Chapter Eleven: Party Planning

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Naruto woke up the next day. He stretched out and then smiled.

He remembered the kisses he had given Hinata,then blushed a little.

Hinata didn't sleep at all that night she didn't want to wake up from this reality that seemed like a dream.

Hinata walked over to a mirror and saw a small note on the side of it. She picked it up and gasped.

"No I can't believe I forgot Shino's birthday!," Hinata shouted alerting her father and Neji who came barreling into the doorway.

"Hinata what's wrong?," Hiashi asked his eldest daughter.

"I forgot Shino's birthday and now I have today to plan tomorrow and its a mess-," she trailed off as she grabbed a pen and paper writing down things she needed to do.

"Hinata you don't have to do this by yourself. Neji will help," her father smiled at Neji.

"Of course. No problem, but we will need extra hands to get everything done," he agreed to the proposal.

"That's okay get as many people as you can," Hinata got her jacket and went down the hallway with Neji following listening to everything she asked him to do.

Naruto was making his second bowl of ramen when there was a knock on his door. He walked over and opened it to see Hinata standing there.

"Oh hey Hinata," Naruto said as he went in for a kiss but she moved past him into the apartment, "What's going on, you okay?"

"Yes and no. I forgot Shinos party and I need your help to get everything done by tomorrow," she begged with her hands clasped together, "Please Naruto?"

After a while Naruto agreed to help then went over and ate his food while Hinata went over stuff they needed to get.

"Hey, have you seen Kanai around? It would be great if she could help," Hinata asked her boyfriend.

"As far as I know she's with Sakura, and has been for a while." Naruto replied noticing his girlfriend's worried look.

"Shika get up," Kanai hit the back of his head with a pillow, "I wanna do something today," she put the pillow down and turned her back to him.

She was answered with a pair of arms wrapped around her waist that pulled her back into the bed.

Kanai had already been dressed in her fighting atire and Shikamaru in jeans and socks.

"But I wanna lay around today," he said as he brushed hair from her eyes.

"Shika we did that yesterday," she said getting up, "Come on I haven't seen Hinata or Sakura OR Ino for a while, you asked the Hokage to postpone your missions, and all so you could spend time with me. So get up," she resorted to her pillow technique because it seemed to work a little the last time.

"Alright let's go see your friends," he said getting up and digging around for a shirt in his dresser.

"They're your friends to ya know," she said fixing her hair.

"Not right now, they're taking my lazy time," he came up behind her then pushed her out the door and walked hand in hand with her towards Naruto's.

Hinata, Neji, and Naruto sat in his kitchen along with Lee, Sakura, Tenten, Choji, Ino, and Hanabi, who seemed to take a liking to the mysterious bug keeper a few weeks ago.

They all sat in the span of the kitchen and living room, when they heard a knock at the door. Sakura and Lee fought about which one of them where going to open it while Hanabi gracefully walked in front of the door then opened it reveiling Kanai and Shikamaru.

"Hey Shikamaru," Ino called from the couch, "It's been a while. Having fun?"

"Yeah," he said as he and his girlfriend entered, "Been sleeping alot, that's always good."

Kanai shook her head and rolled her eyes, but smiled all the same.

Then she noticed Hinata and Naruto sitting next to each other in the kitchen, "Hinata," she ran over to her look-alike, "I missed you so much, you to Naruto," she squealed hugging both of them, then, remembering Neji's policy she shook his hand.

Kanai went around hugging her friends while Shikamaru sat on the floor almost asleep. He yawned as she sat down next to him.

When she got settled Shika layed his head on her lap.

"So what's going on? What's with the gathering? ," Kanai asked no one in particular. She just wanted an answer.

"Hinata forgot Shino's birthday party so we have today to plan it," Tenten explained.

"Ooo a party," Kanai jumped a little shaking her boyfriend awake from his sleep.

As everyone talked about it and were assigned their jobs, the apartment cleared out leaving Kanai, Hinata, and their boyfriends.

"Hey has anyone seen Kiba?," Hinata asked.

'No' was a popular answer amongst the teens.

Although Naruto had a pretty good idea were he was and what he was doing.

"I'll go see if he's at home and stop and get everything else we need on the way back okay?," Naruto asked Hinata and he got a nod for an answer.

When he left Kanai turned to Hinata, "So did you do it? Did you kiss him?," she poked at her friend.

"Yeah," Hinata mummbled quietly.

Naruto walked up to Kiba's front door and knocked.

A little while later Kiba came to the door, "Hey Naruto whats up," he said looking back in the direction of his room.

"Is your princess hidden away in the castle?," Naruto joked.

"Yeah she's here, why are you?," he sounded a little annoyed.

"Hinata's planning Shino's party and I wanted to tell you that should bring her," he was serious now.

"Are you kidding me? What if someone sees us?," he was angry now.

He didnt want to loose this girl, even Naruto, of all people, could tell.

"Dont worry I convinced Hinata to just invite people we know you can trust. Your and Shino's friends, so basically team 7, 10, heself and Neji and his team," the blond said smiling.

Kiba calmed down, "Thanks Naruto I'll think about it, so expect us but don't be surprised if I-we're not there."

"Alright," he started walking away, "Later Kiba."

Naruto stopped by a couple stores and got everything Hinata wrote on his list, then headed over to Ino's where they agreed to have the party.

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