resse yelled running almost falling. Zack ran up to her and picked her up. Ryan hugged Zach's waist. "Ok guys lets go home." I said as Reese stayed with Zach. Everyone followed me into the car.
Time Skip Home
Once we got everyone off the car and into the house. Zach ran into his room and flopped down in his bed. "There's 2 guest rooms upstairs and one down here." I said getting Zach's bags and taking them to his room. Jack got one of the rooms upstairs Jonah and Corbyn got the last room upstairs. Lexii and Jonah got the downstairs one.
Jonahs POV
Once we got into the last guest room me and Lexii dropped out bags by the door and layed down and fell asleep.

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