chapter 15 the house and School

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He pushed Lexii into the wall. Jonah got in between them Jonah got mad because he saw a 19 year old pushing his girlfriend/wife. Jonah pushed Stiles away from Lexii. "Look kid I don't want problems now you leave or your going to regret it" Jonah said in anger "Your last name is Marais right Jonah Marais." Stiles said "yes why" Jonah said making a fist. "Well then Marais what if I don't leave what's gonna happen" Stiles said moving around Jonah towards Lexii. "I'll show you what's gonna happen Lexii go upstairs now!" Jonah said moving closer to them "but Jonah" Lexii said scared. "NOW LEXII!" Jonah said punching Stiles. Lexii ran upstairs to her room and went to the closet and started to cry. "He's never yelled at me before maybe I shouldn't get all sad because he was protecting me" Lexii said as she heard something brake downstairs. She got out of the closet and went downstairs to see a glass broken. "I told you to fucking leave didn't I now if I see your ass in this house or around here I'll fuck your ugly ass up more" Jonah said hitting Stiles. Lexii ran over the glass barefoot to get Jonah off of Stiles. She got Jonah off of him and Lexii went at him. "You fucking bitch I hope next time Jonah kills your ass" Lexii punching him and kicking him in the stomach. Jonah grabs Stiles by his shirt and throws him out on the sidewalk. "Babe your bleeding a lot!" Lexii said running to Jonah. "I know I'll fix the glass Jonah said getting up and walking to the restroom. Lexii followed him she cleaned up in hands and his nose. Lexii was sotting on the sink while Jonah was sitting on the toilet seat. "What happened to your feet" Jonah said grabbing them "I ran over the glass barefoot and got glass in my feet to get you off Stiles before you killed him" Lexii said picking up her foot to get the glass out. Jonah took her foot back and took out all the glass and cleaned up her bleeding feet. After he cleaned up her feet he carried her to her room to watch a movie/show. "What do you wanna watch babe" Jonah said placing Lexii on the bed as if she was glass that he wasn't trying to break. "Ouu how bout Harry Potter The Deathly Hollows Part 1 and Jonah I'm not glass I'm not fragile." Lexii as Jonah took off his shirt to go lay next to her. They watched the movie Lexii started to fall asleep so Jonah turned off the movie and layed down next to her. He pulled her close to him he kissed her head goodnight she woke up a little and her face was on his chest.

Monday first day of school since break

Jonah woke up at 7:45 am to make breakfast for Lexii,Paige and himself. He knew Paige would be hungry since none of the guys know how to cook. He made some pancakes with eggs on the side with Orange Juice . Lexii woke up to the smell of Pancakes she got up and got ready in

 Lexii woke up to the smell of Pancakes she got up and got ready in

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And these shoes Jonah bought for her during break

She went downstairs to see Jonah in his checkered boxers

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She went downstairs to see Jonah in his checkered boxers. He put your plate on the table as he covered Paige's plate. "how come you didn't tell me you can cook" Lexii said taking a bite of her pancakes. "well if I would've you would only be with me because I give great sex and I could cook" Jonah said laughing. "Oh shut up. Well your not wrong about the cooking and the heart sex but there's also other things too" Lexii said taking a drink from her juice. "And those other things are?" Jonah said holding the R. "well id love to list all of them but we're going to be late and you have no clothes" Lexii said putting her plate in the sink. "I'm going to school like this" Jonah said moving his hand up and down his body. "umm I think not because ain't no one looking at your shirtless body unless its me. Cause I'll go to school on my bra and panties if you go like that" Lexii grabbing her bad from the couch. "I'm kidding we're gonna go by the boys house which is my house too so I can get clothes and give Paige some food. Oh do you have an outfit for her." Jonah said getting his keys. "No lemme go get something for her" Lexii said turning to go to her room. "I'm kidding babes she's gonna use some of Corbyn's girlfriend pants and one of Jacks shirts now let get going." Jonah said pushing out of the house. "What are the neighbors gonna think when they see you getting in the car with me and you only have boxers on." Lexii said getting in the car. "did they cone out if they're house nope that's what i thought." Jonah said reversing out of the driveway. Lexii got AUX she put her music on Shuffle. A song by a boy band called Why Don't We came on. "Ouu this is my song!" Lexii said putting the volume up. "I need you in my life like limelight where ever I go I'm taking you" Lexii sang holding Jonah's hand. Jonah was shocked that she knew the band and the words. "Lexii I have something to tell you. Well me and the boys do." Jonah said as he paused the song. "sure are they going to tell me when we get to tour house." Lexington said putting the song on again "yes they will." Jonah said pulling in the driveway. Jonah got the key and unlocked the door. He went upstairs to Jacks room to find Paige already dressed. "Oh here Paige I made you breakfast." Jonah said handing her the plate. "Ouu thanks JoJo I'm hungry. Oh Jacks in Daniels room with Corbyn and Zach." Paige said leaving the room to go to the kitchen to see Lexii. "Babes look at you looking SEXY!" Paige screamed running to Lexii. "You too babes you look comfortable and smell good." Lexii said hugging her back. Paige and Lexii talked as Jonah went to go talk to the boys. "Hey guys it's time Lexii already knows the bands name and she knows HOOKED and TAKING YOU" Jonah said walking to Daniels bed. "Yup we need to tell her" Daniel said putting on a shirt. *Jonah still was in his boxers* "HEY LEXII AND PAIGE CAN YALL COME UP TO DANIELS ROOM PLEASE" Corbyn yelled from the room. Lexii and Paige went into the room. Zach closed the door behind them telling them to sit down on the bed. "Lexii Paige there's something we need to tell you." Corbyn started out. "We're a band and we're called" Jack said. "WHY DONT WE" Jack Corbyn Jonah Daniel and Zach said altogether. Lexii looked broken like she just saw Jonah cheating on her. "Why didn't you tell me Jonah." Lexii said getting up. "he wanted to tell you at the right time" Zach said in a calming voice. Zach went to go hug Lexii. "Herron your like a best friend to me wanna be my dude best friend" Lexii said pulling away from the hug. "I'd like to" Zach said. "And what about us" Jack Corbyn and Daniel said. "Daniel your my brother I've always wanted Jack your my texting buddy and Corbyn your my under cover stripper" Lexii said laughing when she said Corbyn's name. "hey I'm your under cover stripper and can I be your sex object" Jonah said "sorry corbs jonahs my under cover stripper and my sex object" Lexii said thinking for a name for Corbyn. "How bout your my high note" Lexii said. "Why high note" Corbyn said confused. "Dude did you not hear your voice in HOOKED" Lexii said laughing. They all got each others numbers. Paige just put the boys names instead of the nicknames. "Jonah you need to get ready school start in 5 minutes and we live 20 minutes away." Paige said playing a game. "Oh shit yeah thanks Paige." Jonah went to his room to change into

 Once he came out of his room everyone got into their cars

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Once he came out of his room everyone got into their cars. Zach was the youngest so he had to ride with Jack and Paige Lexii and I or Corbyn and Daniel. He chose Lexii and me. He got in the backseat and out his music on.

Time skip to school

Once we get to school we get out of the cars and walk into the office to get notes. "We all have first hour together so wanna stay in the cafeteria." Corbyn said. "Sure we have bout 30 minutes left." Jonah said folding his and Lexii's papers into his pocket. "Mr. Marais Mr. Seavey Mr. Avery Mr. Herron and Mr. Besson and Mrs. Franzier and Mrs. Mills please came with me." the principal said.

Ohhh shit what happened what did they do.

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