A fox of secrets

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Alya followed Cobra and FaithRaven towards there training location with excitement! What would they teach her? Combat moves? New powers? Perfect a skill for when there was an akuma? The possibilities were endless!! And she was very excited to figure them out "So what are you two going to teach me?" she asked with a smile as they landed on a roof where she noticed wasn't all that far from where Ladybug was training "You hide many secrets, and now you must choose if you will keep them to your grave and suffer from the guilt of keeping them or speak them out" FaithRaven said making her eyes widen.

Rena Rouge was confused about this, secrets? Last time she checked being a superhero is a secret she can't tell anyone about... Even though Nino knew she was Rena Rouge like she knew he is Carapace and all that "Secrets that you hide from your friends and family" Cobra further explained... And this made Alya pale from the news, those secrets were the ones she didn't want anyone to know about at all not even ever!! She shakes her head quickly as she tried her best to figure out a solution to her problem on this to keep it hidden and forgotten.

"Do you know the dangers of keeping them? You could cause major damage to people around you by keeping them for longer then now!" Cobra claimed making Alya shiver in fear "But if I tell them... They would hate me for it" she whispered as FaithRaven sighed from how tired she was of all this happening at the moment when she least wanted it to happen, she had so many secrets and many of them are the ones that NO ONE should know about or something bad might happen that would ruin there friendships for good... And that was the last of her worries at the moment "You just need to sometimes breath and push forward" FaithRaven said making Rena Rouge look at her in slight shock at those words.

Closing her eyes... She thought about all of the secrets she's keeping from so many she knew... These secrets were slowly killing her on the inside and she only wanted it to stop, yet she can't speak up of anything at all so she would need to suffer in silence right now... Maybe forever if she was lucky with all this, she went to her knees without being able to keep herself standing with all the pressure over her shoulders about all of this happening to her now of all times, all she wanted was to train and instead she had to do this!? All she wanted now was to find a rock and die right under it before anyone knew about any of this happening "Maybe I should turn in my miraculous to Ladybug and go home. I mean this is just a waste of my time and i'm not going to be able to so much" she was trying her best to escape the problem before her.

"You can't always run from the darkness! Sometimes you need to turn to it and face it head on with the people who love you" Cobra said making Alya look at the two for a moment as she thought about all of this, they were right and she knew this well... But at what cost? How much was she going to loose when she tells Nino? Marinette? Adrien? All of her friends? Her family? They could hate her and leave her behind as they get someone else to replace her, being left in the dark was not an option "I can't tell them... They'll leave me if I do" she mumbled as she began to cry from the fear of being left alone, Lila knew this feeling well, before she became FaithRaven, she had turned to her lies to get what she wanted without caring about the consequences later on for she always got away from them... And then came Ladybug who told everything right before Adrien to her.

Becoming Volpina was like a chance for her to get what she wanted, but she lost it twice and was then forced to be hated and known as the biggest liar in Paris, she thought she would be all alone after that... And then came LoupHeart who told her a story she would never forget as later on she discovers it was Jasmine from the very start as she was then given the raven miraculous that Jasmine's mother used for evil to become Nightmare Crow, she had promised to never become evil again after what happened and this made her become FaithRaven who worked along side LoupHeart as her partner and she was proud of it, very slowly she crouched down to be at Rena Rouge's eye level "Before I became FaithRaven... I was scared to be alone for the rest of my life... And then she came and gave me my miraculous that changed my life for the better" she began to explain as Alya began to look at her.

"I discovered that to become a hero... It isn't because you wear a mask with a suit, or you get powers from some jewelry or because everyone loves you... But because you do your best to help others to stay safe" she then said as she thought back to when Jas had said that to her... Right when she wanted to return to her the raven miraculous... She believed Jas had given it to the wrong person, but she wrong for thinking so low of herself at the time, so she kept it, Alya slowly stood up and looked at both of them and then she turned to where Ladybug was right now as she then turned back to them and nodded "What do I need to do?" she asked as the two walked over to her and began to explain to her what was best to do first the next day when she would get out and get to school to learn new things like she always did.

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