18-06-26. 做得不够好 - Sohee

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做得不够好就不好意思给别人看,似乎 是我从小到大都没戒掉的坏习惯。当然,这儿也不算什么大事,世界上谁想被别人看到自己的狼狈模样呢?但是,我就是属于要被别人嘲笑才找到动力去完成自己的想要的人,所以每次默默地去实现一件事,大多数我都会打不过自己。没关系,最近有点儿事儿要坚持地实现,正好我会利用它来鼓起自己,每天写完了日记就顺手地写一些中文,英文或者西班牙语的文章,尤其是西班牙语的,否则去翻译一下儿一两页吧!还有我的尤克里里,自然也无法忽视,看来这个月我会很忙吧!哎呀,加油啊,明天又是一个美好的一天了。我们一起加油吧!


And to the girl I have watched over for 8 years, it is your birthday today. Sometimes I can't even believe that it has been 8 years already, during which things have changed and people have drifted to places no-one could have predicted 8 years ago. I bet even you yourselves also had no idea what you would do today back then, and life ain't always what you think it ought to be, right?

For my part, I am thankful that I have met you at one of the darkest moments of my life, and I have learnt a lot from watching you all these years. Life is tough, and the future is unpredictable, but together, let's try to make the best out of ourselves :)

Happy birthday, my ever little princess!  

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