Chapter Nineteen: Why did you come back?

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Kanai stayed in the hospital lobby the night she went to visit Shikamaru. She slept there and the nurses all gathered around taking pictures to let Shikamaru see.
He was bed ridden and wasn't allowed to leave the room.
Once the nurse who had came earlier to retrive Sakura entered the room, Nara knew something was wrong.
She wore a sad smile as she thrust her phone in his face, "You have a very persistant visitor Mr. Nara."
"I wouldn't call her persistant," he smiled at her sleeping face, "she's more like a crazy idiot," he sent the picture to his phone which Kanai had taken to play games on. It rang in the lobby and the nurses quickly disbanded as she woke up. She pulled the phone from her jacket pocket and smiled. A message under the photo saying 'get in here, idiot' made her feel special. Somehow.

As she walked to his room she noticed the nurse leaving. She bowed to her and entered the room behind her.
Shikamaru stood by the window looking out when he felt a pair of arms snake around his neck, "Hey what took so long."
"You're in room 213. I was in the lobby as I'm sure you're quite aware," she smiled at him.
"Good news," he wrapped his arms around her.
"What?," she rested her head on his chest.
"It's six o'clock. Officially one more day before I can leave."
Kanai rolled her eyes and smiled a little more, "Wait. It's six already? I wonder how Sakura's date went."
"Sakura got a date? With who?"
"None other than Rock Lee. The third densest person here."
"I'm not sure 'densest' is a word."
"It's okay to make words up when it comes to you Konoha kids."
Shikamaru laughed at his girlfriend.
She in return, smacked his chest lightly. He sat down on the bed taking her with him. Shikamaru laid down and fell asleep, she followed not long after.

Sakura and Lee decided to meet at the bridge where Lee confessed last summer, while Naruto wasn't there to stop him.
Lee was nervous and showed up an hour early. He thought about what he should say when his date got there. As he went over possible ways to greet her,Sakura walked up.
"Lee?," Sakura noticed his facial expression.
"Oh! Hello Sakura-chan," he smiled, "I didn't notice you got here. It's rather early isn't it?"
"And yet you're here Lee-san," she giggled.
"Oh right," he rubbed the back of his neck smiling again, "so where would you like to go?"
"Hmm," she looked down at her attire, "How about a walk though the forest?"
"Okay! Let's go!"
Sakura smiled at his enthusiasm. She liked the new look he had: jeans, a long-sleave t-shirt, and , believe it or not, dark green hightops.
Sakura's outfit consited of kahki shorts, a tank top, and her usual sandals. She felt his complete change put her small one to shame.
"Lee," she said as they got to the gates, "do you think I look alright?"
"I think you look beautiful Sakura-chan," he smiled and gave her his signature thumbs up.
"Thanks for the cofidence booster," she stretched her arms above her head, "I think you look pretty good yourself."

As they walked around in the trees of the forest surrounding their village, Sasuke watched from a high branch in one of the trees.
Hinata said to leave the village. She said nor mentioned anything of the thick brush around it's perimeter.
Lee still in his usual combat mode sensed someone, but Sakura who was having a nice time had completly ignored all those signs. Sasuke only watched them for a minute before looking back into the houses. His sharp eyesight let him locate and 'stalk' the Hyuuga heiress. She was of course with Naruto as she walked him to the gates.
Uchiha jumped closer still in the higher areas of the trees.
"Good luck Naruto," Hinata hugged him.
"Thanks," he hugged back, "It should only take a couple days asuming everything goes right so I'll be back maybe by Thursday," and with that and a good-bye kiss Naruto left the village for his mission.
Hinata ran off twards her home.
Sasuke liked this. With him gone no one be there to protect his girlfriend. Uchiha jumped from the tree he was eavdropping from, and walked into the gates of his old village.

