chapter 10 beach

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Paige left the room before Jonah cleaned her up 😉. After the clean up Lexii to the kitchen to grad some granola and yogurt. "Mmmhh your eating g good" Jonah said taking a spoon of your granola and yogurt. "Hey there's more granola right here and there's some strawberrie yogurt." You said pointing to the granola and opened the fridge. "I wanted some if yours because it was made by you" Jonah said kissing your neck. "Stop Jonah" you said kissing him. "Should I tell her ugh I need Paige right now" Jonah said in his head. "What's up" Lexii said with a questioning look. "Mmh oh nothing I was just thinking about you" he said getting a kiss and a spoon of your granola and yogurt. You laughed "really". "Yup I'll be back". "Ok I'm gonna go to the little store that's down the street" Lexii said going to her room to change into

 "Ok I'm gonna go to the little store that's down the street" Lexii said going to her room to change into

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You got your puse and walked to the store you grabbed some more condoms and some snacks. You got the rapper from the one Jonah used earlier today. You bought the same and got some snacks for you and Lexii. "Will this be it Miss." the nice cashier said. "Umm yes that'll be it" you said getting a 20 Dollar bill from your purse. "It's ok i don't make pretty girls pay." He said with a smile. "Oh no here" you hand him the money. He takes it and writes on a sticky note. He gave you your money back with the sticky note in the bag. "I didn't catch your name beautiful" you blushed at his words. "I'm Lexii Franzier. I'm here just for break." you said getting the bag in your hand. "Well Lexii I'm Finn Ayala." Finn said. "Can I walk you back to your hotel." He asked in the kindest tone of voice. "I'm sorry but I have to leave now my mom needs me. I'll come back later for some more Golden Packets." You said laughing and walking out if the store. You see Jonah running towards you. "Hey I saw that boy lemme see your bag." you gave him your bag and he saw the snacks and the condoms he got the sticky note and read it. "I dont make pretty girls pay ♡" Jonah crumbled up the paper. "Did you know he called you pretty." He said with madness in his voice. "No Jonah you know I don't pay attention." you said hugging him.


He looks at Finn and kisses you roughly. You knew he was hungry for more. He picked you up bridal style and walked back to the hotel. He took out the condoms from the bag and put one on the dresser by the bed. He took off his shirt and your dress now you were only left in your bra and hot pink underwear. He bites his lips looking at you. "You like what you see" you said pulling him down for a kiss. "Oh yes I do" he said licking his lips. Before he went to your sweet spot you went to the edge of the bed. And you pressured him. You kissed his lips from his lips you went down his neck. You found his sweet spot you kissed and sucked on it for awhile. He was a moaning mess. You went down his neck to his 6 pack you unbuckled his belt. Now he was left in his boxers. You see his bulge get big. You bit your lips "like it" Jonah kissing your forehead when you looked up at him. "Yes daddy" you said pulling down his boxers. You licked his tip "stop teasing babygirl" Jonah said biting his lip. After he said that you put what ever could've fit in your mouth. You went up and down slowly then Jonah moaned "faster" you did as told. You went faster he put his hand on your head to move up and down. "B-babygirl im close" Jonah said with his head thrown back. You gave him a thumbs up and you felt a warm liquid go down your throat you swallowed. He brang you up for a kiss. It was his turn to pleasure you he kissed and sucked on your sweet spot. His face went down while he was kissing your body he in clipped your bra. He cuped one of your boobs in his hand while the other one went down to your inner thighs. His tongue was on your clit. "Stop teasing" you moaned. You felt his smile grow on your clit. "Ugh Jonah i want you in me!!" you moaned pretty loud. He went to get the condom from the dresser. You watched him slip it on her teased again with out a warning he pushed into you. He went fast and hard. He went slowly but hard. He put both of your legs over his shoulders for more access and that's what he got. Your hand were filled with the bedsheets you pulled on his hair with one hand. "Jonah Jonah *moan* I'm *moan* close." he looked at you. "Go for it" you came off his length. He kept going until you were drained. "Round two" Jonah said out if breath. "Yes but I want to try something" you said wiping all the sweat from your forehead. "Anything what is it" Jonah said doing the same. You threw the condoms to the floor "bare I want to feel you in me" Jonah looked at you in shock. "You sure" "yes Jonah" "b-but what if I get you pregnant" you looked at him. You just pulled him down and you were on top of him now. You were riding and grinding and bouncing on his dick. His hands were filled with the bedsheets you saw and went faster. He was moaning your name "youre beautiful lexii Franzier" "thank you Jonah Marais" you felt his dick twitch yup he came in you. "That was" "AMAZING" Jonah singed out. Y'all were out of breath.

⚠️end of dirty⚠️

You got up to go to the restroom but your legs gave out. "Shit Jonah I need you" you kinda yelled. "Well dam I fucked you that hard". You nodded yesterday and Jonah helped you to the restroom. Paige came inside and saw Jonah helping you to the restroom. "Dam Jonah you fucked her that hard" Paige walked into the room. "Yups. why don't we take a break from the sex" Jonah said holding your hand. "I think that's a good idea" you laughed. "umm Paige can I talk to you for a second outside" Jonah said pointing at the door. Pagie knew what he wanted to talk about "yeah I'm going" paige said getting up from the couch and walking outside. "Should I tell her right now or should I take her out on a date and tell her" Jonah said "Tell her in a bit ok"

Later on that day

Jonahs in the restroom looking in the mirror as he repeats "Lexii Franzier would you like to go on a date with me" he walks out to see Lexii on the bed watching Riverdale he goes and sits by you. "Lexii can I ask you something" you pause your show. "Yeah what is it" "Lexii Franzier would you like to go on a date with me today around 8:30 pm." He asked nervously "really I would love to go on a date with you." "Ok you have 2 hours until the date. Get ready." he leaves the room and you jump up and down in the bed. "PAIGE GET IN HERE" you yelled as Paige ran inside the room

Awe I'm lonely this story is just too cute

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