chapter 17 the mall and the movie date

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"Who's this babe" Jonah said grabbing your ass. "Oh this is Anthony Paige meet him the day." "Ok sexy let's go eat and we could have the day doing whatever!" Jonah said pulling you away from Subway. "Jonah Marais!" Lexii stopped and stomped her foot. "Yes my beautiful angel!" Jonah said turning around. "Did you really think I'd go out with Anthony he's kind but not as kind as you. He made me laugh but you have me crying while laughing. He looks like a kid and you look like my sexy ass husband." Lexii said jumping on Jonah's back. "Let's go eat" Jonah said carrying you to the table to where everyone was. "Hey shits where Paige and Jack?" Jonah and you asked. "Oh Jack went to the restroom and Paige went to go wash off her makeup." Daniel said nervously. "Daniel James Seavey I'll kick your ass right here right now if you don't tell me where Paige went and I'll beat the living shits out of Jack Robert Avery!" You said walking towards him with anger in your voice and eyes. "Hey there was no need to say my whole name Lexii" Jack said laughing walking back to the table. "very funny dickshit where's Paige." You said seriously. "She texted me saying I'm going to the restroom be back in a few 😘." "Ok well I'm going to go check up on her to make sure she didn't fall in the toilet and Dani she doesn't wear makeup." You said giving Jonah a peck on the lips walking away from the table. As you got closer to the restroom you heard moaning. From a girl and a boy so you gave no fucks and walked in you walked all the way to where there was an empty stall next to the big stall. You stand on top of the toilet to see Anthony and Paige. "Paige Rose Mills GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW!" *rose isn't her actual middle name* Paige came out of the stall buttoning her pants. "wtf is wrong with you. You have fucking Jack. He was about to get his ass beat because of you." You whisper yelled. "I'm sorry Jack just didn't have me screaming mercy like Anthony did." Paige said biting her lip. "Tf Paige Jack really likes you he asked me where would it be nice to take you out on y'alls first date. I'll tell him you hooked up with Subway boy!" You said walking out of the restroom mad and sad. You go and sit by a table crying because you didn't know how to respond to what you just saw and thinking if you should tell Jack. You got your phone out and called Jonah to come sit with you. He got there and saw you crying you buried your face into his chest. You pulled away from his chest and told him why you were crying but begged him not to tell Jack. Not at this time he needs to know but right now isn't the right time. Jonah carries you on his back. You just look at Paige in disgust " hey guys I'm gonna take Lexii home she isn't feeling well." Jonah told the boys. "Well maybe she could come over and we could have a movie date all of us." Jack said smiling putting his arm around Paige. "Yeah sounds grest see y'all around 8:30" you said putting your chin on Jonah's shoulder. "Perfect and wear your PJs." Corbyn said winking. "Let's go." Jonah said picking you up a little.

Time skip to 8:00 pm

You change into

And Jonah changed into

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And Jonah changed into

"Ready babes!" You yelled from your room getting yours and Jonahs slippers

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"Ready babes!" You yelled from your room getting yours and Jonahs slippers. Jonah let you pick out his slippers 'bad idea'

 Jonah let you pick out his slippers 'bad idea'

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Jonah slippers

Jonah slippers

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Your slippers

"Yeah let's go!" Jonah said getting his keys from the counter. "Here are your slippers my king." You said bowing. "Oh my Lexii these are cute." Jonah said almost sounding like a girl. "Look at mine." You said moving your feet. "Nice nice but look at you. I should make you wear a pair of my boxers under that nightgown." Jonah said biting his lip. "Well then Jonah that wouldn't be comfortable." You said tipy toeing to kiss him. "Ok now let's go." You said getting your blanket.

Once y'all get to the boys house you smell the popcorn as you walk into the house

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Once y'all get to the boys house you smell the popcorn as you walk into the house. "Mmm smells good boys." You said walking in the hiuse hand in hand with Jonah. "where's bean?" You asked Jack. "He's upstairs in his bed being a little girl." Jack yelled the last part loud enough so Corbyn could hear it. Corbyn walked out of his room with tear stained cheeks and ouff eyes. "hey babe ima go check on bean ok." You said kissing Jonahs ckeek. "Ok don't be long I told the boys that you get to chose first movie." Jonah said kissing your head. You walk into Corbyn's room with out knocking to see him changing. "Hey bean what's the matter?" You said not caring and sitting on the bed. "Christina broke up with me." Corbyn said before hugging you. "Oh bean I'm so sorry that bitch doesn't deserve a gentleman like you." You got out of the hug and kissed his cheek. You two walk downstairs Corbyn sits by Daniel Zach is sitting on the left side of Lexii and Jonahs sitting on her right side. Next to Jonah was Jack and Paige. "Ok Lexii your pick on the movie." Zach said passing you the remote. "Yay ok eyes closed please and thank you." You said in a baby voice. You put on The Lorax "ok open." You said as everyone opened their eyes. "Yay the lorax" Zach said happily hitting Daniels shoulder lightly. "Ok shh!" Zach said getting comfortable on Lexii's shoulder. Jonah just looked at Zach with a glare. 'Hes my best friend calm down.... Daddy Jonah' you mouthed to him before he put on leg on top of his other. You got the blanket and covered y'all. The movie gets interrupted by a knock on the door. Jonah gets up to see who it is.

Who does Jonah see.... Ahhhhh its getting GOOD. I'm waiting for the next chapter and I'm writing it 😂😂

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