chapter 32 the dance

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Third Person's POV
"The king and queen of this class is. LEXII FRANZIER AND CORBYN BESSON!" The kid said and everyone clapped. Corbyn and Lexii just look at each other an
d walk up onto the stage to get their crowns and Lexii's flowers. "EVERYONE MAKE WAY FOR THE KING AND QUEEN OF THE CLASS OF 2018!" The kid said in the microphone. Everyone made way for them as they walked down the stairs walking back to the table where the group was.
Corbyn's POV
I paid the kid that was announceing king and queen to make me king instead of Jonah. Yes I know that what I did was shitty but I love Lexii. And the king and queen get a hotel room 😉😏. You already know what's going to happen. When they said mine and Lexii's name she looked at me in shock and I just smiled at her as well walked up to get the crowns.
Jonahs POV
When the kid said Lexii's name I got happy because my baby won queen and when they said king I was speechless. Corbyn got the kings spot. They get a hotel room and knowing Corbyn he's going to do something. No I'm not just going to let it happen the fuck it wrong with you. There was two hotel keys and I took one of them and left the dance. I told the boys and Paige that I wasn't feeling good and to tell Lexii I went home. I drove to the hotel and went into the room. What Corbyn did to the room was.....

Sorry for such a very short chapter. I'm going to post tomorrow after I get finished with the dentist. And done with school. I was listening to 'We The Party' and this chapter came to my head. *306 words. Enjoy*

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