Chapter Three: Kanai's Intent

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It was two in the morning when he looked at the clock. He was only up because he heard a really annoying noise, which when he was fully awake, realized to be someone knocking on the front door to his apartment.

Naruto rose from the comfort and warmth of his bed and walked through the place he called home. He didn't bother to flip on the lights due to the moon's brilliant light shining through the windows. As he got to the entrance, Naruto looked through the peephole in the door and his eyes grew wide. He slowly opened the door and was surprised his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

Kanai stood there, dressed in the short, white gown she had worn at the hospital. Naruto just assumed it was because she had nothing else to wear.

"Hey,Kanai," Naruto peeked out to see if Sakura was hiding somewhere, not believing she would come here by herself, "What are you doing here, exactly?"

Kanai didn't speak. She walked pass him and suddenly, they were in his bedroom. He didn't remember the walk back here, but maybe he was just to tired. Kanai slowly walked over to his bed and crawled in. She pulled the covers up over her legs and then sunk into the mattress.

"Come'on Naruto-kun. Get in the bed with me I'm freezing," she said normally, but Naruto did spend two years with Jiraiya so to him, it sounded rather seductive. Naruto obliged and sat down on the end of the bed. The way she said his name reminded him of someone, he just could't recall who, although he had to admit, he liked it.

"No silly. Lay under the covers with me," she started to undress herself.

Naruto noticed almost to late, but did stop her with out seeing anything, "Hey, you can't do that! It's not proper!," he shouted. Then he felt a hard hit to the back of his head.


He woke up to Sakura towering over him and Kanai hiding behind her, blushing slightly. It had been two weeks since she'd been here and already he'd had countless dreams and in everyone of them, she always called him Naruto-kun.

"Get up you idiot!," Haruno yelled at him, "I didn't realize you could be so disgusting all the time."

"Heh. Good morning Sakura, Kanai," Uzumaki prodded rubbing the back of his skull. He had a bump then noticed that Sakura had hit him with his alarm clock.

"I need you to watch Kanai. I have a mission, you're here, and...," she stopped and the two members of team seven obtained sad expressions, "Point is, I don't trust my dad around her since she's so...... ya know," she gestured toward the most outstanding feature on their new friend.

"Yeah I don't mind," he smiled, but not the usual Uzumaki famous smile that brightened people's day, "I should get dressed, probably," he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts then went into the bathroom. As he got ready to wake up and face the day, Saukra made him breakfast and Kanai, not knowing what else to do, sat on the couch. Kanai listened to the sound of the birds chirping and then caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window.

She crept over to the bathroom door and lightly tapped her knuckles on the wood, "Naruto?," she opened the door.

The shinobi was brushing his teeth and looked at her through the mirror, "Yeah?," he asked thoughtfully. His mind started reeling, his face turned a light pink shade on his cheeks, and he couldn't look at her any longer. She was still dressed in Hinata's clothes that she lent her, then for some reason he started thinking about the dream he had earlier that morning.

"I-I was just wondering if there was someone you liked or possibly loved," Kanai stared at the floor and wiggled her toes with her hands clasped behind her back.

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