2018-09-06. Publish instagram and feel like crying the whole day

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Once again, I've acted out of spontaneity.

Mở public tài khoản Instagram rồi.



Hôm nay lại đi quá 1 bến của 09, đúng là bát tự không hợp mà =.=


There is something wrong today. There must be something wrong with someone I cherish today.

I cannot say for sure what is actually happening, but this feeling has been haunting my heart all day long.

It all started out this morning. I was sitting in the lobby of Viet Duc hospital and reading a book on Israel. The book was nowhere next to saddening, there was some points that I was moved by the story of the author and his family's life, but I would normally not shed a tear when reading this kind of stuff.

However, tears were all over my eyes this morning. I managed to hold them in, but I cried. Ever since that moment, I have felt like crying the whole day.

I felt like crying when I was having lunch in front of my laptop, I felt like crying when I was in a bus on the way to school, I felt like crying when I am amidst of the lecture.

Is this due to a phase of hormone changing? Or my gut is trying to tell me something?

Last time, on the day our football team lost the match, I also felt like crying the whole day. If so, who is the one to suffer this time?

Ngủ quên bên trờiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