Chapter Four: Search for the New Girl: Shika's Hideout

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Naruto looked at Kanai and then Hinata as they both stood in front of him inside of his apartment. Hinata hesitantly walked up to him, holding her breath.

Naruto looked back and forth between the two girls. Then he noticed it, "You two look alike. Like, really similar."

"Yeah we know. We were acctually talking about that just now," Hinata smiled and stood next to Kanai. Kanai wrapped her arm around Hinata's neck and then, Just to mess with him, gave the Hyuuga a big hug. Since both the girls had considerably large breasts, and Kanai thought of this, she made sure Naruto was looking.

He looked out the window when she smiled. Hinata stood there and blushed the entire time, catching on to Kanai's plan.

Otazowa started over to the balcony door and slipped outside, she shut it behind her. Kanai looked out out on the ity. It was really pretty, then her head seemed to turn to face the clear glass behind her. She smiled at the two of them since they were actually having a conversation and Hinata didn't show any signs of fainting.

She hoped he didn't turn her down at the mention of anything, if she even did mention it. After all, the only reason he liked her was because of the similarity between her and Hinata.

Before Naruto came out of his room, They were really talking about how she was going to ask him. She told Kanai about what happened during the attack by Pein and how she had told Naruto her feelings, but he hadn't shot her down or gave in to her.

Putting other people's problems aside, she looked back down to the street below her. She noticed a shadow floating near a street light. Looking closer, she realized it was Shikamaru. He slowly let his gaze travel to her and motioned for her to come down.

There was no way Naruto would let her leave in fear of Sakura, so she jumped over the railing to him. She landed gracefully in front of him and they walked down the street, silently

Naruto and Hinata sat on the couch. They were talking about the mission Hinata had to go on the next day. Hinata was facing Naruto and could see out the window but wasn't always looking. The next time she looked out Kanai wasn't there. Hinata stood up and went over to the glass. She looked around but didn't see Otazowa anywhere.

"Hinata what's going on," Naruto asked looking out the window himself.

"She's not there anymore, she isn't around here at all," Hinata had her Byakugan active and didn't see Kanai's chakra.

Naruto got worried and ran out on to the balcony, "AW MAN!! Sakura's gonna kill me!"

"We should go look for her then," Hinata deactivated her eyes and smiled at him then jumped over the rail. Naruto follwed and they went on the hunt.

They started at the main gate and from there went to each and every store and restruant and talked to almost everyone. Then they stopped in front of Ichiraku's. The old man hadn't seen her all day.

"Well this is the only restraunt she's been to here," Uzumaki informed his friend.

"Are you sure?," Hinata asked.

"Yeah I gave her the tour and everything so I should know," he smiled at her, "But then again she does live with Sakura."

"Hey Naruto wasn't she wearing torn up clothes when you guys found her?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because if someone was chasing her, do you think they would come back for her?" she looked at him, her eyes worried. Naruto's eyes widened. He never thought about that.

"Hinata," he grabbed her arm and shook her,"you are a freakin genious. I dont care what they say Shikamaru ain't got nothin on you."

"Happy to help out Naruto-kun," she smiled at him and he smiled back," Maybe we should look outside the gates. We need more people for that though."

"No problem Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru himself are here today, Kakashi and Sai too." Naruto seemed proud of himself.

"Shino, Kiba,and Neji are here as well. Although Neji is sick so thats why he's not gone," Hinata pondered as to who else they could get to help.

"Well Ino lives the closest and Choji after her so let's get going," Naruto took off before she finished thinking. They ran on the rooftops to Ino's and knocked on the door.

"One second," she shouted from the house. Ino opened the door and was surprised to see them without Kanai. "Whats up?"

"Kanai went missing and we haven't found her anywhere," Hinata explained," we need some help."

"Okay, okay calm down and breathe. Now let's go get Choji," Ino said. The blond nodded and they took off. The girls followed and they went to Choji's.

"Why is he in such a hurry? It's not getting dark anytime soon," Ino whinned.

"He is afraid Sakura will beat him blue," Hinata said watching him go a few feet ahead of them.

"Hinata!," he shouted back at her and she caught up to him, "Ino doesn't need to know my every fear, does she?," he winked at her.

"I-I guess not," Hinata blushed.

Once the the three arrived at the Akamichi's they recruited their friend and were on their way to Shikamaru's when they ran into Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino.

They agreed to help, thanks to some convincing from Hinata, and everyone went to Shikamaru's. Kiba was a little nervous about going, like he had something better to do at home, so it took extra convincing.

Upon arrival at the Nara's, Naruto knocked on the door and Shikamaru opened the door. He didn't have his shirt on, and it didn't bother anyone, but Hinata almost fainted.

"What do you guys need," Shikamaru knew but asked anyway.

"Kanai's gone somewhere and we need to find her before Sakura cuts off my hand," Naruto said a little to fast.

"Alright I'll be out in a minute," he went back inside and everyone went to the end of his walkway. He came back out later with Kanai beside him. No one noticed until they got down to the group.

"Found her," Nara smiled as he held her hand.

"Shikamaru you idiot! We thought something happened to her," Ino screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Sorry Naruto," Kanai spoke up," I was gonna come back before Sakura returned, I promise!" She was latched on to Shika and hid behind him a little, afraid he would be mad,"I just thought Hinata would keep you company."

Hinata blushed a little. Everyone was silent as they watched Hinata walk up to Kanai, break her grip on Shikamaru's hand, then step pass the rest of them. It didn't surprise her teammates for they knew just what Hinata was really like, but Naruto was the most shocked. She had never acted this dominant especially around him. The Hyuuga glanced at Uzumaki before passing him, then pulled Kanai down the street and behind a fence where they couldn't be seen any longer.

"Look I really apreciate it and all, but you had us really worried today. Next time, could you please tell someone where you are going. At least, until you find out what youre gonna do about living by yourself, okay?," Hinata hugged her and smiled,"Let's go back alright."

"Okay," Kanai said a little down. She snaked around the corner of the wooden fence and Hinata followed.

"You're welcome by the way," Kanai whispered as they got within earshot of their friends.

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