Chapter 28 Last Day in Dallas

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Third Persons POV
Today was the last day left in Dallas and Lexii cant take it anymore. She just been in her room with Jonah and everyone coming down checking in on her. Mainly Jonah and Myta. Lexii finally let it go and now she's in the shower.
Lexii's POV
I let everything go and now I'm showering. The water feels so good against my body. I got out the shower and out on one of Jonahs shirts that he packed me. I walked out of the room to see everyone on the couch watching Inside Out. "HEY GUYS!" I say and everyone got up and hugged me like I've been gone forever. Reese came down the stairs running tripping over her toys. "Ouch." Reese said getting up from the stairs. Zach came running down the stairs skipping some hugging me and spinning me around. "LEXII OMG I MISS YOU." He said hugging me tighter. "Alright Zach let her go your gonna kill my baby and I'm going to kill you." Jonah said walking over to me. "Hey babe." Jonah said kissing the top of my head. "I wanna go the Mall." I said wrapping my arms around Jonah. "Ok let's go to the Mall." Jonah said walking around me to change. Once he got he got my out of the room we left to the mall. Surprisingly no one was there once we walked in my mom and brother popped out of no where. "Hey Lexii." My brother yells getting up from under a table. Ugh what the hell do theh WANT. "What are you doing here and what the living shits do y'all want " I said rolling my eyes. "Honey I know we got off on bad terms but please let me explain everything to you and Oh your baby and your boyfriend." My mom said is a bitch nice voice. "Husband I'm here husband." Jonah said correcting her. "Oh well Lexii's husband would you like for me to explain what I have to explain to her about to you." She said walking towards him. "Umm no I think it's time to go." Jonah said holding my hand as we all walked out of the mall doors.
Myta's POV
I knew something was happening when I saw that no one was at the mall. The mall always has people there even when it's closed there's a lot of people in the parking lot. Once we walked in I wish we hadn't. I saw Alexa and Chris pop out of no where. "HEY LEXII." I heard Chris yell getting up and I saw Lexii's face go straight and she rolled her eyes talking to him. We left as soon as Alexa wanted to sit down and talk. This is the last day I get to see everyone then they're gone. I'll be left with Reese and Ryan. Zach,Jonah,Lexii,Jack,Corbyn and Daniel will all be back in L.A. Lexii told me that I'm invited to go to L.A when its her gender reveal. Me and Josh are hoping for a boy.
Lexii's POV
This is the last day here in Dallas. I'm going to miss Dallas its my hometown I can't just leave and forget about it. But I can leave and forget about Alexa and Chris. Ugh now Thomas knows where the boys live but he doesn't know where Paige lives. Zach came into the room and took me out of my thoughts. "Hey Lexii my mom wants to know if your ready." He said it in a sad voice as if we were leaving him. "Yeah lemme get my toothbrush then I'll be out." I said getting up from the bed and walking to the restroom. "Do you want me to take yours and Jonahs bags to the car?" He asked walking to the restroom. "Yes please thank you babes." I said turning around to see him smile then walk to where the bags were. He left and I turned around to look in the mirror. Tears were burning my eyes but there was no reason for me to cry. A knock came from the door then someone walked in I quickly wiped the tears that were coming down from my face. "Honey its time to go if you want to beat the long line from security." Myta said as she heard me sniffing. "Ok I'll be right there." I said grabbing my toothbrush and walking out of the room.
Time skip to L.A
Third Persons POV
Once they got off the plane everyone got into the uber that Corbyn got for us. The girls went to the boys house. Once they stepped foot into the house they dropped their bags and went to their rooms and fell asleep. It was about 4:45 pm when Melissa called Lexii's phone and woke up Lexii and Jonah.
Lexii's POV
I woke up to Melissa calling me. "Hello." I said in a sleepy voice. "Hey honey just to let you know that I'm on my way to the boys house to pick you,Paige,and Jonah up because today's the day I find out your baby's gender." She said sounding so happy. Oh shit I forgot about the appointment. I hit Jonah so he can wake up. "Yes I know just honk when you get here." i said once again hitting Jonah. "Ok I will be ready ok bye." "Bye" I ended the call. "Jonah wake up today the day Melissa finds out our baby's gender." He finally woke up and fot ready i told him to go get Paige. We were all ready and waiting for Melissa to get here. When she got to the house we got into the car and drove to the doctors. We got into Dr. Blues office waiting for him to arrive. "Hello how is everyone today." He said getting the things ready. "Fine waiting to find out the baby's gender." We said in sync. "Ok then let's get right in." He said putting the gel on me. I forgot how cold it was. We saw the picture of the baby the doctor pulled Melissa out of the room and told her the gender. The doctor left the screen on and knowing Jonah he tried to see if the baby had girl body parts or boy body parts. Nope he failed Dr. Blue ans Melissa came back into the room and Jonah sat down next to me. "ok let me wipe that gel off of you and your good to go." Dr. Blue said wiping the gel off and helping me up and off the bed. * ha y'all thought didn't y'all you really thought I was going to put the baby's gender in nope sorry you're going to have to Wait* Jonah tried asking Melissa for the gender but she didn't say a word.

Ok y'all let me know what you want the baby to be also leave some names down too. I'm really sorry that I haven't be posting a chapter its hard posting right now. Ive been working on this chapter for about 2 weeks now. I've just been adding things to the chapter if I have something in mind. Ok hope y'all love this chapter ik it's kinda short but let me know about baby names and the gender.

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