chapter 36 school/last year

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Jonah's POV
We left the hospital and went to Paige and Lexii's house. Jacob's room is so much like mine when I was a kid. I had a baseball blanket. Basically my whole room was filled with baseball things. Aw crap we have to go back to school because this week is last week of school. I really want Lexii to be in my life forever. But we're going to be seniors next year. I was talking to my mom about it and she said if I really love Lexii that I should propose to her. I want too. I already know her ring size and mine.
Time skip to Senior Year.
*They finished their Junior Year. School is in the middle of finishing. They are all Seniors. They have about 3 months left of school. Then they graduate. Don't come for me. I don't know how I'd write their Senior Year. Yes it's their last year and all I just don't know what to write for it. Lexii and Paige applied for Colleges. In and out of state. No Lexii's mom is not apart of Jacob's life nor her's.*
Still Jonah's POV
It's March and Jacob is 4 months. My little baby. Lexii and Paige applied for colleges. But me and the boys didn't. We're still doing the band and all but we think if we applied for colleges we would have to call the band off. I don't want that and neither do the boys. School ends May 25th and on graduation day it should be full of surprises and be fun. Jack wants to do something BIG for Paige. He didn't tell me what it was so looks like everyone is going to be surprised.
Lexii's POV
3 months left of school. Is what was going threw my head while the teacher was talking to me. "You understand that Mrs. Franzier?" Ms. Scott said. "I'm sorry ma'am can you repeat that please." I say feeling bad for not paying attention. " I said will you and Paige help set up y'all's Prom or have any ideas on what the theme should be?" She said and I called Paige and told her. " Yes Mrs. Me and Paige have an idea on what the theme should be. Can I go get her from her class." I said and Mrs. Scott handed me a pass and I went to Paige's class. We came back to Mrs. Scott's room and told her we were going to be in the art room putting our ideas out. We entered the room and put tables together and put out by g picecs of paper on the tables. Paige was getting tape to tape the papers down and I got the paints, paint brushes, aprons, and pens and pencils. The theme should be sporty. The only sport that popped into my head was baseball. Yes I said baseball. I'm not doing baseball for Jonah. I'm doing it because a lot of the other Seniors asked me to do baseball themed. Paige just wanted to go to a dance with Jack. Oh yeah did I forget to tell y'all that Paige and Jack are dating and they want a baby. I told them that pregnancy is fun but also sucks. So they aren't trying for all I know.
Time Skip to the last week of school
Jonah's POV
It's the last week of school. I'm nervous and Jack was shitting himself on what he's going to do. I haven't told anyone but my parents on what I'm doing on the last day of school. I've just been spending all my time with Lexii and Jacob. Seeing them is the best. My heart is filled with these two. I'm not going to lie Jacob looks cute with his messy brown hair and his bright blue eyes. Yes I know Jacob's going to ask where he got the blue eyes from. When he asks me and Lexii will tell him that she had sex with Corbyn and that's how he got his blue eyes. Prom is tomorrow and me and Lexii are going. So is the rest of the group. Lexii told me to wear a pink bow tie and suspenders. She's wearing a loose pink dress with ruffles. I haven't even seen her in the dress but all I know is that I'm going to be drooling over her.
Prom Night
No One's POV
The group wore pink. And showed up looking cute. Like the first dance everyone was staring at them. They didn't care and walked to a table that had thier names on it. They danced until it was time to announce King and Queen. The same kid that said it last time was saying it this time. He got up on stage and everyone went in front of the stage. Everyone was quite and waited for him to speak. " Hello everyone. I'm Matt. I'm going to be pronouncing the 2019 King and Queen. Ok let's get right into it. The 2019's King and Queen are. Jonah Marais and Lexii Franzier. Everyone give them a round of applause. They've been threw shit but they're still here slaying on you nasty hoes." Matt said and Lexii and Jonah walked to the stage and got thier crowns and went to go sit down.
Graduation Day
Lexii's POV
Paige and I are listening to Wish You Were Here by Hrvy. Hrvy is my celebrity crush. It has a bomb ass beat to it. We're doing our hair. Paige is curling mine and I'm getting a little make up on. Now I'm doing Paige's hair and she's putting make up on. We have our dresses and our cap and gowns.

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