Kanai and Shikamaru sat in his room playing shougi on his bed. He beat her every game, but she had played enough now to figure out a tatic.
She let him move his pawn and take one of hers. She then moved her 'knight' and he took that with his 'bishop'.
She had him, she took a pawn and captured that 'bishop' piece.
He looked worried. How could he let her do that? He took his next turn and moved a pawn in front of his king. She had her 'bishop' placed perfectly so when he moved that pawn Kanai screamed, "Checkmate!"
Shikamaru looked down and realized he messed up when she moved her peice and took his.
"How did you do that?," he stared wide-eyed.
"We played twenty-seven games," she crossed her arms, "I think I would have picked up on some things."
"You're not as dumb as you look," Nara smiled at his girlfriend.
"Thank you-HEY!," she put up a fist.
Shikamaru's father stood in the doorway amazed at how she beat the genious. But after hearing the explanation wasn't as surprised, "Well I for one think it was a great game."
"Dad. Hey!," Shikamaru stood and walked up to his father.
Kanai walked with him and gave Shikaku a hug.
"How are you feeling?," his father looked to him and then to Kanai then back to him.
She was still latched on, so Shikamaru pulled her back, "I'm fine. Haven't been very lonely either. She practically stays here non-stop so."
"What am I supposed to do? It was my fault after all," she punched him in the arm lightly.
"I don't think that's a good way to put it," Shikaku chimed back in.
"I totally disagree it's all her fault," Shikamaru pionted at her and smiled.
Kanai and her boyfriend got into it and Shikaku just smiled, "Well, I guess I'll leave. Your mother wanted to know how you were doing and I can see that your a lot better than you were," he gave Kanai another hug or rather the other way around and shook his son's hand before departing.
Once he left the kids went back to the bed and starting setting up another game.
"For the record don't ever blame yourself for that," he looked up at her and stopped arranging his pieces.
"But I was serious. It's my fault you got hurt," her expression saddened.
"No it's not don't beat yourself up over this,"he placed a hand on her shoulder.
Kanai put her hand over his, "Thank you, but-"
"Kanai. Stop," he pulled her into a hug, "It's not your fault. No one is to blame here but them."
"Shika," she wrapped her arms around him just like he had her.
The nurses were already crowded outside. Shikamaru pulled back a little and then kissed her. Kanai closed her eyes and some tears leaked out.
Shikamaru put a hand to her face and wiped them away not breaking the kiss.
Kanai broke it a couple seconds later and buried her face into his shoulder, "I love you so much."
"I love you too," he stroked her hair, "somehow."
She giggled and then it broke into a full on laugh and it caused him to burst out in laughter at her.

Sakura and Lee got back to the gates after walking around the entire village talking and stopping to rest at a nearby waterfall.
"Sakura," one of the gaurds stepped up as soon as they walked in, "The Hokage has requested you, it's urgent."
She looked to Lee who nodded, "Alright. Call me later tonight Lee, okay?"
"Of course," he gave her a thumbs up.
Sakura smiled and ran off twards the Hokage tower.

Tsunade stood in her office. Sasuke and four ANBU members in front of her.
"So what you're saying is you came back to the village a while ago, but was told to leave by Hinata Hyuuga?," the fifth could only barely contain her confusion.
"Correct," Sasuke answered.
"We are talking about the same Hinata Hyuuga right? Long dark hair, Byakugan?."
Sasuke smirked, "Yes very beautiful isn't she," he paused.
"No way you came back for a girl!," Tsunade laughed and beat her hands on the desk.
Some of the ANBU members snickered.
"I did not! I got bored of the snake. All he ever did was mix potions together," he yawned.
The sound of the door clicking open made everyone turn their attention.
Except the Uchiha.
"Lady Tsunade you reque-," she stopped short. Sakura saw Sasuke, his back turned.
"Sakura. I'm ashamed to say Naruto just left and we can't have a team meeting today," Sasuke smiled.
"What do you mean he just left?," Sakura almost left the room herself.
"I just sent him on a mission thirty minutes ago," Tsunade crossed her arms, "How did you know that Sasuke?"
"You think I'll come back with him still here? He was with Hinata that night," Uchiha raised an eyebrow at her.
"What are you talking about?," Sakura remembered what happened a while back.
"Uchiha had an encounter with our Hyuuga heiress and has taken a liking to her," Tsunade smiled.
"For the last time, no I haven't. I just liked the way she took control of the situation. She didn't show weakness at any point in the argument," he defended himself.
"Did you hear that Hinata? He does like you," Tsunade looked to the window. Hinata poked her head around the edge of the meatal frame. Tsunade opened the window after seeing her hair get caught by the wind earlier.
Hinata waited , out of plain sight, for her turn to speak, "I told you not to come back, it was part of the deal."
Tsunade and Sakura's jaws dropped. Was this the same Hinata?
Sasuke smirked, "What can I say? This village just draws you in somehow," he was never looking at Hinata in fear he might stare.
Hinata climbed through the window and walked up to the Uchiha, "Why did you come back?"
"What?," Sasuke still wouldn't look at her.
She was angry.
Hinata put her fingers on his chin and directed his eyes to look at her, "You broke the deal, I have the right to know. Why are you still here?"
"What deal are you talking about," Sakura moved from behind the ANBU members.
'I guess Inoichi removed that one didn't he,' Hinata thought, 'What do I say now?'
"The one where if Hinata gave me a kiss," Uchiha caught everyones attention, "I would leave and not come back. She wouldn't remember though. Inoichi removed the memery from her brain."
Sakura flinched.
Tsunade had to sit back down.
Hinata stood there her hands on Sasuke's face. He smirked again, "Don't strain yourself. Once something is gone,it's gone," he brushed her cheek with his hand and she pushed him away.
"Much like your boyfriend and my teammate," Sasuke sat down on the floor in front of the pink haired girl, "Sakura," she snapped back into reality, "How was your date with Lee?"
"It's none of your business what I do," she almost couldn't stop herself from kicking the hell out him, but Tsunade gave her a look advising not to, "So Sasuke the question still remains unanswered. Why did you come back?"

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