chapter 20 the house and school

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⚠kinda dirty⚠
"Ugh Jonah" you said pulling on his shirt. "Yes do you not want to?" Jonah stopped. "I want to but its 11 am. And id like to be able to walk for the rest of the day. But who gives a shit. Fuck me hard baby." You said taking off his and your shirts. "Wanna go with out or with?" Jonah asked pulling the golden package from his pocket. "Mhm with for first round with out second round. Now stop talking." You said as he was kissing on your neck. He kissed every inch of your body as you tangled your fingers in his hair. "I need you Lexii." Jonah said pulling off your pants. "How bad do you need me." You said teasing him. "So bad I'll go with out right now bad." Jonah said tossing the condom on the floor. He pushed into you he was going slow so you can adjust to how big he was. "Omg Lexii your t*moan* ight." Jonah said thrusting in and out of you. "Your so *moan* big right there." You said wrapping your legs around his waist for more. "Fuck LEXII!" Jonah screamed your name as he cummed in you. "*gasp* Jonah you cummed in me.
⚠end of dirty⚠
" Lexii said getting into his arms. "Yeah what's bad ab-." Jonah said before he gave the 'shit its had' look. "Well I might turn out." Lexii said before Zach walked into their room. "Turn out what?" Zach said getting Jonahs charger. " might Turn out to get an A in chemistry." Lexii said covering her body in the blankets. "Oh cool if you do could you help me out with it." Zach said sitting on the edge of the bed Jonah kicked to fall off the bed. "What was that for." Zach said getting up from the floor. "Leave please." Jonah said pointing at the door "Did y'all." Zach said making a circle with one hand and the other just straight. "Ugh yes we did now please Zachy leave." Lexii said covering her face. "Oh yeah. Oh wait Jonah did you wear a condom if not I'm excited to be an uncle and the rest of the boys would too." Zach said walking out of the room. "ZACH!" Lexii yelled throwing a pillow at the door. "Wanna go to the store to get a test?" Jonah said grabbing whatever shirt was next to him. "Yeah pass me the shorts that are on the chair and can I wear one of your hoodies?" Lexii said sitting up from the bed. "Yeah here and you dont have to ask me to wear one of my hoodies." Jonah said throwing one of his hoodies and the shorts on the bed for her. "Well I didnt know." Lexii said trying to stand but fell. "Awh really Jonah I need your help." Lexii said putting one hand up so he can help her. He was laughing while walking to help you up "I'm sorry I didn't know I did you that hard." Jonah said picking you up bridal stile. "Well since your caring me let's go." Lexii said pitting her face in Jonahs chest. He walks downstairs with you in your arms. "Where y'all goin?" Corbyn asked "We going to the." "Store to get food." Lexii said. "Ok so why is Jonah caring you mmh." Corbyn said with a questioning look. "Bcz I'm lazy as shit and don't wanna walk. Think Corbyn." You said laughing. "Want anything from the store cause once I get back I ain't goin back." Jonah said putting his keys in his pocket. "Yeah ice cream the cookies and cream one." Corbyn said going back on his phone. "Dani want chocolate." Jonah said laughing "Haha very funny I want a watermelon Popsicle." Daniel said jumping on the couch. "Jack anything." Jonah yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "No Paige said she doesn't want anything either." Jack said coming out of his room then walked back in. "Zach?" You asked "umm. Doesn't matter." Zach said doing the samething Daniel did but fell on his butt. "Ok be back in a few." Jonah said walking out of the house.
Time skip to the store
"Ok so we got everything right." Jonah said looking in the basket. "No we didn't get everything we didn't get what we wanted and what we came for." Lexii said pulling the basket to the candy isle. "Shit I'm too short to reach it." Lexii said pointing to the small box of Milk Duds. "Here lemme help you out." Jonah said picking you up by your waist to get the box. "You know you could've gotten for me but this was cute." Lexii said putting her candy in the basket. Jonah got some carmel candy y'all walked to get the test. You looked at Jonah he had a nervous look on his face. "Can we get 3 just to make sure." Lexii said getting one then Jonah nodded so she got two more. They went to the cash register the lady who was bagging everything looked at us while putting the pregnancy test in a separate bag.
Time skip home
Once we got home we passed everything out to everyone and went upstairs. "Ready for this." Lexii said walking into the restroom with Jonah behind her. "Ok it says to wait 10 minutes then it'll say the results." Lexii gave Jonah a look after the look his face was filled with relief. *10 minutes later* "Jonah its been 10 minutes. Let's go check." Lexii said getting up from the bed walking to the restroom. They look at the results and
All test

"Holly Shit I'm gonna be a DAD!" Jonah yelled Dad

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"Holly Shit I'm gonna be a DAD!" Jonah yelled Dad. Everyone ran into their room to see Lexii with 3 positive pregnancy tests. Daniel passes out and Corbyn catches him. Zach jumps up and down and Paige starts crying. Jack and Jonah are happy. "Us boys are gonna be the BEST UNCLES THE BABY WOULD EVER HAVE. And Paige will be the best tia." Jack said "wait what about Christiana?" Corbyn asked as Daniel woke up. "Oh yeah I need to meet her before she becomes a part of mine and Jonahs baby." Lexii said putting the test on a dresser. "Ok how about we all go to the  mall and meet her yeah." Corbyn asked as he texted Christina. Jonah looked at you "sounds good 4:30?" Lexii said getting into bed. "Yeah 4:30 Jack and Paige y'all wanna come?" Corbyn asked "Yeah let's do it!" Paige said walking over to Lexii and giving her a kiss goodnight. Paige walked back to Jack and saw how hard he got. "Oh god Jack really." Lexii mouthed to Jack. 'What im sorry she kissed you what was I supposed to do not get yard' Jack mouthed back. You two laughed at each other. "Ok let's go to bed Dani and Zach wanna go?" Lexii asked they said no. "Ok night guys love you." Lexii said blowing an air kiss to everyone. "Love you sexyness." Paige said walking out of the room. "Love you too sexyness." You said as she left the room and saw Jonah cover his spot. "Wow babe." Lexii said pointing where his hands were. "What y'all just called each other Sexyness." Jonah said getting in bed. "Oh you should see us at her house we would walk around in a bra and most of the time in our underwear." Lexii said kissing Jonahs bare chest. "Have y'all kissed before like on the lips." Jonah asked kissing your head. "No but it would be cool to try. Now hold me I want to fall asleep in your arms." You said cuddling in his arms.

Next Morning

Jonah let you sleep while he was cooking food downstairs for everyone. You woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked. You get up and wash up and walk downstairs in some small short and one of Jonahs hoodies. "Morning sleeping beauty." Jack and Zach said. "Morning Jackary." You said walking to Jonah. "Morning Babe." Paige said walking up to you. "Morning babes." "Ouuu Jonah shes cheating on you with Paige." Cobbyn said joking. "Yeah I found out last night." Jonah said sounding sad. "Morning princess." Corbyn said hugging you then taking a pice of bacon from the plate. "Morning bean and Morning Lover." You said walking to Jonah. "Good morning Mami." Jonah said touching your belly.

Time skip to the mall nothing big happens

Ok so i know I said bean and Christina broke up they did but got back together and that's when this happens

What Corbyn saw was shocking

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