Chapter Nine: Let the Mission Begin!

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Naruto woke up early as he got ready for their once delayed mission.

He thought about Hinata the whole time even during the walk to the front gates. Kakashi wasn't there as usual, but Sakura and the new temporary addition was.

Kanai was dressed in her battle uniform she bought the previous day and Sakura in her usual outfit.

"Hey Naruto! How's your morning going? Mine's going great!," the orange haired girl could barely contain her excitement.

"Whoa, Kanai calm down its just an escort mission," Uzumaki turned to Sakura for help but she looked worn out. Apparently having already delt with the kunoichi all morning.

As Hatake arrived he gave Kanai a breif run-down of the mission. They were to escort a trader back to the leaf village safely and quickly so he could meet his deadline on the goods.

"Alright let's go," she started off away from Konoha, Team Seven trailing behind her. They got a few feet from the gates and she started down a wrong path.

"Kanai," Kakashi intervined in her fun, "It's this way."

"Oh right. I knew that," she laughed it off.

"So Kakashi-sensei," Sakura had recovered and Kanai had calmed a little, "why does this guy need escorts if he's just two days travel away?"

"Well the goods he is tranporting are very rare plants of some sort or another," the jonin informed his students.

Once they got to their destination, a little town two days travel west, they met up with their client.

They all rested up and set out back to the Leaf Village.

On the way back Kanai stopped as did everyone else.

"Sakura-chan there are some guys over there waiting for us to pass by," she sounded ready for a fight, "protect the trader."

She stepped forward and threw a kunai into the trees right in front of one of the bandits.

They stepped out and readied themselves.

Kanai took out three more kunai and set them on the ground, "It's time to show you what Nana-sensei taught me," she annouced as she kicked one of the kunai straight into a bandit's hand. It peirced clean through and he tried to pull it out but couldn't. Kakashi watched, amazed, as she did the same with the other two. One landed a guy in the thigh and the other directly in the heart.

"Its been a while since I used that technique," she cracked her knuckles and signed the hand signs for a technique Kakashi knew well.

"Chidori!," she exclaimed as she took out two bandits with one blow.

Naruto stopped fighting and turned to look at her.

The rest of the bandits fleed when they weren't looking.

"Aww man I didn't get to do anything!," she pouted and walked over to Sakura and the trader.

"Are you two alright?," she asked and they both nodded their heads.

"Yeah, but your not," Sakura pointed to a gash on her right forearm, "that kunai almost hit your nerve. You have to be more carful Kanai."

They continued their way back to Konoha after Sakura treated her arm and had no disruptions the rest of the way.

"I guess Kanai really scared them off huh Kakashi-? Whered he go?," Naruto looked around for his teacher, but couldn't find him.

"What? Chidori?," Tsunade was outraged and Shizune worried.

"She clearly said it and exicuted it perfectly and there was another weapon technique I didn't even know existed," Kakashi explained the fight between the bandits and Kanai.

The Hokage grew more and more suspicious as he explained the kunai technique Kanai showed.

"That's it, nothing else?," Shizune was confused at how little information the Jonin had given them.

"The rest of the bandits fled in fear after she finished off the five of them, besides if you send her on missions more you'll work everything out of her at some point," Team Sevens leader was calm but the Hokage not so much.

"You dont think shes an Uchiha do you?," she asked Hatake, "I mean she can use Chidori and take down three guys just kicking kunai. And this is her first fight in a month."

Hatake never considered it but it did make sense. All except for her eyes.

"What about the Sharingan? She didnt show even signs of using it," Kakashi asked the Hokage.

"Maybe she doesn't know herself and has yet to activate it. Either way we need to find out. If she is,she could be in danger," Tsunade said from behind her hands.

"Yes ma'am," Hatake bowed and left the room.

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