The second cat

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A week had passed since Jasmine's discovery, Lila wanted to help figure out what the two sets of heroes can do if together, so she went to library in hopes of finding a clue about it but she wasn't finding anything that would help them making her sigh and walk out to get going, she had to get to class and she knew that if she was out any longer people will start to wonder what she was up to, just as she got to the stairs she noticed a girl that was around her age, black skin and black hair with a purple bang but what really got her was her golden eyes.

"Um... Can I help you?" Lila asked, the girl turned to her and smiled "I was looking for the principal, I contacted the school and he told me to meet him here" the girl explained making Lila nod "He should be in his office, i'll take you to him now if you want" Lila said making the girl nod "Thanks, i'm Milana by the way" Milana said "I'm Lila" Lila replied as she brought Milana to the office before heading to class, to her surprise not all of the students were in the classroom so she went straight to her seat making Jas smile to her quickly before getting back to the book she was reading at the moment "Still working?" she asked as Lupus floated over to her "She wants to figure out at least a part of it but it's hard to understand" Lupus explained making Lila nod.

Lila looked at the pages Jas was reading at the moment, she could tell that her friend was having a hard time with this making her hope to be able to help at some point but she couldn't do anything at the moment, she sat down and watched her friend try to read what was written at the moment the best she could while at times writing certain words and deducing what it meant in english as best she could making her turn to Lupus who simply watched with a smile as her way of keeping positive.

Adrien watched Jasmine reading, it was a strange book that she brought in... Much like the book his father keeps hidden, it made him wonder what was going on to make her read it at the moment while writing something down, he wanted to go ask her or even ask his father if he could borrow the book but miss Bustier came into the classroom "Alright class settle down" she said making everyone quickly run in to get to there seat while others stopped what they were doing to look at the teacher, but before she could say anything the earth began to shake making everyone look outside to see a black crow and someone destroying everything "Let's go!" Jas said as Jimmy and Lila followed to fight leaving Mari who had just gotten back to watch them fight as she couldn't help as Ladybug.

The trio were now transformed as they went into battle but there was a problem... The crow was much too high for them unless Lila flew after it "Guess i'll be catching it this time" Raven said making the two nod "Were counting on you" Blue Dragon said as he and Loup Heart went into action, Raven Fate was trying her best to catch it but she was having a hard time "Surprise it" a female voice said making her turn to see a girl dressed like a black and purple cat "If you let it land and be quite enough you can surprise catch it" the girl said before showing what she meant by catching the crow "See?" she said as she then let's it go just as Loup Heart purified it making them all look at the new girl "Jaguar" Loup Heart said "I thought back to everything that happened... And Dusk wouldn't shut up about how horrible I was to you" the girl said as she detransformed as Milana.

The others did the same "Lila, this is Milana Spink. She's the holder of the Jaguar ring with Dusk as her kwami" Jas explained as Mila bowed to her "Mila, this is the new Rave holder, Lila Rossi" Jas then said as Lila then bowed to Mila "I know who she is. We meet at the entrance of the school" Mila explained, Jas smiled at the news and then explained to Mila what was going on as they got inside, once all four were in the classroom Mila went to present herself "My name is Milana Spink, just like Jasmine, Jimmy and Lila I have a ring and can turn with my kwami Dusk into Jaguar" she explained as her kwami showed herself with a smile.

 We meet at the entrance of the school" Mila explained, Jas smiled at the news and then explained to Mila what was going on as they got inside, once all four were in the classroom Mila went to present herself "My name is Milana Spink, just like Ja...

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"It is very nice to meet you all, I hope we may become great friends" Dusk said as she then followed Mila to there seat, class then began as Adrien then wondered what was going on and what did he need to do so to be able to help them in battle, so many things wondered in his head as he ended up sighing as lunch came around making everyone go outside to eat there meal... With Mila joining Jas and her small group of friends "So you can't figure anything out?" Mila asked Jas who signed "Let me see the pages, i'll take part of them in pictures and send them to Nova. If she wants to see the rest then she'll need to come here to see them while saying sorry to you" Mila explained making the group smile as they went to eating their meal.

Chloe was watching from a window, Sabrina was to bring her lunch to her as she glared towards Lila, Jimmy and Milana for keeping Jasmine with the low cast of people "Chloe! I brought your lunch" Sabrina said while running over "Sabrina!" Chloe said while turning to her, Sabrina was setting up Chloe's lunch on the table they were using just as Chloe spoke "I have a plan. And you need to work in it" Chloe said making Sabrina nod while feeling like it would be something very bad for someone.

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