chapter 8 the video and break

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She saw Jonah sitting on a chair. His hand was bandage up. You go over to sit by him. He's looking down at the floor. He was crying. "Hey Jonah what happened" "I fought I'm so sorry" "who and why" "Jake Rodriguez" "what why" "because he was the one who recorded us having sex. He recorded you moaning." "What the hell when did you fight him" "I fought him after you left" you were sitting there in SHOCK. "H-h-how did you know it was him." Its was obvious he was the first one to call you a slut." "Jonah" you said with sadness in your voice. He looked at you in concern " yeah" a year slipped from your eye "I have something to tell you and I don't know how you'll react" "w-what is it." "I-i was a virgin and you took my V card." He looked at you and hugged you so hard you tapped on his shoulder begging for release. "Really I was omg that's awesome but why didn't you tell me." "I thought it was going to be awkward and you wouldn't wanna you know" "yes I know but I wouldn't have done it with you in the restroom I would've made it special for you. I would've put rose petals on the bed etc." "awe Jonah" you said before placing a kiss on his cheek. Page walks out of the office with yalls work. "Ok well I gtg bye" you said waving bye. "Wait Lexii" he yelled before you left the building "what" you asked confused "what's your number" when he said that you got butterflies in your stomach. "Its (213)292-9053" he types in your number and puts Lexii 🤤💍 "whats yours" "its (213) 292-9053" Lexii puts Jonah🤤🍵💞

Time skip to around 5:00 pm.

You're doing your chemistry work and you get a face time call from Jonah🍵🤤💞. Your face lights up. Then you think "wait why is he starting to be nice to me him and his friends jumped me last Friday. No I can't be falling for him." You missed his face time call. You cry because you think he is using you for sex. You go to school on Thursday. You were ignoring Jonah the whole day. He was sad he was quiet in class he tried talking to you but you put your music on loud so you wouldn't hear him.


You woke up in a happy mood

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You woke up in a happy mood. You got ready and You  went to check on Paige she was getting ready. Her parents were coming home for this week. But Paige doesn't know their going to pick us up in second hour. And I don't know what's happening after that. You make pancakes for you and Paige. She came down stairs and saw the pancakes. She sat down while you poured some chocolate milk for the both of y'all. Y'all ate and went to school. Well I guess the boys and Jonah were in BAD moods you went to go ans apologize to Jonah. But he hits you he hits you over and over again. He picked you up and threw your over his shoulder. You knew where he was taking you. Behind the gym he had Corbyn and Daniel holding your arms and Zach covering your mouth and Jack keeping watch. Jonah took a good 15 hits on you to make you fall to the floor. And you already felt a bruise forming. You didn't even try to hit back or anything. You laid on the floor crying when you got up you felt blood coming down your forehead and from your nose. You just cried until you got a face time call from Piage asking where are you. You show her your face and ahe asked where are you you tell her that your behind the gym. She ran out of first hour and went to you. She saw that you were bleeding. She picked you up and walked to the nurse she cleaned you up as always. You and Paige went to first hour and told the teacher what happened but not exactly what happened. She just marked you both tardy. Second hour came and you see Jonah. He looks sorry so he goes to apologize but you pushed him away. He saw the blood on your shirt he gave you his red champion shirt

 He saw the blood on your shirt he gave you his red champion shirt

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You took it and just it in your bag. Half into second hour the teacher gets a call from the office. "Marais , Franzier, Mills pack up your things your leaving have a good break." Page looks at you in shock and Jonah just left. All 3 of y'all walked to the office and you saw Paige's parents and Jonah's parents. " ok let's get home we have to leave for our flight in 4 hours." Paige looks at you confused Jonah does the same. Y'all just leave and when you get home Paige and you run to halls room and started packing you change out of your bloody clothes

 Y'all just leave and when you get home Paige and you run to halls room and started packing you change out of your bloody clothes

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You put this on. And once you get your stuff you go down stairs hungry you make a sandwich. Your eating your sandwich when Jonah calls you. You answer her asked you "do you know where were going" "huh your coming with us" you asked looking mad. "Yeah that's what my parents said." you hung up and finished your sandwich. You made one for Paige because you know she's going to be hungry too. When she comes down stairs you hand her , her sandwich. She's eating her sandwich when her parents walk into the house grabbing their suitcases from their room. "Come on let's go the Uber is here to take us to the airport" Melisa said. Lexii made sure to grab her headphones. When they got to the airport they saw Jonah and his Family

Time skip to where they're on the plane

There was 3 seats Paige got the window seat you got the middle seat and guess who got the seat by the walk way. "Lexii can we talk" Jonah asked. You pulled out one ear bud and ask what did he say. He asked the question again. "Sure why not" he starts by saying "look lexii im sorry i hit you today Im sorry I made you bleed. I'm sorry I really am. I-I-I love you Lexii Franzier." "well I really hope your sorry for what you did to me and its fine I have a sensitive nose. And I-I love you too Jonah Marais." you two hug. You fell asleep on his shoulder. His mom takes a picture of you two. When you wake up you have about and hour till the plane lands so you get your phone out and put on music. Your listening to lucid dreams juice wrld. "I still see your shadows in my room" you sing lightly. Jonah wakes up to you singing he taps your arm you pause your music and say "h-h-how long have you been listening." "Just for awhile beauty." She said kissing your hand. "Jonah I have to pee" you say pushing him lightly softly he can move. "Did I make you have to 'pee' " he said with a wink at the end. You just laughed and went to the restroom. Paige wakes up and asks for Lexii. "Oh she went to the restroom and Paige can I tell you something but you can't tell Lexii" "ugh yeah sure" Paige said confused.

What will Mr. Jonah Marais say

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