Chapter Seven: Feelings Reveiled

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Kakashi went home to read some of his book while Naruto set off twards a

friends house.

Sakura and Kanai went shopping for things such as shuriken, kunai, paper bombs, and other small weapons. They also went after a outfit suitable for fighting. Her skirt resembled Ino's, only it was black.

She had also bought a mesh shirt like Shikamaru's and a jacket like Hinata's, except her's was a light shade of gray.

She had the same sandals as Sakura and was all dressed up when Shikamaru came through the shop door.

They didn't notice him, but he noticed his girlfriend.

He noticed what she was wearing anyways. To him she was beautiful.

When Sakura went to find a weapon pouch, he went over to her.

"Shika!," she threw her arms around him, "I didn't know you would be here!"

"I didn't know you would be here in all fairness. But I'm glad you are because you look great," Shikamaru wouldnt let the girl go, "by the way, what are you doing all dressed up? You look youre going on a mission."

"Oh ,that, right," she looked down at her clothes, "I acctually am going on a mission!"

"Really? Thats great! Who's team are you on?"

"For this mission I'm on Sakura-chan's team, but I don't know who's when Sai gets back," the kunoichi pointed to her friend across the store.

"Hopefully we could work something out and you could be a part of my team once or twice," Shikamaru lifted his girl up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"Hey Kanai, I found one so-," Sakura saw Shikamaru and the situation.

He put Kanai down and they both looked at her.

"We can go now if your ready," she eyed Shikamaru suspiciously.

"Oh yeah, just let me get changed," she went into the changing room beside her and started taking off her gear.

"I'm watching you Nara. If anything happens to her by your account, Tsunades gonna kill me," Sakura hissed.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I've grown to love everything about her even her annoying aspects," Shikamaru leaned against the wall and looked up.

Kanai came out in her jeans and tank top and had everything she was wearing a second ago in her arms neatly folded and shoes on top.

"Ready Sakura-chan," she strode over to the counter with Sakura following.

Shika waited for them to pay then walked around with them the rest of the day no matter where they went. And he always wore a smile.

Naruto stood in front of the Hyyuga residence and waited for Hinata to come out like Hanabi told him to.

When she came out, she was in kakhi shorts and a short sleeve shirt. It reminded him of Kanai, but he quickly lost the thought. Hinata looked better than Kanai.

"Hey Hinata," Naruto smiled.

"Hello Naruto-kun. What are you doing here, I thought you had a mission today," the Hyyuga heir leaned on the stone wall that went around her home.

"Well, that was postponed until Kanai's ready for something like that," the genin stood next to her.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh Kanai's coming with us on our next mission since Sai is on a secret one himself."

"Oh okay. I'm not so confused now," she said with a smile and a giggle.

"So, yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to train together this afternoon," Uzumaki blushed on the inside, Hinata had a cute smile, "since Neji's sick and all."

"Sure-How'd you know he was still sick?" Hinata looked at him very confused.

"Well Neji's not the type to get held down by a little cold or something," Naruto looked up at the clouds, "so I figured when you told me that, it was pretty bad."

"Oh well that makes much more sense! I thought Hanabi was out here explaining everything going on in our house!," Hinata laughed and Naruto stayed silent.

She looked up at him and he was staring at her.

"Did I say something stupid?" She asked with her face turning a slight shade of red.

Naruto's face lit up and he grabbed her shoulders," Hinata I figured it out!," he exclaimed, "the only reason I liked Kanai is because she looks like you and you look like her! I couldn't say it to you because...well that part I dont know but I could say it to her because she's not you and I wouldn't be so emabarrassed!," he smiled at the kunoichi.

"Naruto, you don't have to lie to protect my feelings. It's been a day since I reminded you, so that has to be what your trying to do," she looked down at the ground.

"Hinata thats not at all-"

"Its okay you don't have to alright!," Hinata screamed knocking his hands of her. She ran back inside and down the hallway to her room. She laid on her bed and sheilded her eyes from the light with her forearm.

Tears ran down her cheeks, "You don't have to lie," she whispered to herself.

Hanabi shut her door quietly then ran outside.

Naruto stood there confused.

"What did you do to Hinata?!," Hanabi reached Naruto and pointed a finger in his face.

"I told her I like her and she got mad. For some reason," he scratched his head trying to find his error.

"Well that doesn't-wait what?!," Hanabi almost hit him with her gentle fist but then backed off.

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