chapter 35 birth

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• 2 months later. A week before Lexii gives birth.•
Lexii's POV
I was sitting in the baby's room folding all his clothes he got from the baby shower. I put about 3 outfits in the diaper bag for him. With diapers and wipes, bottles, pacifiers. Jonah's parents bought the baby a Minnesota Twins jersery. Jonah wants our baby to come home in that outfit. Jonah came into the room and sat in front of me on the floor. "Hey Lexii we don't have a name for our baby boy yet?" Jonah said grabbing the diaper bag and putting it on top of the changing table. I was thinking about boy names and seeing if any would fit. "Is the baby going to have my last name or yours." I asked and Jonah just looked at me with a blank face. "Should it have mine." Jonah asked with a thinking face. "Yes our baby boy should have his daddy's last name." I asked and Jonah looked at me when I said 'should have his daddy's last name.' "Ok then he's going to have the last name of a Marais." Jonah said scooting closer to me. "I have a name for him." I say and Jonah looks at me. "What is it?" He asked. "Jacob Anthony Marais." I say and Jonah face goes happy. " I love it." Jonah says getting up from the floor and bringing me to him. "Lexii can we have a dance right now." Jonah asked and I look at him in confusion. " We have no music playing. But yes ok. We can have a dance." I say and Jonah runs to my room to get his phone and a Bluetooth speaker. Jonah came into the room playing. Clandestino by Shakria and Maluma. I moved slowly to the beat. Jonah put the speaker and his phone down. He came towards me holding his hand out for me to grab it. I grabbed it and I rested my head on Jonah's chest listening to the music and his steady heartbeat. Jonah spinned me and I felt free. I felt like a teenager going to the dance for the first time with her crush but no one was around. I got interrupted by Paige fake crying standing by the door looking at me and Jonah dance. * Lexii is still living with Paige. Paiges parents got thier own house with 2 exta rooms.* Paige was fake crying but started to cry for real this time. Jack came up the stairs and saw Paige. He pulled Paige into his arms and kiss her head. Paige whispered something into Jack's ear and they came into the room wanting to dance with Jonah and I. We danced until Zach came running in the room with a bloody nose. "What happened Zach?" I asked pulling him into the restroom and sitting him on the edge of the bathtub." I was walking over here from our house and I hit the pole." Zach said and winced at the pain of me touching his now brusied nose. "You know Lexii you should be a doctor. You're always taking care of me the boys and Paige." Zach said and got up from the bathtub to wash his hand. I was thinking about what Zach said. I always wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to be a doctor in Gynecology. I wanted to deal with Cancer Patients. I still can happen but I'll hardly see Jonah and Jacob.  It'll be hard because Jonah going on tour and doing his music then me at medical school is going to be hard on all of us. If I can't be a Gynecology doctor the I'll be a RN. I walked out of the restroom and walked to Jacob's room. As soon as i walked into the room it felt like I peed myself. "Paige I think I peed myself." I said to Paige and she quickly called Melissa. "MOM LEXII SAID SHE FEELS LIKE SHE PEED HERSELF." Paige said shaking. "Honey her water broke. OMG. Put me on speaker. *Puts Melissa on speaker* LEXII HONEY YOUR WATER BROKE. YOUR GOING TO HAVE THE BABY!" Melissa said and it sounded like she was running. Holy Shit I'm gonna have the owww baby. "Jonah go get the diaper bag and let's go to the hospital." I said walking over to the door feeling nasty. Jonah ran up the stairs grabbed the diaper bag and his keys. We were at the hospital in less then 5 minutes.
Zach's POV
Oh my God. I'm going to be an UNCLE. I should probably call my mom to tell her Lexii is gonna have the baby.
On the Phone with Myta
Hey Mom
Hey honey
Mom Lexii's in the hospital
What why. Is everything okay
Yeah everything is fine but
But what Zach
Lexii's having the baby already
Ok tell everyone to meet us at the hospital
Everyone is already on their way
What about you
I'm riding with Corbyn he told me to call you and tell you about Lexii
Ok I'll see you and everyone else at the hospital
Bye Mom
Bye Zach
End of call
"Let's go my mom's on her way to the hospital." I told Corbyn. And we left to the hospital.
Back to Lexii
I'm in so much PAIN.
The doctor's are taking their sweet ass time coming to my room. "Jonah baby can you go see what is the doctor's so DAM LONG." I yelled the last part because I felt a contraction. Jonah nodded and went out of the room. He came back in with two nurses and a doctor. "Hello. I'm doctor Snow. I'll be delivering your...." He said not know the gender. "Son our Son." Jonah said looking at the doctor. "Yes I'll be delivering your son. Ms. Marais." Dr. Snow said calling in one of the nurses. One of them came in with a shot. " Ok Ms. Marais I'm going towards need you to lay on your side and try not to move." Dr. Snow said and I laid on my side. I felt a pinch and wanted to cry. I hate shots and getting one before I give birth sucks. "Ok all done. You can have up to 3 people in the room while your giving birth." Dr. Snow said getting a paper and pen. "Who'd you like to have in the room?" He said clicking the pen. "Jonah. My Boyfriend. Myta. And Melissa." I said and Melissa came into the room. "Excuse me who are you?" The nurse said pushing Melissa out of the room. "I'm Melissa now get your hands off of me." Melissa said walking back into the room. "Ok we are just waiting on Myta. Yes?" Dr. Snow said looking at me then Melissa. "Yes and there she is." I said pointing towards the door as Myta walked in. "Hello I'm Myta Herron." Myta said walking past the nurses. "Ok everyone is here let's wait until the medicine hits then we'll deliver your son." Dr. Snow said and walking out of the room. On the mechanic next to me it kept going up and down and making a beeping sound. "Aww Lexii your dilating." Myta said and looked at Melissa then at me. "What does that mean?" I asked and they both had an aww face. " It means your opening up down there so you can push your baby out." Myta and Melissa both said in sync. Wow. I'm going to be a mother at 17. I wounder if my mom was still in my life if she'd be happy to have a grandson and to be a grandma. Oh well she chose to leave. I didn't make her. The nurses and Dr. Snow came into the room. "Ok it's been 30 minutes and your dilated up to 8. That means your son is coming fast." Dr. Snow said putting gloves on and signaling to the nurses to close the door.
After birth. Because I don't know how that works.
I feel so sore down there. I've just been laying down and everyone has been coming in and out of the room. Bringing me balloons and stuff animals. When they brought Jacob into the room I was so happy. They brought him to me and Jonah. They put Jacob's birth certificate on the little table in front of me.

"Jonah can you see when we can leave

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"Jonah can you see when we can leave. I'm tired of hospital food." I said and Jonah laughed and went out of the room. He came back in. "They said today. All we have to do is sign some papers and we get to leave." Jonah said. I got up and went to where Jacob was sleeping. I got him up and put him in this.

He looks so cute

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He looks so cute. And looks all like his daddy. With straight blue eyes. The straight blue eyes came from. Fucking Corbyn. I don't care this baby is so cute. He's going to be pulling like his daddy.


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Mr. Jacob Anthony Marais EVERYONE!!!

Words 1515 this chapter took this whole week.

(Completed) Bullied by Jonah Marais // Why Dont We Where stories live. Discover now