Chapter Thirty-Two: What Happened To Sasuke

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"My birthday is August twenty-second," Kanai pointed to one of the boxes on the forms, "I don't have any brothers or sisters, I'm Katon elemented, and I live with Shikamaru," her hand moved with her words telling Tsunade what to write.

"Naruto," Hinata pulled him over to the side, "I know you're concerned, but you do have a mission tomorrow."

"Yeah I guess I should try and sleep," he held Hinata's hand, "I'll see you in the morning Hina-chan," he kept his voice low this time before lightly kissing her forehead.

"Sleep well Naruto," she quietly said to herself as the Uzumaki boy announced his departure and left.

After an hour Tsunade gave orders to each of the teens in Naruto's generation consisting of teams of two.

Sakura and Ino were to stay at the hospital in case anyone brought Shikamaru or word of him into the building. Choji and Shino were to search the forest just outside the village while Hinata and Kiba were assigned an area further out. Kanai wasn't allowed to leave the village to look for him, at least not yet.

Before they all left the Hokage called to Inuzuka who halted and turned to face the leader, "Yes Lady Hogake?"

"How's Ruma doing?," she hid a smile behind her hands.

"She's been," he searched for the right word, "smaller."

"Well just remember it's your fault," Tsunade waved him out the door and he closed it behind him.

He turned around to face his female teammate and almost jumped out of his socks, unprepared for her presence, "Hinata, I didn't think you'd wait up for me."

"We're working together again. It's been a while and we haven't gotten the chance to talk much," she started walking alongside him, "I just wanted to catch up as much as possible."

"Really?," he said sarcastically, "Then let's catch up on how you abandoned your clan."

She opened her mouth and let out a squeak, but no words, "I didn't abondon them," she finally decided to say.

"Then why is Hanabi moping around the village and throwing shurikens at drawings of Naruto?," he smiled at the memory he attained earlier that day.

"I told her she was like my father," Hinata looked towards the ground, "Angry and proper."

"Hinata, you're dad just wants you to have the best."

"And what's better than the Hero of Konoha? Why can't he ever give me an answer to that question?," she started to notice tears forming in her eyes.

Inuzuka thought for a second and then shrugged, "I don't know, but I'm sorry I brought it up. Let's just forget about it."

"Kay," she quietly answered.

The two teammates walked down the street in silence and then Hinata lifted her head and sniffed the air. Before she could say anything a figure landed in front of them making Kiba and Hinata stop walking.

"Hinata," Sasuke stood up from his crouched position, "I need to talk to you."

"About what?," Kiba moved in front of her.

"I have a problem and it seems that Sakura is preoccupied with waiting for Intel on Nara," Uchiha kept one hand on his sword hilt the entire time.

"It's okay Kiba-kun," Hinata walked around him, "I should probably learn to tolerate him in case Naruto ever invites him over," she started going down the street again with Sasuke following close behind.

"Okay, later Hinata," he called after her and she threw her arm up in a wave of goodbye.

After a while Uchiha started to lead the way out of the village and he took her to the base of a large tree before climbing up it with the tree climbing technique. Hinata followed diligently and when he stood on a brach she went to the one on the other side so that the trunk was separating them.

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